/** * @file GPS solver base */ /* * Copyright (c) 2020, M.Naruoka (fenrir) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the naruoka.org nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef __GPS_SOLVER_BASE_H__ #define __GPS_SOLVER_BASE_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "param/matrix.h" #include "param/bit_array.h" #include "GPS.h" template struct GPS_Solver_Base { virtual ~GPS_Solver_Base() {} typedef FloatT float_t; typedef Matrix matrix_t; typedef int prn_t; typedef GPS_SpaceNode space_node_t; typedef typename space_node_t::gps_time_t gps_time_t; typedef typename space_node_t::xyz_t xyz_t; typedef typename space_node_t::llh_t llh_t; typedef typename space_node_t::enu_t enu_t; struct pos_t { xyz_t xyz; llh_t llh; matrix_t ecef2enu() const { float_t buf[3][3]; llh.rotation_ecef2enu(buf); return matrix_t(3, 3, (float_t *)buf); } }; typedef std::vector > prn_obs_t; static prn_obs_t difference( const prn_obs_t &operand, const prn_obs_t &argument, const FloatT &scaling = FloatT(1)) { prn_obs_t res; for(typename prn_obs_t::const_iterator it(operand.begin()), it_end(operand.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ for(typename prn_obs_t::const_iterator it2(argument.begin()), it2_end(argument.end()); it2 != it2_end; ++it2){ if(it->first != it2->first){continue;} res.push_back(std::make_pair(it->first, (it->second - it2->second) * scaling)); break; } } return res; } struct measurement_items_t { enum { L1_PSEUDORANGE, L1_DOPPLER, L1_CARRIER_PHASE, L1_RANGE_RATE, L1_PSEUDORANGE_SIGMA, // standard deviation(sigma) L1_DOPPLER_SIGMA, L1_CARRIER_PHASE_SIGMA, L1_RANGE_RATE_SIGMA, L1_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_dBHz, L1_LOCK_SEC, L1_FREQUENCY, MEASUREMENT_ITEMS_PREDEFINED, }; }; typedef std::map > measurement_t; struct measurement_item_set_t { struct { int i, i_sigma; } pseudorange, doppler, carrier_phase, range_rate; int signal_strength, lock_sec; }; static const measurement_item_set_t L1CA; struct measurement_util_t { static prn_obs_t gather( const measurement_t &measurement, const typename measurement_t::mapped_type::key_type &key, const FloatT &scaling = FloatT(1)){ prn_obs_t res; for(typename measurement_t::const_iterator it(measurement.begin()), it_end(measurement.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ typename measurement_t::mapped_type::const_iterator it2(it->second.find(key)); if(it2 == it->second.end()){continue;} res.push_back(std::make_pair(it->first, it2->second * scaling)); } return res; } static void merge( measurement_t &measurement, const prn_obs_t &new_item, const typename measurement_t::mapped_type::key_type &key) { for(typename prn_obs_t::const_iterator it(new_item.begin()), it_end(new_item.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ measurement[it->first].insert(std::make_pair(key, it->second)); } } }; /** * Find value corresponding to key from key-value map * of measurement_t::mapped_type * @param values key-value map * @param key key * @param buf buffer into which found value is stored * @return (float_t *) When value is found, pointer of buf will be returned. * Otherwise, NULL is returned. */ static const float_t *find_value( const typename measurement_t::mapped_type &values, const typename measurement_t::mapped_type::key_type &key, float_t &buf) { typename measurement_t::mapped_type::const_iterator it; if((it = values.find(key)) != values.end()){ return &(buf = it->second); } return NULL; } struct range_error_t { enum { #define make_entry(name) \ name, \ MASK_ ## name = (1 << name), \ DUMMY_ ## name = name make_entry(RECEIVER_CLOCK), make_entry(SATELLITE_CLOCK), make_entry(IONOSPHERIC), make_entry(TROPOSPHERIC), #undef make_entry NUM_OF_ERRORS, }; int unknown_flag; float_t value[NUM_OF_ERRORS]; static const range_error_t not_corrected; }; // TODO These range and rate functions will be overridden in subclass to support multi-frequency /** * Extract range information from measurement per satellite * @param values measurement[prn] * @param buf buffer into which range is stored * @param error optional argument in which error components of range will be returned * @return If valid range information is found, the pointer of buf will be returned; otherwise NULL */ virtual const float_t *range( const typename measurement_t::mapped_type &values, float_t &buf, range_error_t *error = NULL) const { if(error){ *error = range_error_t::not_corrected; } return find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L1_PSEUDORANGE, buf); } virtual const float_t *range_sigma( const typename measurement_t::mapped_type &values, float_t &buf) const { return find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L1_PSEUDORANGE_SIGMA, buf); } virtual const float_t *rate( const typename measurement_t::mapped_type &values, float_t &buf) const { const float_t *res; if((res = find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L1_RANGE_RATE, buf))){ }else if((res = find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L1_DOPPLER, buf))){ // Fall back to doppler buf *= -space_node_t::L1_WaveLength(); } return res; } virtual const float_t *rate_sigma( const typename measurement_t::mapped_type &values, float_t &buf) const { const float_t *res; if((res = find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L1_RANGE_RATE_SIGMA, buf))){ }else if((res = find_value(values, measurement_items_t::L1_DOPPLER_SIGMA, buf))){ // Fall back to doppler buf *= space_node_t::L1_WaveLength(); } return res; } struct range_corrector_t { virtual ~range_corrector_t() {} virtual bool is_available(const gps_time_t &t) const { return false; } virtual float_t *calculate( const gps_time_t &t, const pos_t &usr_pos, const enu_t &sat_rel_pos, float_t &buf) const = 0; }; static const struct no_correction_t : public range_corrector_t { bool is_available(const gps_time_t &t) const { return true; } float_t *calculate( const gps_time_t &t, const pos_t &usr_pos, const enu_t &sat_rel_pos, float_t &buf) const { return &(buf = 0); } } no_correction; struct range_correction_t : public std::deque { typedef std::deque super_t; range_correction_t() : super_t() {} const range_corrector_t *select(const gps_time_t &t) const { for(typename super_t::const_iterator it(super_t::begin()), it_end(super_t::end()); it != it_end; ++it){ if((*it)->is_available(t)){return *it;} } return NULL; } float_t operator()( const gps_time_t &t, const pos_t &usr_pos, const enu_t &sat_rel_pos) const { float_t res; for(typename super_t::const_iterator it(super_t::begin()), it_end(super_t::end()); it != it_end; ++it){ if((*it)->calculate(t, usr_pos, sat_rel_pos, res)){return res;} } return 0; } void remove(const typename super_t::value_type &v){ std::remove(super_t::begin(), super_t::end(), v); } void add(const typename super_t::value_type &v){ remove(v); super_t::push_front(v); } }; /** * Select appropriate solver, this is provision for GNSS extension * @param prn satellite number * @return self, however, it will be overridden by a subclass */ virtual const GPS_Solver_Base &select(const prn_t &prn) const { return *this; } struct relative_property_t { float_t weight; ///< How useful this information is. square value is required; thus, only positive value activates the other values. float_t range_corrected; ///< corrected range just including delay, and excluding receiver/satellite error float_t range_residual; ///< residual range float_t rate_relative_neg; /// relative rate float_t los_neg[3]; ///< line of site vector from satellite to user }; /** * Calculate relative range and rate information to a satellite * This function will be overridden by a subclass to provide appropriate implementation * * @param prn satellite number * @param measurement measurement (per satellite) containing pseudo range * @param receiver_error (temporal solution of) receiver clock error in meter * @param time_arrival time when signal arrive at receiver * @param usr_pos (temporal solution of) user position * @param usr_vel (temporal solution of) user velocity * @return (relative_property_t) relative information */ virtual relative_property_t relative_property( const prn_t &prn, const typename measurement_t::mapped_type &measurement, const float_t &receiver_error, const gps_time_t &time_arrival, const pos_t &usr_pos, const xyz_t &usr_vel) const { static const relative_property_t invalid = {0}; return invalid; } struct user_pvt_t { enum { ERROR_NO = 0, ERROR_UNSOLVED, ERROR_INVALID_IONO_MODEL, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SATELLITES, ERROR_POSITION_LS, ERROR_POSITION_NOT_CONVERGED, ERROR_DOP, ERROR_VELOCITY_SKIPPED, ERROR_VELOCITY_INSUFFICIENT_SATELLITES, ERROR_VELOCITY_LS, } error_code; gps_time_t receiver_time; pos_t user_position; float_t receiver_error; enu_t user_velocity_enu; float_t receiver_error_rate; struct dop_t { float_t g, p, h, v, t; dop_t() {} dop_t(const matrix_t &C_enu) : g(std::sqrt(C_enu.trace())), p(std::sqrt(C_enu.partial(3, 3).trace())), h(std::sqrt(C_enu.partial(2, 2).trace())), v(std::sqrt(C_enu(2, 2))), t(std::sqrt(C_enu(3, 3))) {} } dop; unsigned int used_satellites; typedef BitArray<0x400> satellite_mask_t; satellite_mask_t used_satellite_mask; ///< bit pattern(use=1, otherwise=0), PRN 1(LSB) to 32 for GPS user_pvt_t() : error_code(ERROR_UNSOLVED), receiver_time(), user_position(), receiver_error(0), user_velocity_enu(), receiver_error_rate(0) {} bool position_solved() const { switch(error_code){ case ERROR_NO: case ERROR_VELOCITY_SKIPPED: case ERROR_VELOCITY_INSUFFICIENT_SATELLITES: case ERROR_VELOCITY_LS: return true; default: return false; } } bool velocity_solved() const { return error_code == ERROR_NO; } }; struct options_t { template > struct merge_t : public BaseSolverT::options_t, OptionsT { merge_t() : BaseSolverT::options_t(), OptionsT() {} merge_t( const typename BaseSolverT::options_t &opt_super, const OptionsT &opt = OptionsT()) : BaseSolverT::options_t(opt_super), OptionsT(opt) {} }; /** * Flags to invalidate specific satellite * Its index will be adjusted for PRN. */ template struct exclude_prn_t : public BitArray { typedef BitArray super_t; exclude_prn_t() : super_t() { super_t::clear(); } bool operator[](const int &prn) const { return super_t::operator[](prn - prn_begin); } using super_t::set; void set(const int &prn, const bool &bit = true) { super_t::set(prn - prn_begin, bit); } using super_t::reset; void reset(const int &prn) {set(prn, false);} std::vector excluded() const { std::vector res(super_t::indices_one()); for(std::vector::iterator it(res.begin()), it_end(res.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ *it += prn_begin; } return res; } }; }; options_t available_options() const { return options_t(); } options_t available_options(const options_t &opt_wish) const { return opt_wish; } options_t update_options(const options_t &opt_wish){ return opt_wish; } protected: template struct linear_solver_t { MatrixT G; ///< Design matrix /** * Weighting (diagonal) matrix corresponding to inverse of covariance, * whose (i, j) element is assumed to be 1/sigma_{i}^2 (i == j) or 0 (i != j) */ MatrixT W; MatrixT delta_r; ///< Observation delta, i.e., observation minus measurement (y) linear_solver_t(const MatrixT &G_, const MatrixT &W_, const MatrixT &delta_r_) : G(G_), W(W_), delta_r(delta_r_) {} /** * Transform coordinate of design matrix G * y = G x + v = G (R^{-1} x') + v = (G R^t) x' + v = G' x' + v, * where R x = x' and R is a rotation matrix. * For example, x is in ECEF with G being calculated in ECEF, * and if x' in ENU is required, * then, R is the ecef2enu matrix, because x' = ecef2enu x. * * @param G_ original design matrix * @param rotation_matrix 3 by 3 rotation matrix * @return transformed design matrix G' */ static matrix_t rotate_G(const MatrixT &G_, const matrix_t &rotation_matrix){ unsigned int r(G_.rows()), c(G_.columns()); // Normally c=4 matrix_t res(r, c); res.partial(r, 3).replace( G_.partial(r, 3) * rotation_matrix.transpose()); res.partial(r, c - 3, 0, 3).replace(G_.partial(r, c - 3, 0, 3)); return res; } matrix_t G_rotated(const matrix_t &rotation_matrix) const { return rotate_G(G, rotation_matrix); } /** * Calculate C matrix, which is required to obtain DOP * C = G^t * W * G * * @return C matrix */ matrix_t C() const { return (G.transpose() * W * G).inverse(); } /** * Transform coordinate of matrix C, which will be used to calculate HDOP/VDOP * C' = (G * R^t)^t W * (G * R^t) = R * G^t * W * G * R^t = R * C * R^t, * where R is a rotation matrix, for example, ECEF to ENU. * * @param rotation_matrix 3 by 3 rotation matrix * @return transformed matrix C' * @see rotate_G */ static matrix_t rotate_C(const matrix_t &C, const matrix_t &rotation_matrix){ unsigned int n(C.rows()); // Normally n=4 matrix_t res(n, n); res.partial(3, 3).replace( // upper left rotation_matrix * C.partial(3, 3) * rotation_matrix.transpose()); res.partial(3, n - 3, 0, 3).replace( // upper right rotation_matrix * C.partial(3, n - 3, 0, 3)); res.partial(n - 3, 3, 3, 0).replace( // lower left C.partial(n - 3, 3, 3, 0) * rotation_matrix.transpose()); res.partial(n - 3, n - 3, 3, 3).replace( // lower right C.partial(n - 3, n - 3, 3, 3)); return res; } /** * Solve x of linear equation (y = G x + v) to minimize sigma{v^t * v} * where v =~ N(0, sigma), and y and G are observation delta (=delta_r variable) * and a design matrix, respectively. * This yields x = (G^t * W * G)^{-1} * (G^t * W) y = S y. * * 4 by row(y) S matrix (=(G^t * W * G)^{-1} * (G^t * W)) will be used to calculate protection level * to investigate relationship between bias on each satellite and solution. * residual v = (I - P) = (I - G S), where P = G S, which is irrelevant to rotation, * because P = G R R^{t} S = G' S'. * * @param S (output) coefficient matrix to calculate solution, i.e., (G^t * W * G)^{-1} * (G^t * W) * @return x vector * @see rotate_S() */ inline matrix_t least_square(matrix_t &S) const { matrix_t Gt_W(G.transpose() * W); S = (Gt_W * G).inverse() * Gt_W; return S * delta_r; } matrix_t least_square() const { matrix_t S; return least_square(S); } /** * Transform coordinate of coefficient matrix of solution S * x' = R x = R S y, where R is a rotation matrix, for example, ECEF to ENU. * Be careful, R is not ENU to ECEF in the example, which should be consistent to rotate_G(). * * @param S coefficient matrix of solution * @param rotation_matrix 3 by 3 rotation matrix * @return transformed coefficient matrix S' * @see rotate_G */ static matrix_t rotate_S(const matrix_t &S, const matrix_t &rotation_matrix){ unsigned int r(S.rows()), c(S.columns()); // Normally r=4 matrix_t res(r, c); res.partial(3, c).replace(rotation_matrix * S.partial(3, c)); res.partial(r - 3, c, 3, 0).replace(S.partial(r - 3, c, 3, 0)); return res; } /** * Calculate linear effect from bias on each range measurement to horizontal/vertical estimation. * * @param S coefficient matrix of solution * @param rotation_matrix 3 by 3 matrix, which makes S aligned to ENU or NED coordinates * @return slopes matrix (1st and 2nd columns correspond to horizontal and vertical components, respectively) * @see Eq.(5.26), (5.27) in @article{Mink, title={Performance of Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) for Maritime Operations}, author={Mink, Michael}, pages={220} } * Note: returned values are not performed to be multiplied by sqrt(N-4) */ matrix_t slope_HV(const matrix_t &S, const matrix_t &rotation_matrix = matrix_t::getI(3)) const { matrix_t S_ENU_or_NED(rotate_S(S, rotation_matrix)); matrix_t res(G.rows(), 2); // 1st column = horizontal, 2nd column = vertical matrix_t P(G * S); for(unsigned int i(0), i_end(res.rows()); i < i_end; i++){ if(W(i, i) <= 0){ res(i, 0) = res(i, 1) = 0; continue; } float_t denom(std::sqrt((-P(i, i) + 1) * W(i, i))); res(i, 0) = std::sqrt( // horizontal std::pow(S_ENU_or_NED(0, i), 2) + std::pow(S_ENU_or_NED(1, i), 2)) / denom; res(i, 1) = std::abs(S_ENU_or_NED(2, i)) / denom; // vertical } return res; } /** * Calculate weighted square sum of residual (WSSR) based on least square solution. * v^t W v (= (y - G x)^t W (y - G x) = y^t W (I-P) y) * * @param x solution * @return WSSR scalar */ float_t wssr(const matrix_t &x = least_square()) const { matrix_t v(delta_r - G * x); return (v.transpose() * W * v)(0, 0); } /** * Calculate weighted square sum of residual (WSSR) based on least square solution * with solution coefficient matrix (S). * v^t W v (= (y - G x)^t W (y - G x) = y^t W (I-G*S) y) * * @param S coefficient matrix of solution * @param W_dash (output) pointer to store scale factor matrix of y^t y, * i.e., *W_dash = norm(t(I-G*S)) * W * norm(I-G*S) * @return WSSR scalar */ float_t wssr_S(const matrix_t &S, matrix_t *W_dash = NULL) const { matrix_t rhs(matrix_t::getI(W.rows()) - (G * S)); if(W_dash){ *W_dash = W.copy(); for(unsigned int i(0), i_end(rhs.rows()); i < i_end; ++i){ (*W_dash)(i, i) *= (rhs.rowVector(i) * rhs.rowVector(i).transpose())(0, 0); } } return (delta_r.transpose() * W * rhs * delta_r)(0, 0); } typedef linear_solver_t partial_t; partial_t partial(unsigned int size) const { if(size >= G.rows()){size = G.rows();} return partial_t( G.partial(size, G.columns()), W.partial(size, size), delta_r.partial(size, 1)); } typedef linear_solver_t exclude_t; exclude_t exclude(const unsigned int &row) const { unsigned int size(G.rows()), offset((row + 1) % size); if(size >= 1){size--;} // generate matrices having circular view return exclude_t( G.circular(offset, 0, size, G.columns()), W.circular(offset, offset, size, size), delta_r.circular(offset, 0, size, 1)); } template void copy_G_W_row(const linear_solver_t &src, const unsigned int &i_src, const unsigned int &i_dst){ unsigned int c_dst(G.columns()), c_src(src.G.columns()), c(c_dst > c_src ? c_src : c_dst); // Normally c=4 for(unsigned int j(0); j < c; ++j){ G(i_dst, j) = src.G(i_src, j); } W(i_dst, i_dst) = src.W(i_src, i_src); } }; struct geometric_matrices_t : public linear_solver_t { typedef linear_solver_t super_t; geometric_matrices_t( const unsigned int &capacity, const unsigned int &estimate_system_differences = 0) : super_t( matrix_t(capacity, 4 + estimate_system_differences), matrix_t(capacity, capacity), matrix_t(capacity, 1)) { for(unsigned int i(0); i < capacity; ++i){ super_t::G(i, 3) = 1; } } }; struct measurement2_item_t { prn_t prn; const typename measurement_t::mapped_type *k_v_map; const GPS_Solver_Base *solver; }; typedef std::vector measurement2_t; /** * Update position solution * This function will be called multiple times in a solution calculation iteration. * It may be overridden in a subclass for extraction of calculation source * such as design matrix. * * @param geomat residual, desgin and weight matrices * @param res (in,out) current solution to be updated * @return (bool) If solution will be treated as the final solution, true is returned; otherwise false. */ virtual bool update_position_solution( const geometric_matrices_t &geomat, user_pvt_t &res) const { // Least square matrix_t delta_x(geomat.partial(res.used_satellites).least_square()); xyz_t delta_user_position(delta_x.partial(3, 1, 0, 0)); res.user_position.xyz += delta_user_position; res.user_position.llh = res.user_position.xyz.llh(); const float_t &delta_receiver_error(delta_x(3, 0)); res.receiver_error += delta_receiver_error; return ((delta_x.transpose() * delta_x)(0, 0) <= 1E-6); // equivalent to abs(x) <= 1E-3 [m] } struct user_pvt_opt_t { /** * how many iterations are required to perform coarse estimation before fine one; * If initial position and clock error are goodly guessed, this will be zero. */ int warmup; int max_trial; bool estimate_velocity; user_pvt_opt_t( const bool &good_init = true, const bool &with_velocity = true) : warmup(good_init ? 0 : 5), max_trial(10), estimate_velocity(with_velocity) {} }; /** * Calculate User position/velocity by using associated solvers. * This function can be overridden in a subclass. * * @param res (out) calculation results and matrices used for calculation * @param measurement PRN, pseudo-range, and pseudo-range rate information * associated with a specific solver corresponding to a satellite system * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @param user_position_init initial solution of user position in XYZ meters and LLH * @param receiver_error_init initial solution of receiver clock error in meters * @param opt options for user PVT calculation * @see update_ephemeris(), register_ephemeris */ virtual void user_pvt( user_pvt_t &res, const measurement2_t &measurement, const gps_time_t &receiver_time, const pos_t &user_position_init, const float_t &receiver_error_init, const user_pvt_opt_t &opt = user_pvt_opt_t()) const { res.receiver_time = receiver_time; // 1. Position calculation res.user_position = user_position_init; res.receiver_error = receiver_error_init; geometric_matrices_t geomat(measurement.size()); typedef std::vector > index_obs_t; index_obs_t idx_rate_rel; // [(index of measurement, relative rate), ...] idx_rate_rel.reserve(measurement.size()); // If initialization is not appropriate, more iteration will be performed. bool converged(false); for(int i_trial(-opt.warmup); i_trial < opt.max_trial; i_trial++){ idx_rate_rel.clear(); unsigned int i_row(0), i_measurement(0); res.used_satellite_mask.clear(); gps_time_t time_arrival( receiver_time - (res.receiver_error / space_node_t::light_speed)); const bool coarse_estimation(i_trial <= 0); for(typename measurement2_t::const_iterator it(measurement.begin()), it_end(measurement.end()); it != it_end; ++it, ++i_measurement){ static const xyz_t zero(0, 0, 0); relative_property_t prop(it->solver->relative_property( it->prn, *(it->k_v_map), res.receiver_error, time_arrival, res.user_position, zero)); if(prop.weight <= 0){ continue; // intentionally excluded satellite }else{ res.used_satellite_mask.set(it->prn); } if(coarse_estimation){ prop.weight = 1; }else{ idx_rate_rel.push_back(std::make_pair(i_measurement, prop.rate_relative_neg)); } geomat.delta_r(i_row, 0) = prop.range_residual; geomat.G(i_row, 0) = prop.los_neg[0]; geomat.G(i_row, 1) = prop.los_neg[1]; geomat.G(i_row, 2) = prop.los_neg[2]; geomat.W(i_row, i_row) = prop.weight; ++i_row; } if((res.used_satellites = i_row) < 4){ res.error_code = user_pvt_t::ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SATELLITES; return; } try{ converged = update_position_solution(geomat, res); if((!coarse_estimation) && converged){break;} }catch(const std::runtime_error &e){ // expect to detect matrix operation error res.error_code = user_pvt_t::ERROR_POSITION_LS; return; } } if(!converged){ res.error_code = user_pvt_t::ERROR_POSITION_NOT_CONVERGED; return; } try{ res.dop = typename user_pvt_t::dop_t(geomat.rotate_C( geomat.partial(res.used_satellites).C(), res.user_position.ecef2enu())); }catch(const std::runtime_error &e){ // expect to detect matrix operation error res.error_code = user_pvt_t::ERROR_DOP; return; } if(!opt.estimate_velocity){ res.error_code = user_pvt_t::ERROR_VELOCITY_SKIPPED; return; } /* 2. Calculate velocity * Check consistency between range and rate for velocity calculation, * then, assign design and weight matrices */ geometric_matrices_t geomat2(res.used_satellites); int i_range(0), i_rate(0); for(typename index_obs_t::const_iterator it(idx_rate_rel.begin()), it_end(idx_rate_rel.end()); it != it_end; ++it, ++i_range){ float_t rate; if(!(measurement[it->first].solver->rate( *(measurement[it->first].k_v_map), // const version of measurement[PRN] rate))){continue;} // Copy design matrix and set rate geomat2.copy_G_W_row(geomat, i_range, i_rate); geomat2.delta_r(i_rate, 0) = rate + it->second; ++i_rate; } if(i_rate < 4){ res.error_code = user_pvt_t::ERROR_VELOCITY_INSUFFICIENT_SATELLITES; return; } try{ // Least square matrix_t sol(geomat2.partial(i_rate).least_square()); xyz_t vel_xyz(sol.partial(3, 1, 0, 0)); res.user_velocity_enu = enu_t::relative_rel( vel_xyz, res.user_position.llh); res.receiver_error_rate = sol(3, 0); }catch(const std::runtime_error &e){ // expect to detect matrix operation error res.error_code = user_pvt_t::ERROR_VELOCITY_LS; return; } res.error_code = user_pvt_t::ERROR_NO; } public: /** * Calculate satellite position * * @param prn satellite number * @param time GPS time * @param res object to which results are stored * @return If position is available, &res will be returned, otherwise NULL. */ virtual xyz_t *satellite_position( const prn_t &prn, const gps_time_t &time, xyz_t &res) const { return NULL; } /** * Calculate User position/velocity with hint * This is multi-constellation version, * and reference implementation to be hidden by optimized one in sub class. * * @param res (out) calculation results and matrices used for calculation * @param measurement PRN, pseudo-range, and pseudo-range rate information * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @param user_position_init initial solution of user position in XYZ meters and LLH * @param receiver_error_init initial solution of receiver clock error in meters * @param good_init if true, initial position and clock error are goodly guessed. * @param with_velocity if true, perform velocity estimation. * @see update_ephemeris(), register_ephemeris */ virtual void user_pvt( user_pvt_t &res, const measurement_t &measurement, const gps_time_t &receiver_time, const pos_t &user_position_init, const float_t &receiver_error_init, const bool &good_init = true, const bool &with_velocity = true) const { measurement2_t measurement2; measurement2.reserve(measurement.size()); for(typename measurement_t::const_iterator it(measurement.begin()), it_end(measurement.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ typename measurement2_t::value_type v = { it->first, &(it->second), &select(it->first)}; // prn, measurement, solver xyz_t sat; if(!v.solver->satellite_position(v.prn, receiver_time, sat)){ // pre-check satellite availability; remove it when its position is unknown continue; } measurement2.push_back(v); } user_pvt( res, measurement2, receiver_time, user_position_init, receiver_error_init, user_pvt_opt_t(good_init, with_velocity)); } template struct solver_interface_t { const SolverT &solver; solver_interface_t(const SolverT &solver_) : solver(solver_) {} typedef typename SolverT::user_pvt_t pvt_t; pvt_t user_pvt( const measurement_t &measurement, const gps_time_t &receiver_time, const pos_t &user_position_init, const float_t &receiver_error_init, const bool &good_init = true, const bool &with_velocity = true) const { pvt_t res; solver.user_pvt(res, measurement, receiver_time, user_position_init, receiver_error_init, good_init, with_velocity); return res; } /** * Calculate User position/velocity with hint * * @param measurement PRN, pseudo-range, and pseudo-range rate information * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @param user_position_init_xyz initial solution of user position in meters * @param receiver_error_init initial solution of receiver clock error in meters * @param good_init if true, initial position and clock error are goodly guessed. * @param with_velocity if true, perform velocity estimation. * @return calculation results and matrices used for calculation * @see update_ephemeris(), register_ephemeris */ pvt_t user_pvt( const measurement_t &measurement, const gps_time_t &receiver_time, const xyz_t &user_position_init_xyz, const float_t &receiver_error_init, const bool &good_init = true, const bool &with_velocity = true) const { pos_t user_position_init = {user_position_init_xyz, user_position_init_xyz.llh()}; return user_pvt( measurement, receiver_time, user_position_init, receiver_error_init, good_init, with_velocity); } /** * Calculate User position/velocity without hint * * @param measurement PRN, pseudo-range, and pseudo-range rate information * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @return calculation results and matrices used for calculation */ pvt_t user_pvt( const measurement_t &measurement, const gps_time_t &receiver_time) const { return user_pvt(measurement, receiver_time, xyz_t(), 0, false); } /** * Calculate User position/velocity with hint * * @param prn_range PRN, pseudo-range list * @param prn_rate PRN, pseudo-range rate list * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @param user_position_init initial solution of user position in XYZ meters and LLH * @param receiver_error_init initial solution of receiver clock error in meters * @param good_init if true, initial position and clock error are goodly guessed. * @param with_velocity if true, perform velocity estimation. * @return calculation results and matrices used for calculation * @see update_ephemeris(), register_ephemeris */ pvt_t user_pvt( const prn_obs_t &prn_range, const prn_obs_t &prn_rate, const gps_time_t &receiver_time, const pos_t &user_position_init, const float_t &receiver_error_init, const bool &good_init = true, const bool &with_velocity = true) const { measurement_t measurement; measurement_util_t::merge(measurement, prn_range, measurement_items_t::L1_PSEUDORANGE); measurement_util_t::merge(measurement, prn_rate, measurement_items_t::L1_RANGE_RATE); return user_pvt( measurement, receiver_time, user_position_init, receiver_error_init, good_init, with_velocity); } /** * Calculate User position/velocity with hint * * @param prn_range PRN, pseudo-range list * @param prn_rate PRN, pseudo-range rate list * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @param user_position_init_xyz initial solution of user position in meters * @param receiver_error_init initial solution of receiver clock error in meters * @param good_init if true, initial position and clock error are goodly guessed. * @param with_velocity if true, perform velocity estimation. * @return calculation results and matrices used for calculation * @see update_ephemeris(), register_ephemeris */ pvt_t user_pvt( const prn_obs_t &prn_range, const prn_obs_t &prn_rate, const gps_time_t &receiver_time, const xyz_t &user_position_init_xyz, const float_t &receiver_error_init, const bool &good_init = true, const bool &with_velocity = true) const { pos_t user_position_init = {user_position_init_xyz, user_position_init_xyz.llh()}; return user_pvt( prn_range, prn_rate, receiver_time, user_position_init, receiver_error_init, good_init, with_velocity); } /** * Calculate User position/velocity without hint * * @param prn_range PRN, pseudo-range list * @param prn_rate PRN, pseudo-range rate list * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @return calculation results and matrices used for calculation */ pvt_t user_pvt( const prn_obs_t &prn_range, const prn_obs_t &prn_rate, const gps_time_t &receiver_time) const { return user_pvt(prn_range, prn_rate, receiver_time, xyz_t(), 0, false); } /** * Calculate User position with hint * * @param prn_range PRN, pseudo-range list * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @param user_position_init initial solution of user position in meters * @param receiver_error_init initial solution of receiver clock error in meters * @param good_init if true, initial position and clock error are goodly guessed. * @return calculation results and matrices used for calculation */ pvt_t user_position( const prn_obs_t &prn_range, const gps_time_t &receiver_time, const xyz_t &user_position_init, const float_t &receiver_error_init, const bool &good_init = true) const { return user_pvt( prn_range, prn_obs_t(), receiver_time, user_position_init, receiver_error_init, good_init, false); } /** * Calculate User position without hint * * @param prn_range PRN and pseudo range * @param receiver_time receiver time at measurement * @return calculation results and matrices used for calculation */ pvt_t user_position( const prn_obs_t &prn_range, const gps_time_t &receiver_time) const { return user_position(prn_range, receiver_time, xyz_t(), 0, false); } }; solver_interface_t > solve() const { return solver_interface_t >(*this); } static typename user_pvt_t::dop_t dop(const matrix_t &C, const pos_t &user_position) { return typename user_pvt_t::dop_t(geometric_matrices_t::rotate_C(C, user_position.ecef2enu())); } }; template const typename GPS_Solver_Base::measurement_item_set_t GPS_Solver_Base::L1CA = { #define make_entry(key) \ GPS_Solver_Base::measurement_items_t::L1_ ## key #define make_entry2(key) { \ make_entry(key), \ make_entry(key ## _SIGMA)} make_entry2(PSEUDORANGE), make_entry2(DOPPLER), make_entry2(CARRIER_PHASE), make_entry2(RANGE_RATE), make_entry(SIGNAL_STRENGTH_dBHz), make_entry(LOCK_SEC), #undef make_entry2 #undef make_entry }; template const typename GPS_Solver_Base::range_error_t GPS_Solver_Base::range_error_t::not_corrected = { MASK_RECEIVER_CLOCK | MASK_SATELLITE_CLOCK | MASK_IONOSPHERIC | MASK_TROPOSPHERIC, {0}, }; template const typename GPS_Solver_Base::no_correction_t GPS_Solver_Base::no_correction; template ::user_pvt_t> struct GPS_PVT_Debug : public PVT_BaseT { typename GPS_Solver_Base::matrix_t G, W, delta_r; }; template > struct GPS_Solver_Base_Debug : public SolverBaseT { typedef SolverBaseT base_t; typedef GPS_Solver_Base_Debug self_t; virtual ~GPS_Solver_Base_Debug() {} #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 5) #define inheritate_type(x) typedef typename base_t::x x; #else #define inheritate_type(x) using typename base_t::x; #endif inheritate_type(float_t); inheritate_type(geometric_matrices_t); #undef inheritate_type typedef GPS_PVT_Debug user_pvt_t; typename base_t::template solver_interface_t solve() const { return typename base_t::template solver_interface_t(*this); } protected: virtual bool update_position_solution( const geometric_matrices_t &geomat, typename GPS_Solver_Base::user_pvt_t &res) const { // Least square if(!base_t::update_position_solution(geomat, res)){ return false; } static_cast(res).G = geomat.G; static_cast(res).W = geomat.W; static_cast(res).delta_r = geomat.delta_r; return true; } }; #endif /* __GPS_SOLVER_BASE_H__ */