module Workarea class Content class BlockType include AssetLookup # @return [String] admin-facing name of the block type. attr_reader :name # @return [Array<Workarea::Content::Fieldset>] list of fieldsets attr_reader :fieldsets # @return [String] miscellaneous configuration specified in the DSL attr_reader :config # Find a {Workarea::Content::BlockType} by its id (which should be a # symbol). # # @param [Symbol] # @return [Workarea::Content::BlockType, nil] # def self.find(id) Workarea.config.content_block_types.detect { |bt| == id } end def initialize(name) @name = name @fieldsets = [] @config = {} end # The unique identifier for this block type. Used to determine which # partial to render for this block type and which view model to try to # use. It is based on the block type's name. # # @return [Symbol] # def id name.to_s.systemize.to_sym end alias_method :slug, :id # Get a path to an icon to show to represent the block type to the admin # user when selecting block types. Based on the name by default, can be # specified in the content block DSL. # # @return [String] # def icon(value = nil) @icon = value.presence || @icon.presence || "workarea/admin/content_block_types/#{name.systemize}.svg" end # A short description to describe the block type to the admin user when # selecting a block type. # # @return [String] # def description(value = nil) @description = value.presence || @description.presence || name end # Tags are used to filter block types for admin users when selecting which # type they'd like for the new block. # # @return [Array<String>] # def tags(value = nil) @tags = value.presence || @tags.presence || [] end # The string representing the view model class to be used to render this # content block type. This value will get constantized when rendering to # get the class constant. # # @return [String] # def view_model(value = nil) @view_model = value.presence || @view_model.presence || "Workarea::Storefront::ContentBlocks::#{slug.to_s.camelize}ViewModel" end # Define a fieldset on the block type. The block will be evaluated in the # {Workarea::Content::Fieldset} to provide the DSL. See more info on the # block type DSL at {Workarea.define_content_block_types}. # # @param name [String] # @yield evaluated in the {Workarea::Content::Fieldset} for DSL # def fieldset(name, replaces: nil, &block) remove_fieldset(replaces) if replaces.present? fieldset = find_or_initialize_fieldset(name) fieldset.instance_eval(&block) end # Remove a previously-defined fieldset on the block type. Used by # the {replaces:} option in {fieldset} to remove a fieldset prior # to creating a new one with the new name in its place. # # @param name [String] # def remove_fieldset(name) @fieldsets.reject! { |fieldset| == name } end # A series allows multiple instances of the same fields in a group. This # can be useful when you want to reuse the same fields multiple times in # the content block, like image groups or multiple-column blocks. # # Each member of the series corresponds to a fieldset and a view model # that will be instanciated for that instance. # # Each block type can only have one series. # # @param size [Integer] # @yield evaluated in the {Workarea::Content::Fieldset} for DSL # def series(size = @series, &block) @series = size 1.upto(@series.to_i).map do |i| fieldset = find_or_initialize_fieldset(i.ordinalize) fieldset.field_suffix = " #{i}" fieldset.instance_eval(&block) if block_given? fieldset end end # Define a {Workarea::Content::Field} on this block type. Given that this # is being declared without a {Workarea::Content::Fieldset}, this will be # added to a default {Workarea::Content::Fieldset} called 'Settings'. See # more info on the block type DSL at {Workarea.define_content_block_types} # # @param name [String] # @param type [Symbol] a slug version of a {Workarea::Content::Field} subclass # @param options [Hash] # def field(name, type, options = {}) settings = find_or_initialize_fieldset('Settings') settings.field(name, type, options) end # All fields that belong to this block type. # # @return [Array<Workarea::Content::Field>] # def fields || [] end # The default values for this block type's fields in a hash of the form # :field_slug => 'field default value' # # @return [Hash] # def defaults fields.reduce({}) do |memo, field| memo[field.slug] = field.default memo end end # Passes data through the typecasting system provided by # {Workarea::Content::Field}. Values on the hash get converted by the # correlating {Workarea::Content::Field}. # # @param data [Hash] hash of data to be converted # # @return [Hash] # def typecast!(data) data.deep_dup.tap do |hash| fields.each do |field| hash[field.slug.to_s] = field.typecast(hash[field.slug.to_s]) end end end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) @config[name] = args.first end private def find_or_initialize_fieldset(name) existing = @fieldsets.detect { |f| == name } return existing if existing.present? @fieldsets << @fieldsets.last end end end end