require 'spec_helper' describe "Tabulatrs" do do |collection| !~ /system/ end.each(&:drop) names = ["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipisicing", "elit", "sed", "eiusmod", "tempor", "incididunt", "labore", "dolore", "magna", "aliqua", "enim", "minim", "veniam,", "quis", "nostrud", "exercitation", "ullamco", "laboris", "nisi", "aliquip", "commodo", "consequat", "duis", "aute", "irure", "reprehenderit", "voluptate", "velit", "esse", "cillum", "fugiat", "nulla", "pariatur", "excepteur", "sint", "occaecat", "cupidatat", "non", "proident", "sunt", "culpa", "qui", "officia", "deserunt", "mollit", "anim", "est", "laborum"] # control which tests to run. Just to spped testing up tralse = true # General stuf WORKS_IN_GENERAL = CONTAINS_BUTTONS = CONTAINS_COLUMN_HEADERS = CONTAINS_OTHER_CONTROLS = tralse # This fills in the data, so rather not cmment this out CONTAINS_ACTUAL_DATA = CONTAINS_ASSOC_DATA = CONTAINS_ACTUAL_DATA_MULTIPLE = CONTAINS_DATA_ON_FURTHER_PAGES = tralse # Paginatione PAGES_UP_AND_DOWN = JUMPS_TO_CORRECT_PAGE = CHANGES_PAGE_SIZE = tralse # Filters FILTERS = FILTERS_WITH_LIKE = FILTERS_WITH_RANGE = tralse # Sorting KNOWS_HOW_TO_SORT = tralse # Statful SORTS_STATEFULLY = FILTERS_STATEFULLY = SELECTS_STATEFULLY = tralse # selecting and batch actions SELECT_BUTTONS_WORK = KNOWS_HOW_TO_SELECT_AND_APPLY_BATCH_ACTIONS = tralse vendor1 = Vendor.create!(:name => "ven d'or", :active => true) vendor2 = Vendor.create!(:name => 'producer', :active => true) tag1 = Tag.create!(:title => 'foo') tag2 = Tag.create!(:title => 'bar') tag3 = Tag.create!(:title => 'fubar') ids = [] describe "General data" do it "works in general" do get index_simple_products_path response.status.should be(200) end if WORKS_IN_GENERAL it "contains buttons" do visit index_simple_products_path [:submit_label, :select_all_label, :select_none_label, :select_visible_label, :unselect_visible_label, :select_filtered_label, :unselect_filtered_label ].each do |n| page.should have_button(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[n]) end page.should_not have_button(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:reset_label]) end if CONTAINS_BUTTONS it "contains column headers" do visit index_simple_products_path ['Id','Title','Price','Active','Created At','Vendor Created At','Vendor Name','Tags Title','Tags Count'].each do |n| page.should have_content(n) end end if CONTAINS_COLUMN_HEADERS it "contains other elements" do visit index_simple_products_path page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 0, 0, 0, 0)) end if CONTAINS_OTHER_CONTROLS it "contains the actual data" do product = Product.create!(:title => names[0], :active => true, :price => 10.0, :description => 'blah blah') visit index_simple_products_path page.should have_content(names[0]) page.should have_content("true") page.should have_content("10.0") page.should have_content("--0--") #save_and_open_page page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 1, 1, 0, 1)) product.vendor = vendor1! ids << visit index_simple_products_path page.should have_content("ven d'or") end if CONTAINS_ACTUAL_DATA it "correctly contains the association data" do product = Product.first [tag1, tag2, tag3].each_with_index do |tag, i| product.tags << tag visit index_simple_products_path page.should have_content tag.title page.should have_content(sprintf("--%d--", i+1)) end end if CONTAINS_ASSOC_DATA it "contains the actual data multiple" do 9.times do |i| product = Product.create!(:title => names[i+1], :active => i.even?, :price => 11.0+i, :description => "blah blah #{i}", :vendor => i.even? ? vendor1 : vendor2) ids << visit index_simple_products_path page.should have_content(names[i]) page.should have_content((11.0+i).to_s) page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], i+2, i+2, 0, i+2)) end end if CONTAINS_ACTUAL_DATA_MULTIPLE it "contains row identifiers" do visit index_simple_products_path Product.all.each do |product| page.should have_css("#product_#{}") end end if CONTAINS_ACTUAL_DATA it "contains the further data on the further pages" do names[10..-1].each_with_index do |n,i| product = Product.create!(:title => n, :active => i.even?, :price => 20.0+i, :description => "blah blah #{i}", :vendor => i.even? ? vendor1 : vendor2) ids << visit index_simple_products_path page.should_not have_content(n) page.should_not have_content((30.0+i).to_s) page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, i+11, 0, i+11)) end end if CONTAINS_DATA_ON_FURTHER_PAGES end describe "Pagination" do it "pages up and down" do visit index_simple_products_path k = 1+names.length/10 k.times do |i| ((i*10)...[names.length, ((i+1)*10)].min).each do |j| page.should have_content(names[j]) end if i==0 page.should have_no_button('product_pagination_page_left') else page.should have_button('product_pagination_page_left') end if i==k-1 page.should have_no_button('product_pagination_page_right') else page.should have_button('product_pagination_page_right') click_button('product_pagination_page_right') end end # ...and down k.times do |ii| i = k-ii-1 ((i*10)...[names.length, ((i+1)*10)].min).each do |j| page.should have_content(names[j]) end if i==k-1 page.should have_no_button('product_pagination_page_right') else page.should have_button('product_pagination_page_right') end if i==0 page.should have_no_button('product_pagination_page_left') else page.should have_button('product_pagination_page_left') click_button('product_pagination_page_left') end end end if PAGES_UP_AND_DOWN it "jumps to the correct page" do visit index_simple_products_path k = 1+names.length/10 l = (1..k).entries.shuffle l.each do |ii| i = ii-1 fill_in("product_pagination[page]", :with => ii.to_s) click_button("Apply") ((i*10)...[names.length, ((i+1)*10)].min).each do |j| page.should have_content(names[j]) end if i==0 page.should have_no_button('product_pagination_page_left') else page.should have_button('product_pagination_page_left') end if i==k-1 page.should have_no_button('product_pagination_page_right') else page.should have_button('product_pagination_page_right') end end end if JUMPS_TO_CORRECT_PAGE it "changes the page size" do visit index_simple_products_path [50,20,10].each do |s| select s.to_s, :from => "product_pagination[pagesize]" click_button "Apply" s.times do |i| page.should have_content(names[i]) end page.should_not have_content(names[s]) end end if CHANGES_PAGE_SIZE end describe "Filters" do it "filters" do visit index_simple_products_path #save_and_open_page fill_in("product_filter[title]", :with => "lorem") click_button("Apply") page.should have_content("lorem") page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 1, names.length, 0, 1)) fill_in("product_filter[title]", :with => "loreem") click_button("Apply") page.should_not have_content("lorem") page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 0, names.length, 0, 0)) end if FILTERS it "filters with like" do visit index_filters_products_path %w{a o lo lorem}.each do |str| fill_in("product_filter[title][like]", :with => str) click_button("Apply") page.should have_content(str) tot = ( do |s| s.match end).length #save_and_open_page page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], [10,tot].min, names.length, 0, tot)) end end if FILTERS_WITH_LIKE it "filters with range" do visit index_filters_products_path n = names.length (0..n/2).each do |i| fill_in("product_filter[price][from]", :with => (10+i).to_s) fill_in("product_filter[price][to]", :with => "") click_button("Apply") tot = n-i #save_and_open_page page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], [10,tot].min, n, 0, tot)) fill_in("product_filter[price][to]", :with => (10+i).to_s) fill_in("product_filter[price][from]", :with => "") click_button("Apply") tot = i+1 #save_and_open_page page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], [10,tot].min, n, 0, tot)) fill_in("product_filter[price][from]", :with => (10+i).to_s) fill_in("product_filter[price][to]", :with => (10+n-i-1).to_s) click_button("Apply") tot = n-i*2 page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], [10,tot].min, n, 0, tot)) end end if FILTERS_WITH_RANGE end describe "Sorting" do it "knows how to sort" do visit index_sort_products_path # save_and_open_page (1..10).each do |i| page.should have_content names[-i] end click_button("product_sort_title_desc") snames = names.sort (1..10).each do |i| page.should have_content snames[-i] end click_button("product_sort_title_asc") (1..10).each do |i| page.should have_content snames[i-1] end end if KNOWS_HOW_TO_SORT end describe "statefulness" do it "sorts statefully" do visit index_stateful_products_path click_button("product_sort_title_desc") snames = names.sort (1..10).each do |i| page.should have_content snames[-i] end visit index_stateful_products_path (1..10).each do |i| page.should have_content snames[-i] end click_button("Reset") (1..10).each do |i| page.should have_content names[i-1] end end if SORTS_STATEFULLY it "filters statefully" do Capybara.reset_sessions! visit index_stateful_products_path fill_in("product_filter[title]", :with => "lorem") click_button("Apply") visit index_stateful_products_path #save_and_open_page page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 1, names.length, 0, 1)) click_button("Reset") page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, names.length, 0, names.length)) end if FILTERS_STATEFULLY it "selects statefully" do visit index_stateful_products_path fill_in("product_filter[title]", :with => "") click_button("Apply") n = names.length (n/10).times do |i| (1..3).each do |j| check("product_checked_#{ids[10*i+j]}") end click_button("Apply") tot = 3*(i+1) page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, tot, n)) click_button('product_pagination_page_right') end visit index_stateful_products_path tot = 3*(n/10) page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], names.length % 10, n, tot, n)) click_button("Reset") page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, names.length, 0, names.length)) end if SELECTS_STATEFULLY end describe "Select and Batch actions" do it "knows how to interpret the select_... buttons" do # Showing 10, total 54, selected 54, matching 54 n = names.length visit index_select_products_path click_button('Select All') page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, n, n)) click_button('Select None') page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, 0, n)) click_button('Select visible') page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, 10, n)) click_button('Select None') page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, 0, n)) fill_in("product_filter[title][like]", :with => "a") click_button("Apply") tot = ( do |s| s.match /a/ end).length page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, 0, tot)) click_button('Select filtered') page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, tot, tot)) fill_in("product_filter[title][like]", :with => "") click_button("Apply") page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, tot, n)) click_button("Unselect visible") tot -= (names[0..9].select do |s| s.match /a/ end).length page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, tot, n)) click_button('Select None') page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, 0, n)) click_button('Select All') page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, n, n)) fill_in("product_filter[title][like]", :with => "a") click_button("Apply") tot = ( do |s| s.match /a/ end).length page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, n, tot)) click_button('Unselect filtered') page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, n-tot, tot)) fill_in("product_filter[title][like]", :with => "") click_button("Apply") page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, n-tot, n)) end if SELECT_BUTTONS_WORK it "knows how to select and apply batch actions" do visit index_select_products_path n = names.length (n/10).times do |i| (1..3).each do |j| check("product_checked_#{ids[10*i+j]}") end click_button("Apply") tot = 3*(i+1) page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, n, tot, n)) click_button('product_pagination_page_right') end select 'Delete', :from => 'product_batch' click_button("Apply") tot = n-3*(n/10) page.should have_content(sprintf(Tabulatr::TABLE_OPTIONS[:info_text], 10, tot, 0, tot)) #save_and_open_page end if KNOWS_HOW_TO_SELECT_AND_APPLY_BATCH_ACTIONS end # describe "GET /products empty" do # it "works in general" do # get products_path # response.status.should be(200) # end # end end