module Auth0 module Api module V2 # Methods to use the organizations endpoints module Organizations include Auth0::Mixins::Validation attr_reader :organizations_path # Get all organizations. # @see!/Organizations/get_organizations # @param options [hash] The Hash options used to define the paging of results # * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. # * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. # * :from [string] For checkpoint pagination, the ID from which to start selection from. # * :take [integer] For checkpoint pagination, the number of entries to retrieve. Default is 50. # * :include_totals [boolean] True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise. # @return [json] All Organizations def organizations(options = {}) request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), from: options.fetch(:from, nil), take: options.fetch(:take, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil) } get(organizations_path, request_params) end alias get_organizations organizations # Create a new organization. # @see ttps://!/Organizations/post_organizations # @param options [hash] See!/Organizations/post_organizations for available options # @return [json] Returns the created organization. def create_organization(options = {}) post(organizations_path, options) end # Get an organization by id. A token with read:organizations scope is required # @see!/Organizations/get_organizations_by_id # @param organization_id [string] The organization_id of the user to retrieve. # # @return [json] Returns the organization with the given organization_id if it exists. def organization(organization_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_path}/#{organization_id}" get(path) end # Get an organization by name. A token with read:organizations scope is required. # @see!/Organizations/get_name_by_name # @param organization_name [string] The Organization name # # @return [json] Returns the organization with the given organization_name if it exists. def organization_by_name(organization_name) raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid organization_name' if organization_name.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_path}/name/#{organization_name}" get(path) end # Deletes a single organization given its id # @see!/Organizations/delete_organizations_by_id # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID def delete_organization(organization_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_path}/#{organization_id}" delete(path) end # Update an existing organization. # @see!/Organizations/patch_organizations_by_id # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param body [hash] The optional parameters to update. # # @return [json] Returns the updated user. def patch_organization(organization_id, body) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid body' if body.to_s.empty? || body.empty? path = "#{organizations_path}/#{organization_id}" patch(path, body) end alias update_organization patch_organization ### Organization Enabled Connections # Get enabled connections in an Organization # @see!/Organizations/get_enabled_connections # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # # @return [json] Returns the enabled connections for the given organization def get_organizations_enabled_connections(organization_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_enabled_connections_path(organization_id)}" get(path) end # Get enabled connection by id in an Organization # @see!/Organizations/get_enabled_connections_by_connectionId # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param connection_id [string] The Connection id # # @return [json] Returns the connection for the given organization def get_organizations_enabled_connection(organization_id, connection_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid connection id' if connection_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_enabled_connections_path(organization_id)}/#{connection_id}" get(path) end # Update an eanbled connection in an Organization # @see!/Organizations/patch_enabled_connections_by_connectionId # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param connection_id [string] The Connection id # @param assign_membership_on_login [boolean] flag to allow assign membership on login # # @return [json] Returns the connection for the given organization def patch_organizations_enabled_connection(organization_id, connection_id, assign_membership_on_login: nil) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid connection id' if connection_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid assign_membership_on_login value' if assign_membership_on_login.nil? path = "#{organizations_enabled_connections_path(organization_id)}/#{connection_id}" body = {} body[:assign_membership_on_login] = assign_membership_on_login patch(path, body) end alias update_organizations_enabled_connection patch_organizations_enabled_connection # Add an enabled connection for an Organization # @see!/Organizations/post_enabled_connections # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param connection_id [string] The Organization ID # @param assign_membership_on_login [boolean] flag to allow assign membership on login # # @return [json] Returns the connection for the given organization def create_organizations_enabled_connection(organization_id, connection_id, assign_membership_on_login: false) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid connection id' if connection_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_enabled_connections_path(organization_id)}" body = {} body[:assign_membership_on_login] = assign_membership_on_login body[:connection_id] = connection_id post(path, body) end alias add_organizations_enabled_connection create_organizations_enabled_connection # Remove an enabled connection from an Organization # @see!/Organizations/delete_enabled_connections_by_connectionId # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param connection_id [string] The Connection id def delete_organizations_enabled_connection(organization_id, connection_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid connection id' if connection_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_enabled_connections_path(organization_id)}/#{connection_id}" delete(path) end alias remove_organizations_enabled_connection delete_organizations_enabled_connection ### Organization Invites # Get invites in an Organization # @see!/Organizations/get_invitations # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # # @return [json] Returns the invites for the given organization def get_organizations_invites(organization_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_invitations_path(organization_id)}" get(path) end # Get invite by id in an Organization # @see!/Organizations/get_invitations_by_invitation_id # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param invitation_id [string] The invitation id # # @return [json] Returns the invitation for the given organization def get_organizations_invite(organization_id, invitation_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid invitation id' if invitation_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_invitations_path(organization_id)}/#{invitation_id}" get(path) end # Create an invitation in an organization # @see!/Organizations/post_invitations # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param options [hash] See!/Organizations/post_invitations # @return [json] Returns the invitation for the given organization def create_organizations_invite(organization_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_invitations_path(organization_id)}" post(path, options) end alias add_organizations_invite create_organizations_invite # Delete an invitation to organization # @see!/Organizations/delete_invitations_by_invitation_id # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param invitation_id [string] The Invitation id def delete_organizations_invite(organization_id, invitation_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid invitation id' if invitation_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_invitations_path(organization_id)}/#{invitation_id}" delete(path) end alias remove_organizations_invite delete_organizations_invite ### Organization Member # Get Members in a Organization # Member roles are not sent by default. Use `fields=roles` to retrieve the roles assigned to each listed member. # To use this parameter, you must include the `read:organization_member_roles scope` in the token. # @see!/Organizations/get_members # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param options [hash] The Hash options used to define the paging of rersults # * :per_page [integer] The amount of entries per page. Default: 50. Max value: 100. # * :page [integer] The page number. Zero based. # * :from [string] For checkpoint pagination, the ID from which to start selection from. # * :take [integer] For checkpoint pagination, the number of entries to retrieve. Default is 50. # * :include_totals [boolean] True to include query summary in the result, false or nil otherwise. # * :fields [string] A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude from the result. If fields is left blank, all fields (except roles) are returned. # * :include_fields [boolean] True if the fields specified are to be included in the result, false otherwise. # # @return [json] Returns the members for the given organization def get_organizations_members(organization_id, options = {}) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? request_params = { per_page: options.fetch(:per_page, nil), page: options.fetch(:page, nil), from: options.fetch(:from, nil), take: options.fetch(:take, nil), include_totals: options.fetch(:include_totals, nil), fields: options.fetch(:fields, nil), include_fields: options.fetch(:include_fields, nil) } path = "#{organizations_members_path(organization_id)}" get(path, request_params) end # Add members in an organization # @see!/Organizations/post_members # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param members [array] Array of user IDs. # # @return [json] Returns the invitation for the given organization def create_organizations_members(organization_id, members = []) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply an array of member ids' if members.empty? path = "#{organizations_members_path(organization_id)}" body = {} body[:members] = members post(path, body) end alias add_organizations_members create_organizations_members # Remove members from an organization # @see!/Organizations/delete_members # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param members [array] Array of user IDs. def delete_organizations_members(organization_id, members = []) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply an array of member ids' if members.empty? path = "#{organizations_members_path(organization_id)}" body = {} body[:members] = members delete_with_body(path, body) end alias remove_organizations_members delete_organizations_members ### Organization Member Roles # Get Roles assigned to a Member in an Organization # @see!/Organizations/get_organization_member_roles # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param user_id [string] The User ID # # @return [json] Returns the member_roles for the given organization def get_organizations_member_roles(organization_id, user_id) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid user id' if user_id.to_s.empty? path = "#{organizations_member_roles_path(organization_id, user_id)}" get(path) end # Assign roles to a member in an organization # @see!/Organizations/post_organization_member_roles # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param user_id [string] The User ID # @param roles [array] Array of role IDs. # # @return [json] Returns the invitation for the given organization def create_organizations_member_roles(organization_id, user_id, roles = []) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid user id' if user_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply an array of role ids' if roles.empty? path = "#{organizations_member_roles_path(organization_id, user_id)}" body = {} body[:roles] = roles post(path, body) end alias add_organizations_member_roles create_organizations_member_roles # Remove roles from a Member of an organization # @!/Organizations/delete_organization_member_roles # @param organization_id [string] The Organization ID # @param user_id [string] The User ID # @param roles [array] Array of role IDs. def delete_organizations_member_roles(organization_id, user_id, roles = []) raise Auth0::MissingOrganizationId, 'Must supply a valid organization_id' if organization_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply a valid user id' if user_id.to_s.empty? raise Auth0::InvalidParameter, 'Must supply an array of role ids' if roles.empty? path = "#{organizations_member_roles_path(organization_id, user_id)}" body = {} body[:roles] = roles delete_with_body(path, body) end alias remove_organizations_member_roles delete_organizations_member_roles private # Organizations API path def organizations_path @organizations_path ||= '/api/v2/organizations' end def organizations_enabled_connections_path(org_id) "#{organizations_path}/#{org_id}/enabled_connections" end def organizations_members_path(org_id) "#{organizations_path}/#{org_id}/members" end def organizations_member_roles_path(org_id, user_id) "#{organizations_path}/#{org_id}/members/#{user_id}/roles" end def organizations_invitations_path(org_id) "#{organizations_path}/#{org_id}/invitations" end end end end end