Feature: Menu Background: Given I am logged in Scenario: Hide the menu item Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu false end """ When I am on the dashboard Then I should not see a menu item for "Posts" Scenario: Set the menu item label Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu label: "Articles" end """ When I am on the dashboard Then I should see a menu item for "Articles" And I should not see a menu item for "Posts" Scenario: Add a non-resource menu item Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.application.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.build_menu do |menu| menu.add label: "Custom Menu", url: :admin_dashboard_path end end """ When I am on the dashboard Then I should see a menu item for "Custom Menu" When I follow "Custom Menu" Then I should be on the admin dashboard page Scenario: Add a non-resource menu item with method delete Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.application.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.build_menu do |menu| menu.add label: "Delete Menu", url: :admin_dashboard_path, html_options: { method: :delete } end end """ When I am on the dashboard Then I should see a menu item for "Delete Menu" And I should see the element "a[data-method='delete']:contains('Delete Menu')" Scenario: Adding a resource as a sub menu item Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register User ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu parent: 'Users' end """ When I am on the dashboard Then I should see a menu item for "Users" And I should not see a menu item for "Posts" When I follow "Users" Then the "Users" tab should be selected And I should see a nested menu item for "Posts" Scenario: Adding a resources as a sub menu items Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Category do menu parent: 'Anything' end ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu parent: 'Anything' end """ When I am on the dashboard Then I should see a menu item for "Anything" And I should not see a menu item for "Categories" And I should not see a menu item for "Posts" And I should see a nested menu item for "Categories" And I should see a nested menu item for "Posts"