= RESOURCES - Check out the following sinatra extensions: * http://github.com/wbzyl/sinatra-static-assets * http://github.com/giraffesoft/classy_resources * http://github.com/nakajima/capinatra * http://github.com/deadprogrammer/spork * http://github.com/gioext/sinatra-memcache * http://github.com/kematzy/sinatra-cache * http://r18n.rubyforge.org/#sinatra * http://github.com/alexch/rerun (reloading) * http://github.com/monkrb/glue/blob/master/lib/monk/glue/reloader.rb = UNFINISHED == Generator * Add support for model, routes, migration generator types based on components == MarkupPlugin * Add support for mustache classes / views for forms, markup * Add support for form.fields_for (one-to-one, nested and many associations like in rails) * Add support for check_box_group, radio_button_group which create a set of checkboxes or radio buttons == RenderPlugin * Add support for mustache template rendering == WardenPlugin * Become total warden solution (basically just require warden gem installed, do everything) (?) * Look into removing overlapping methods and simply leveraging sinatra_warden * Take advantage of shared strategies: http://github.com/hassox/warden_strategies/tree/master/lib/ == RoutingPlugin = COMPLETED * Add support for multiple applications being mounted into routing system * Add support for RoutingPlugin for easy to use named alias routes for urls * Add support for bundler (http://github.com/wycats/bundler) to make setting up a generated app easy * Add support for button tag method, mail_to helper * Add support for simple fields_for tag helper * Add content_for / yield tags similar to rails * Created application generator using thor * Add support for a MailerPlugin which will make sending emails a breeze (http://github.com/hiroshi/pony) * Add support for missing formbuilder fields (select, and standard_form_builder methods i.e check_box_group) * Add support for missing formhelpers/fields (radio_button_tag, select_tag) * Add support for select_tag :multiple => true * Add support for forms with method => put, delete using hidden field * Remove dependency on activesupport! and enumerate dependencies in rakefile (as much as possible, need inflectors) * Pull from sinatra-helpers and make erb templates work (and credit keldredd) * http://github.com/kelredd/sinatra-helpers/tree/master/lib/sinatra_helpers/erb/ * fix content_block_tag to eliminate need for concat option * image_tag should start in images_path (or /images) * I have got to add tests, basically create dummy sinatra applications and use Webrat * Partials with counter (and add to tests) * http://github.com/sbfaulkner/sinatra-helpers/blob/master/lib/sinatra-helpers/haml/partials.rb * http://github.com/kelredd/sinatra-helpers/blob/master/lib/sinatra_helpers/erb/partials.rb