## Rails 7.1.2 (November 10, 2023) ##
* Fix the `number_to_human_size` view helper to correctly work with negative numbers.
* Automatically discard the implicit locals injected by collection rendering for template that can't accept them
When rendering a collection, two implicit variables are injected, which breaks templates with strict locals.
Now they are only passed if the template will actually accept them.
*Yasha Krasnou*, *Jean Boussier*
* Fix `@rails/ujs` calling `start()` an extra time when using bundlers
*Hartley McGuire*, *Ryunosuke Sato*
* Fix the `capture` view helper compatibility with HAML and Slim
When a blank string was captured in HAML or Slim (and possibly other template engines)
it would instead return the entire buffer.
*Jean Boussier*
## Rails 7.1.1 (October 11, 2023) ##
* Updated `@rails/ujs` files to ignore certain data-* attributes when element is contenteditable.
This fix was already landed in >=, < 7.1.0.
*Ryunosuke Sato*
## Rails 7.1.0 (October 05, 2023) ##
* No changes.
## Rails 7.1.0.rc2 (October 01, 2023) ##
* No changes.
## Rails 7.1.0.rc1 (September 27, 2023) ##
* Introduce `ActionView::TestCase.register_parser`
register_parser :rss, -> rendered { RSS::Parser.parse(rendered) }
test "renders RSS" do
article = Article.create!(title: "Hello, world")
render formats: :rss, partial: article
assert_equal "Hello, world", rendered.rss.items.last.title
By default, register parsers for `:html` and `:json`.
*Sean Doyle*
## Rails 7.1.0.beta1 (September 13, 2023) ##
* Fix `simple_format` with blank `wrapper_tag` option returns plain html tag
By default `simple_format` method returns the text wrapped with `
`. But if we explicitly specify
the `wrapper_tag: nil` in the options, it returns the text wrapped with `<>>` tag.
simple_format("Hello World", {}, { wrapper_tag: nil })
# <>Hello World>
simple_format("Hello World", {}, { wrapper_tag: nil })
Hello World
*Akhil G Krishnan*, *Junichi Ito*
* Don't double-encode nested `field_id` and `field_name` index values
Pass `index: @options` as a default keyword argument to `field_id` and
`field_name` view helper methods.
*Sean Doyle*
* Allow opting in/out of `Link preload` headers when calling `stylesheet_link_tag` or `javascript_include_tag`
# will exclude header, even if setting is enabled:
javascript_include_tag("http://example.com/all.js", preload_links_header: false)
# will include header, even if setting is disabled:
stylesheet_link_tag("http://example.com/all.js", preload_links_header: true)
*Alex Ghiculescu*
* Stop generating `Link preload` headers once it has reached 1KB.
Some proxies have trouble handling large headers, but more importantly preload links
have diminishing returns so it's preferable not to go overboard with them.
If tighter control is needed, it's recommended to disable automatic generation of preloads
and to generate them manually from the controller or from a middleware.
*Jean Boussier*
* `simple_format` helper now handles a `:sanitize_options` - any extra options you want appending to the sanitize.
# => "
*Andrei Andriichuk*
* Add support for HTML5 standards-compliant sanitizers, and default to `Rails::HTML5::Sanitizer`
in the Rails 7.1 configuration if it is supported.
Action View's HTML sanitizers can be configured by setting
`config.action_view.sanitizer_vendor`. Supported values are `Rails::HTML4::Sanitizer` or
The Rails 7.1 configuration will set this to `Rails::HTML5::Sanitizer` when it is supported, and
fall back to `Rails::HTML4::Sanitizer`. Previous configurations default to
*Mike Dalessio*
* `config.dom_testing_default_html_version` controls the HTML parser used by
`ActionView::TestCase#document_root_element`, which creates the DOM used by the assertions in
The Rails 7.1 default configuration opts into the HTML5 parser when it is supported, to better
represent what the DOM would be in a browser user agent. Previously this test helper always used
Nokogiri's HTML4 parser.
*Mike Dalessio*
* Add support for the HTML picture tag. It supports passing a String, an Array or a Block.
Supports passing properties directly to the img tag via the `:image` key.
Since the picture tag requires an img tag, the last element you provide will be used for the img tag.
For complete control over the picture tag, a block can be passed, which will populate the contents of the tag accordingly.
Can be used like this for a single source:
<%= picture_tag("picture.webp") %>
which will generate the following:
For multiple sources:
<%= picture_tag("picture.webp", "picture.png", :class => "mt-2", :image => { alt: "Image", class: "responsive-img" }) %>
will generate:
Full control via a block:
<%= picture_tag(:class => "my-class") do %>
<%= tag(:source, :srcset => image_path("picture.webp")) %>
<%= tag(:source, :srcset => image_path("picture.png")) %>
<%= image_tag("picture.png", :alt => "Image") %>
<% end %>
will generate:
*Juan Pablo Balarini*
* Remove deprecated support to passing instance variables as locals to partials.
*Rafael Mendonça França*
* Remove deprecated constant `ActionView::Path`.
*Rafael Mendonça França*
* Guard `token_list` calls from escaping HTML too often
*Sean Doyle*
* `select` can now be called with a single hash containing options and some HTML options
Previously this would not work as expected:
<%= select :post, :author, authors, required: true %>
Instead you needed to do this:
<%= select :post, :author, authors, {}, required: true %>
Now, either form is accepted, for the following HTML attributes: `required`, `multiple`, `size`.
*Alex Ghiculescu*
* Datetime form helpers (`time_field`, `date_field`, `datetime_field`, `week_field`, `month_field`) now accept an instance of Time/Date/DateTime as `:value` option.
<%= form.datetime_field :written_at, value: Time.current.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%T") %>
<%= form.datetime_field :written_at, value: Time.current %>
*Andrey Samsonov*
* Choices of `select` can optionally contain html attributes as the last element
of the child arrays when using grouped/nested collections
<%= form.select :foo, [["North America", [["United States","US"],["Canada","CA"]], { disabled: "disabled" }]] %>
# =>
*Chris Gunther*
* `check_box_tag` and `radio_button_tag` now accept `checked` as a keyword argument
This is to make the API more consistent with the `FormHelper` variants. You can now
provide `checked` as a positional or keyword argument:
= check_box_tag "admin", "1", false
= check_box_tag "admin", "1", checked: false
= radio_button_tag 'favorite_color', 'maroon', false
= radio_button_tag 'favorite_color', 'maroon', checked: false
*Alex Ghiculescu*
* Allow passing a class to `dom_id`.
You no longer need to call `new` when passing a class to `dom_id`.
This makes `dom_id` behave like `dom_class` in this regard.
Apart from saving a few keystrokes, it prevents Ruby from needing
to instantiate a whole new object just to generate a string.
dom_id(Post) # => NoMethodError: undefined method `to_key' for Post:Class
dom_id(Post) # => "new_post"
*Goulven Champenois*
* Report `:locals` as part of the data returned by ActionView render instrumentation.
identifier: "/Users/adam/projects/notifications/app/views/posts/index.html.erb",
layout: "layouts/application"
identifier: "/Users/adam/projects/notifications/app/views/posts/index.html.erb",
layout: "layouts/application",
locals: {foo: "bar"}
*Aaron Gough*
* Strip `break_sequence` at the end of `word_wrap`.
This fixes a bug where `word_wrap` didn't properly strip off break sequences that had printable characters.
For example, compare the outputs of this template:
# <%= word_wrap("11 22\n33 44", line_width: 2, break_sequence: "\n# ") %>
# 11
# 22
# 33
# 44
# 11
# 22
# 33
# 44
*Max Chernyak*
* Allow templates to set strict `locals`.
By default, templates will accept any `locals` as keyword arguments. To define what `locals` a template accepts, add a `locals` magic comment:
<%# locals: (message:) -%>
<%= message %>
Default values can also be provided:
<%# locals: (message: "Hello, world!") -%>
<%= message %>
Or `locals` can be disabled entirely:
<%# locals: () %>
*Joel Hawksley*
* Add `include_seconds` option for `datetime_local_field`
This allows to omit seconds part in the input field, by passing `include_seconds: false`
*Wojciech Wnętrzak*
* Guard against `ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper#field_name` calls with nil
`object_name` arguments. For example:
<%= fields do |f| %>
<%= f.field_name :body %>
<% end %>
*Sean Doyle*
* Strings returned from `strip_tags` are correctly tagged `html_safe?`
Because these strings contain no HTML elements and the basic entities are escaped, they are safe
to be included as-is as PCDATA in HTML content. Tagging them as html-safe avoids double-escaping
entities when being concatenated to a SafeBuffer during rendering.
Fixes [rails/rails-html-sanitizer#124](https://github.com/rails/rails-html-sanitizer/issues/124)
*Mike Dalessio*
* Move `convert_to_model` call from `form_for` into `form_with`
Now that `form_for` is implemented in terms of `form_with`, remove the
`convert_to_model` call from `form_for`.
*Sean Doyle*
* Fix and add protections for XSS in `ActionView::Helpers` and `ERB::Util`.
Escape dangerous characters in names of tags and names of attributes in the
tag helpers, following the XML specification. Rename the option
`:escape_attributes` to `:escape`, to simplify by applying the option to the
whole tag.
*Álvaro Martín Fraguas*
* Extend audio_tag and video_tag to accept Active Storage attachments.
Now it's possible to write
Instead of
`image_tag` already supported that, so this follows the same pattern.
*Matheus Richard*
* Ensure models passed to `form_for` attempt to call `to_model`.
*Sean Doyle*
Please check [7-0-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/7-0-stable/actionview/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.