#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'test/unit' # require 'rubygems' # require 'ruby-debug'; Debugger.start # Test finish command class TestFinish < Test::Unit::TestCase @@src_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) unless defined?(@@src_dir) require File.join(@@src_dir, 'helper') include TestHelper def test_basic testname='finish' # Ruby 1.8.6 and earlier have a trace-line number bug for return # statements. # filter = Proc.new{|got_lines, correct_lines| # [got_lines[31], got_lines[34]].flatten.each do |s| # s.sub!(/gcd.rb:\d+/, 'gcd.rb:13') # end # got_lines[32] = 'return a' # } Dir.chdir(@@src_dir) do script = File.join('data', testname + '.cmd') assert_equal(true, run_debugger(testname, "--script #{script} -- gcd.rb 3 5", nil, nil)) end end end