require "active_support/concern" module Renalware module Concerns module PdfRenderable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do def default_pdf_options { page_size: "A4", layout: "renalware/layouts/pdf", disposition: "inline", footer: { font_size: 8, right: "Page [page] of [topage]" }, show_as_html: Rails.env.development? && params.key?(:debug), encoding: "UTF-8" } end # Render a Liquid template loaded from the database. # The template may have variable place holders w.g. {{ }} and these # are resolved by passing instance of Liquid Drops (presenters) in the variables hash. def render_liquid_template_to_pdf(template_name:, filename:, variables: nil) variables ||= default_liquid_variables body = template_name, variables: variables) options = default_pdf_options.merge!(pdf: filename, locals: { body: body }) render options end private # By default if no variables supplied, we insert the patient drop to allow basic patient # data to be accessed in the template with eg {{ }} # Note the has key must be a string and not a symbol. def default_liquid_variables { "patient" => } end end end end end