latex input: mmd-article-header Title: MultiMarkdown Table Test
latex input: mmd-article-begin-doc latex footer: mmd-memoir-footer

| | Grouping ||
First Header | Second Header | Third Header |
| ---------- | :----------------: | -----------: |
Content | Long Cell ||
Content | Cell | Cell |

New section | More | Data |
And more | With an escaped '|' ||
[Prototype table caption][Prototype table]

And this is a link to the [Prototype table].

And now a table with only a caption.

| | Grouping ||
First Header | Second Header | Third Header |
| ---------- | :----------------: | -----------: |
Content | Long Cell ||
Content | Cell | Cell |

New section | More | Data |
And more | With an escaped '|' ||
[Caption but no label]

And a link to the second [table][Caption but no label].

And two tables in close proximity:

[MultiMarkdown vs. Crayons]
| Features | MultiMarkdown | Crayons |
----------------------------------- | :-----------: | :------: |
Melts in warm places | No | Yes |
Mistakes can be easily fixed | Yes | No |
Easy to copy documents for friends | Yes | No |
Fun at parties | No | Why not? |

Minimum markup1 for maximum quality? | Yes | No |

[MultiMarkdown vs. Crayons2]
| Features | MultiMarkdown | Crayons |
----------------------------------- | :-----------: | :------: |
Melts in warm places | No | Yes |
Mistakes can be easily fixed | Yes | No |
Easy to copy documents for friends | Yes | No |
Fun at parties | No | Why not? |

Minimum markup2 for maximum quality? | Yes | No |

[Caption only]
Col 1 | Col 2
----- | -----
One | Two

[Line Wrapping Test]
| Long Cell | MultiMarkdown | Crayons |
----------------------------------+ | :-----------: | :------: |
Melts in warm places | No | Yes |
Mistakes can be easily fixed | Yes | No |
Easy to copy documents for friends with some extra words to try and force a line break in every output format to test the wrapping feature | Yes | No |
Fun at parties | No | Why not? |