require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/tag_helpers"
module Merb
# Merb helpers include several helpers used for simplifying view creation.
# The available helpers currently include form tag helpers for both resource based and generic HTML form tag creation
module Helpers
# Provides a number of methods for creating form tags which may be used either with or without the presence of ORM specific models.
# There are two types of form helpers: those that specifically work with model attributes and those that don't.
# This helper deals with both model attributes and generic form tags. Model attributes generally end in "_control" such as +text_control+,
# and generic tags end with "_field", such as +text_field+
# The core method of this helper, +form_for+, gives you the ability to create a form for a resource.
# For example, let's say that you have a model Person and want to create a new instance of it:
# <% form_for :person, :action => url(:people) do %>
# <%= text_control :first_name, :label => 'First Name' %>
# <%= text_control :last_name, :label => 'Last Name' %>
# <%= submit_button 'Create' %>
# <% end %>
# The HTML generated for this would be:
# You may also create a normal form using form_tag
# <% form_tag(:action => url(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => 1)) do %>
# <%= text_field :name => 'first_name', :label => 'First Name' %>
# <%= submit_button 'Create' %>
# <% end %>
# The HTML generated for this would be:
module Form
# Provides a HTML formatted display of resource errors in an unordered list with a h2 form submission error
# ==== Options
# +build_li+:: Block for generating a list item for an error. It receives an instance of the error.
# +html_class+:: Set for custom error div class default is submission_failed
# ==== Examples
# <%= error_messages_for :person %>
# <%= error_messages_for :person {|errors| "You can has probs nao: #{errors.size} of em!"}
# <%= error_messages_for :person, lambda{|error| "
def obj_from_ivar_or_sym(obj)
obj.is_a?(Symbol) ? instance_variable_get("@#{obj}") : obj
# Generates a form tag, which accepts a block that is not directly based on resource attributes
# <% form_tag(:action => url(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => 1)) do %>
# <%= text_field :name => 'first_name', :label => 'First Name' %>
# <%= submit_button 'Create' %>
# <% end %>
# The HTML generated for this would be:
def form_tag(attrs = {}, &block)
fake_form_method = set_form_method(attrs)
concat(open_tag("form", attrs), block.binding)
concat(generate_fake_form_method(fake_form_method), block.binding) if fake_form_method
concat(capture(&block), block.binding)
concat("", block.binding)
# Generates a resource specific form tag which accepts a block, this also provides automatic resource routing.
# <% form_for :person, :action => url(:people) do %>
# <%= text_control :first_name, :label => 'First Name' %>
# <%= text_control :last_name, :label => 'Last Name' %>
# <%= submit_button 'Create' %>
# <% end %>
# The HTML generated for this would be:
def form_for(obj, attrs={}, &block)
obj = obj_from_ivar_or_sym(obj)
fake_form_method = set_form_method(attrs, obj)
concat(open_tag("form", attrs), block.binding)
concat(generate_fake_form_method(fake_form_method), block.binding) if fake_form_method
fields_for(obj, attrs, &block)
concat("", block.binding)
# Creates a scope around a specific resource object like form_for, but doesnt create the form tags themselves.
# This makes fields_for suitable for specifying additional resource objects in the same form.
# ==== Examples
# <% form_for :person, :action => url(:people) do %>
# <%= text_control :first_name, :label => 'First Name' %>
# <%= text_control :last_name, :label => 'Last Name' %>
# <% fields_for :permission do %>
# <%= checkbox_control :is_admin, :label => 'Administrator' %>
# <% end %>
# <%= submit_button 'Create' %>
# <% end %>
def fields_for(obj, attrs=nil, &block)
@_obj ||= nil
@_block ||= nil
@_object_name ||= nil
obj = obj_from_ivar_or_sym(obj)
old_obj, @_obj = @_obj, obj
old_block, @_block = @_block, block
old_object_name, @_object_name = @_object_name, "#{@_obj.class}".snake_case
concat(capture(&block), block.binding)
@_obj, @_block, @_object_name = old_obj, old_block, old_object_name
def control_name(col)
def control_id(col)
def control_value(col)
def control_name_value(col, attrs)
{:name => control_name(col), :value => control_value(col)}.merge(attrs)
# Provides a HTML text input tag based on a resource attribute.
# ==== Example
# <% form_for :person, :action => url(:people) do %>
# <%= text_control :first_name, :label => 'First Name' %>
# <% end %>
def text_control(col, attrs = {})
errorify_field(attrs, col)
attrs.merge!(:id => control_id(col))
text_field(control_name_value(col, attrs))
# Provides a generic HTML text input tag.
# Provides a HTML text input tag based on a resource attribute.
# ==== Example
# <%= text_field :name => :fav_color, :label => 'Your Favorite Color' %>
# # =>
def text_field(attrs = {})
attrs.merge!(:type => "text")
optional_label(attrs) { self_closing_tag("input", attrs) }
# Provides a HTML password input based on a resource attribute.
# This is generally used within a resource block such as +form_for+.
# ==== Example
# <%= password_control :password, :label => 'New Password' %>
def password_control(col, attrs = {})
attrs.merge!(:name => control_name(col), :id => control_id(col))
errorify_field(attrs, col)
password_field({:name => control_name(col)}.merge(attrs))
# Provides a generic HTML password input tag.
# ==== Example
# <%= password_field :name => :password, :label => "Password" %>
# # =>
def password_field(attrs = {})
attrs.merge!(:type => 'password')
optional_label(attrs) { self_closing_tag("input", attrs) }
# translate column values from the db to boolean
# nil, false, 0 and '0' are false. All others are true
def col_val_to_bool(val)
!(val == "0" || val == 0 || !val)
private :col_val_to_bool
# Provides a HTML checkbox input based on a resource attribute.
# This is generally used within a resource block such as +form_for+.
# ==== Example
# <%= checkbox_control :is_activated, :label => "Activated?" %>
def checkbox_control(col, attrs = {}, hidden_attrs={})
errorify_field(attrs, col)
method_name = @_obj.respond_to?(col) ? col : :"#{col}?"
attrs.merge!(:checked => "checked") if col_val_to_bool(@_obj.send(method_name))
attrs.merge!(:id => control_id(col))
attrs = {:name => control_name(col), :value => control_value(method_name)}.merge(attrs)
checkbox_field(attrs, hidden_attrs)
# Provides a generic HTML checkbox input tag.
# There are two ways this tag can be generated, based on the
# option :boolean. If not set to true, a "magic" input is generated.
# Otherwise, an input is created that can be easily used for passing
# an array of values to the application.
# ==== Example
# <% checkbox_field :name => "is_activated", :value => "1" %>
# <% checkbox_field :name => "choices[]", :boolean => false, :value => "dog" %>
# <% checkbox_field :name => "choices[]", :boolean => false, :value => "cat" %>
# <% checkbox_field :name => "choices[]", :boolean => false, :value => "weasle" %>
def checkbox_field(attrs = {}, hidden_attrs={})
boolbox = true
boolbox = false if ( attrs.has_key?(:boolean) and !attrs[:boolean] )
if( boolbox )
on = attrs.delete(:on) || 1
off = attrs.delete(:off) || 0
attrs[:value] = on if ( (v = attrs[:value]).nil? || v != "" )
# HTML-escape the value attribute
attrs[:value] = escape_xml( attrs[:value] )
attrs.merge!(:type => :checkbox)
(boolbox ? hidden_field({:name => attrs[:name], :value => off}.merge(hidden_attrs)) : '') + optional_label(attrs){self_closing_tag("input", attrs)}
# Returns a hidden input tag tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by +col+) on an object
# resource within a +form_for+ resource block. Additional options on the input tag can be passed as a
# hash with +attrs+. These options will be tagged onto the HTML as an HTML element attribute as in the example
# shown.
# ==== Example
# <%= hidden_control :identifier %>
# # =>
def hidden_control(col, attrs = {})
errorify_field(attrs, col)
attrs[:class] ||= "hidden"
hidden_field(control_name_value(col, attrs))
# Provides a generic HTML hidden input field.
# ==== Example
# <%= hidden_field :name => "secret", :value => "some secret value" %>
def hidden_field(attrs = {})
attrs.merge!(:type => :hidden)
self_closing_tag("input", attrs)
# Provides a HTML radio input tag based on a resource attribute.
# ==== Example
# <% form_for :person, :action => url(:people) do %>
# <%= radio_control :first_name %>
# <% end %>
def radio_control(col, attrs = {})
errorify_field(attrs, col)
attrs.merge!(:id => control_id(col))
val = @_obj.send(col)
attrs.merge!(:checked => "checked") if val.to_s == attrs[:value]
optional_label(attrs) { radio_field(control_name_value(col, attrs)) }
# Provides a radio group based on a resource attribute.
# This is generally used within a resource block such as +form_for+.
# ==== Examples
# <%# the labels are the options %>
# <%= radio_group_control :my_choice, [5,6,7] %>
# <%# custom labels %>
# <%= radio_group_control :my_choice, [{:value => 5, :label => "five"}] %>
def radio_group_control(col, options = [], attrs = {})
errorify_field(attrs, col)
val = @_obj.send(col)
ret = ""
options.each do |opt|
value, label = opt.is_a?(Hash) ? [opt.delete(:value), opt.delete(:label)] : [opt, opt]
hash = {:name => "#{@_object_name}[#{col}]", :value => value, :label => label, :id => "#{control_id(col)}_#{value}" }
hash.merge!(opt) if opt.is_a?(Hash)
hash.merge!(:checked => "checked") if val.to_s == value.to_s
ret << radio_field(hash)
# Provides a generic HTML radio input tag.
# Normally, you would use multipe +radio_field+.
# ==== Example
# <%= radio_field :name => "radio_options", :value => "1", :label => "One" %>
# <%= radio_field :name => "radio_options", :value => "2", :label => "Two" %>
# <%= radio_field :name => "radio_options", :value => "3", :label => "Three", :checked => true %>
def radio_field(attrs = {})
attrs.merge!(:type => "radio")
attrs.delete(:checked) unless attrs[:checked]
optional_label(attrs){self_closing_tag("input", attrs)}
# Provides a HTML textarea based on a resource attribute
# This is generally used within a resource block such as +form_for+
# ==== Example
# <% text_area_control :comments, :label => "Comments"
def text_area_control(col, attrs = {})
attrs ||= {}
errorify_field(attrs, col)
attrs.merge!(:id => control_id(col))
text_area_field(control_value(col), attrs.merge(:name => control_name(col)))
# Provides a generic HTML textarea tag.
# ==== Example
# <% text_area_field "my comments", :name => "comments", :label => "Comments" %>
def text_area_field(val, attrs = {})
val ||=""
optional_label(attrs) do
open_tag("textarea", attrs) +
val +
# Provides a generic HTML submit button.
# ==== Example
# <% submit_button "Process" %>
def submit_button(contents, attrs = {})
contents ||= "Submit"
attrs.merge!(:type => "submit")
tag("button", contents, attrs)
# Provides a generic HTML label.
# ==== Example
# <% label "Name", "", :for => "name" %>
# # =>
def label(name, contents = "", attrs = {})
tag("label", name.to_s + contents, attrs)
# Provides a generic HTML select.
# ==== Options
# +prompt+:: Adds an additional option tag with the provided string with no value.
# +selected+:: The value of a selected object, which may be either a string or an array.
# +include_blank+:: Adds an additional blank option tag with no value.
# +collection+:: The collection for the select options
# +text_method+:: Method to determine text of an option (as a symbol). Ex: :text_method => :name will call .name on your record object for what text to display.
# +value_method+:: Method to determine value of an option (as a symbol).
def select_field(attrs = {})
collection = attrs.delete(:collection)
option_attrs = {
:prompt => attrs.delete(:prompt),
:selected => attrs.delete(:selected),
:include_blank => attrs.delete(:include_blank),
:text_method => attrs.delete(:text_method),
:value_method => attrs.delete(:value_method)
optional_label(attrs) { open_tag('select', attrs) + options_from_collection_for_select(collection, option_attrs) + ""}
# Provides a HTML select based on a resource attribute.
# This is generally used within a resource block such as +form_for+.
# ==== Example
# <% select_control :name, :collection => %w(one two three four) %>
def select_control(col, attrs = {})
attrs.merge!(:name => attrs[:name] || control_name(col))
attrs.merge!(:id => attrs[:id] || control_id(col))
attrs.merge!(:selected => attrs[:selected] || control_value(col))
errorify_field(attrs, col)
optional_label(attrs) { select_field(attrs) }
# Accepts a collection (hash, array, enumerable, your type) and returns a string of option tags.
# Given a collection where the elements respond to first and last (such as a two-element array),
# the "lasts" serve as option values and the "firsts" as option text. Hashes are turned into
# this form automatically, so the keys become "firsts" and values become lasts. If selected is
# specified, the matching "last" or element will get the selected option-tag. Selected may also
# be an array of values to be selected when using a multiple select.
# ==== Examples
# <%= options_for_select( [['apple','Apple Pie'],['orange','Orange Juice']], :selected => 'orange' )
# =>
# <%= options_for_select( [['apple','Apple Pie'],['orange','Orange Juice']], :selected => ['orange','apple'], :prompt => 'Select One' )
# =>
# ==== Options
# +selected+:: The value of a selected object, which may be either a string or an array.
# +prompt+:: Adds an addtional option tag with the provided string with no value.
# +include_blank+:: Adds an additional blank option tag with no value.
def options_for_select(collection, attrs = {})
prompt = attrs.delete(:prompt)
blank = attrs.delete(:include_blank)
selected = attrs.delete(:selected)
ret =
ret << tag('option', prompt, :value => '') if prompt
ret << tag("option", '', :value => '') if blank
unless collection.blank?
if collection.is_a?(Hash)
collection.each do |label,group|
ret << open_tag("optgroup", :label => label.to_s.gsub(/\b[a-z]/) {|x| x.upcase}) +
options_for_select(group, :selected => selected) + ""
collection.each do |value,text|
options = Array(selected).include?(value) ? {:selected => 'selected'} : {}
ret << tag( 'option', text, {:value => value}.merge(options) )
return ret
# Returns a string of option tags that have been compiled by iterating over the collection and
# assigning the the result of a call to the value_method as the option value and the text_method
# as the option text. If selected_value is specified, the element returning a match on
# the value_method option will get the selected option tag.
# This method also also supports the automatic generation of optgroup tags by using a hash.
# ==== Examples
# If we had a collection of people within a @project object, and want to use 'id' as the value, and 'name'
# as the option content we could do something similar to this;
# <%= options_from_collection_for_select(@project.people, :value_method => "id", :text_method => "name") %>
# The iteration of the collection would create options in this manner;
# =>
# <% @people = Person.find(:all).group_by( &:state )
# <%= options_for_select(@people, :text_method => 'full_name', :value_method => 'id', :selected => 3) %>
# =>
# => "
return ret
text_method = attrs[:text_method]
value_method = attrs[:value_method]
selected_value = attrs[:selected]
text_method ||= :to_s
value_method ||= text_method
options_for_select((collection || []).inject([]) { |options, object|
options << [ object.send(value_method), object.send(text_method) ] },
:selected => selected_value, :include_blank => blank, :prompt => prompt
# Provides the ability to create quick fieldsets as blocks for your forms.
# ==== Example
# <% fieldset :legend => 'Customer Options' do -%>
# ...your form elements
# <% end -%>
# =>
# ==== Options
# +legend+:: The name of this fieldset which will be provided in a HTML legend tag.
def fieldset(attrs={}, &block)
legend = attrs.delete(:legend)
concat( open_tag('fieldset', attrs), block.binding )
concat( tag('legend', legend), block.binding ) if legend
concat(capture(&block), block.binding)
concat( "", block.binding)
# Provides a HTML file input for a resource attribute.
# This is generally used within a resource block such as +form_for+.
# ==== Example
# <% file_control :file, :label => "File" %>
def file_control(col, attrs = {})
errorify_field(attrs, col)
file_field(control_name_value(col, attrs))
# Provides a HTML file input
# ==== Example
# <% file_field :name => "file", :label => "File" %>
def file_field(attrs = {})
attrs.merge!(:type => "file")
optional_label(attrs) { self_closing_tag("input", attrs) }
def submit_field(attrs = {})
attrs.merge!(:type => :submit)
attrs[:name] ||= "submit"
self_closing_tag("input", attrs)
# Generates a delete button inside of a form.
# <%= delete_button :news_post, @news_post, 'Remove' %>
# <%= delete_button('/posts/24/comments/10') %>
# The HTML generated for this would be:
def delete_button(symbol_or_string, obj = nil, contents = 'Delete', form_attrs = {}, button_attrs = {})
obj ||= instance_variable_get("@#{symbol_or_string}") if symbol_or_string.kind_of?(Symbol)
button_attrs[:type] = :submit
form_attrs.merge! :action => symbol_or_string.kind_of?(Symbol) ? url(symbol_or_string, obj) : symbol_or_string, :method => :delete
fake_form_method = set_form_method(form_attrs, obj)
button = ''
button << open_tag(:form, form_attrs)
button << generate_fake_form_method(fake_form_method)
button << tag(:button, contents, button_attrs)
button << ''
# Fake out the browser to send back the method for RESTful stuff.
# Fall silently back to post if a method is given that is not supported here
def set_form_method(options = {}, obj = nil)
options[:method] ||= ((obj && obj.respond_to?(:new_record?) && !obj.new_record?) ? :put : :post)
if ![:get,:post].include?(options[:method])
fake_form_method = options[:method] if [:put, :delete].include?(options[:method])
options[:method] = :post
def generate_fake_form_method(fake_form_method)
fake_form_method ? hidden_field(:name => "_method", :value => "#{fake_form_method}") : ""
def optional_label(attrs = {})
label = attrs.delete(:label) if attrs
if label
title = label.is_a?(Hash) ? label.delete(:title) : label
named = attrs[:id].blank? ? {} : {:for => attrs[:id]}
align = label.delete(:align) if label.is_a?(Hash)
align ||= ['radio', 'checkbox'].include?(attrs[:type].to_s) ? :right : :left
label_tag = label(title, '', label.is_a?(Hash) ? label.merge(named) : named)
if align && align.to_sym == :right
yield + label_tag
label_tag + yield
def errorify_field(attrs, col)
attrs.add_html_class!("error") if @_obj.respond_to?(:errors) && @_obj.errors.on(col)
def set_multipart_attribute!(attrs = {})
attrs.merge!( :enctype => "multipart/form-data" ) if attrs.delete(:multipart)
class Merb::Controller
include Merb::Helpers::Form