module Fastlane class Runner # Symbol for the current lane attr_accessor :current_lane # Symbol for the current platform attr_accessor :current_platform # @return [Hash] All the lanes available, first the platform, then the lane attr_accessor :lanes def full_lane_name [current_platform, current_lane].reject(&:nil?).join(' ') end # This will take care of executing **one** lane. That's when the user triggers a lane from the CLI for example # This method is **not** executed when switching a lane # @param lane_name The name of the lane to execute # @param platform The name of the platform to execute # @param parameters [Hash] The parameters passed from the command line to the lane def execute(lane, platform = nil, parameters = nil) UI.crash!("No lane given") unless lane self.current_lane = lane.to_sym self.current_platform = (platform ? platform.to_sym : nil) lane_obj = lanes.fetch(current_platform, {}).fetch(current_lane, nil) UI.user_error!("Could not find lane '#{full_lane_name}'. Available lanes: #{available_lanes.join(', ')}") unless lane_obj UI.user_error!("You can't call the private lane '#{lane}' directly") if lane_obj.is_private ENV["FASTLANE_LANE_NAME"] = current_lane.to_s ENV["FASTLANE_PLATFORM_NAME"] = (current_platform ? current_platform.to_s : nil) Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME] = current_platform Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::LANE_NAME] = full_lane_name UI.success("Driving the lane '#{full_lane_name}' 🚀") return_val = nil path_to_use = FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path || Dir.pwd parameters ||= {} begin Dir.chdir(path_to_use) do # the file is located in the fastlane folder execute_flow_block(before_all_blocks, current_platform, current_lane, parameters) execute_flow_block(before_each_blocks, current_platform, current_lane, parameters) return_val = # by default no parameters # after blocks are only called if no exception was raised before # Call the platform specific after block and then the general one execute_flow_block(after_each_blocks, current_platform, current_lane, parameters) execute_flow_block(after_all_blocks, current_platform, current_lane, parameters) end return return_val rescue => ex Dir.chdir(path_to_use) do # Provide error block exception without color code begin error_blocks[current_platform].call(current_lane, ex, parameters) if current_platform && error_blocks[current_platform] error_blocks[nil].call(current_lane, ex, parameters) if error_blocks[nil] rescue => error_block_exception UI.error("An error occurred while executing the `error` block:") UI.error(error_block_exception.to_s) raise ex # raise the original error message end end raise ex end end # @param filter_platform: Filter, to only show the lanes of a given platform # @return an array of lanes (platform lane_name) to print them out to the user def available_lanes(filter_platform = nil) all = [] lanes.each do |platform, platform_lanes| next if filter_platform && filter_platform.to_s != platform.to_s # skip actions that don't match platform_lanes.each do |lane_name, lane| all << [platform, lane_name].reject(&:nil?).join(' ') unless lane.is_private end end all end # Pass a action symbol (e.g. :deliver or :commit_version_bump) # and this method will return a reference to the action class # if it exists. In case the action with this name can't be found # this method will return nil. # This method is being called by `trigger_action_by_name` to see # if a given action is available (either built-in or loaded from a plugin) # and is also being called from the fastlane docs generator def class_reference_from_action_name(method_sym) method_str = method_sym.to_s.delete("?") # as a `?` could be at the end of the method name class_ref = Actions.action_class_ref(method_str) return class_ref if class_ref && class_ref.respond_to?(:run) nil end # Pass a action alias symbol (e.g. :enable_automatic_code_signing) # and this method will return a reference to the action class # if it exists. In case the action with this alias can't be found # this method will return nil. def class_reference_from_action_alias(method_sym) alias_found = find_alias(method_sym.to_s) return nil unless alias_found class_reference_from_action_name(alias_found.to_sym) end # lookup if an alias exists def find_alias(action_name) Actions.alias_actions.each do |key, v| next unless Actions.alias_actions[key] next unless Actions.alias_actions[key].include?(action_name) return key end nil end # This is being called from `method_missing` from the Fastfile # It's also used when an action is called from another action # @param from_action Indicates if this action is being trigged by another action. # If so, it won't show up in summary. def trigger_action_by_name(method_sym, custom_dir, from_action, *arguments) # First, check if there is a predefined method in the actions folder class_ref = class_reference_from_action_name(method_sym) unless class_ref class_ref = class_reference_from_action_alias(method_sym) # notify action that it has been used by alias if class_ref.respond_to?(:alias_used) orig_action = method_sym.to_s arguments = [{}] if arguments.empty? class_ref.alias_used(orig_action, arguments.first) end end # It's important to *not* have this code inside the rescue block # otherwise all NameErrors will be caught and the error message is # confusing begin return self.try_switch_to_lane(method_sym, arguments) rescue LaneNotAvailableError # We don't actually handle this here yet # We just try to use a user configured lane first # and only if there is none, we're gonna check for the # built-in actions end if class_ref if class_ref.respond_to?(:run) # Action is available, now execute it return self.execute_action(method_sym, class_ref, arguments, custom_dir: custom_dir, from_action: from_action) else UI.user_error!("Action '#{method_sym}' of class '#{class_name}' was found, but has no `run` method.") end end # No lane, no action, let's at least show the correct error message if Fastlane.plugin_manager.plugin_is_added_as_dependency?(PluginManager.plugin_prefix + method_sym.to_s) # That's a plugin, but for some reason we can't find it UI.user_error!("Plugin '#{method_sym}' was not properly loaded, make sure to follow the plugin docs for troubleshooting: #{PluginManager::TROUBLESHOOTING_URL}") elsif Fastlane::Actions.formerly_bundled_actions.include?(method_sym.to_s) # This was a formerly bundled action which is now a plugin. UI.verbose(caller.join("\n")) UI.user_error!("The action '#{method_sym}' is no longer bundled with fastlane. You can install it using `fastlane add_plugin #{method_sym}`") else # So there is no plugin under that name, so just show the error message generated by the lane switch UI.verbose(caller.join("\n")) UI.user_error!("Could not find action, lane or variable '#{method_sym}'. Check out the documentation for more details:") end end # # All the methods that are usually called on execution # class LaneNotAvailableError < StandardError end def try_switch_to_lane(new_lane, parameters) block = lanes.fetch(current_platform, {}).fetch(new_lane, nil) block ||= lanes.fetch(nil, {}).fetch(new_lane, nil) # fallback to general lane for multiple platforms if block original_full = full_lane_name original_lane = current_lane UI.user_error!("Parameters for a lane must always be a hash") unless (parameters.first || {}).kind_of?(Hash) execute_flow_block(before_each_blocks, current_platform, new_lane, parameters) pretty = [new_lane] pretty = [current_platform, new_lane] if current_platform Actions.execute_action("Switch to #{pretty.join(' ')} lane") {} # log the action UI.message("Cruising over to lane '#{pretty.join(' ')}' 🚖") # Actually switch lane now self.current_lane = new_lane result = || {}) # to always pass a hash self.current_lane = original_lane # after blocks are only called if no exception was raised before # Call the platform specific after block and then the general one execute_flow_block(after_each_blocks, current_platform, new_lane, parameters) UI.message("Cruising back to lane '#{original_full}' 🚘") return result else raise, "Lane not found" end end def execute_action(method_sym, class_ref, arguments, custom_dir: nil, from_action: false, configuration_language: nil) if custom_dir.nil? custom_dir ||= "." if Helper.test? custom_dir ||= ".." end verify_supported_os(method_sym, class_ref) begin Dir.chdir(custom_dir) do # go up from the fastlane folder, to the project folder # If another action is calling this action, we shouldn't show it in the summary # (see action_name = from_action ? nil : class_ref.step_text Actions.execute_action(action_name) do # arguments is an array by default, containing an hash with the actual parameters # Since we usually just need the passed hash, we'll just use the first object if there is only one if arguments.count == 0 arguments = ConfigurationHelper.parse(class_ref, {}) # no parameters => empty hash elsif arguments.count == 1 && arguments.first.kind_of?(Hash) arguments = ConfigurationHelper.parse(class_ref, arguments.first) # Correct configuration passed elsif !class_ref.available_options # This action does not use the new action format # Just passing the arguments to this method else UI.user_error!("You have to call the integration like `#{method_sym}(key: \"value\")`. Run `fastlane action #{method_sym}` for all available keys. Please check out the current documentation on GitHub.") end if Fastlane::Actions.is_deprecated?(class_ref) puts("==========================================".deprecated) puts("This action (#{method_sym}) is deprecated".deprecated) puts(class_ref.deprecated_notes.to_s.deprecated) if class_ref.deprecated_notes puts("==========================================\n".deprecated) end class_ref.runner = self # needed to call another action form an action return end end rescue Interrupt => e raise e # reraise the interruption to avoid logging this as a crash rescue FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneCommonException => e # these are exceptions that we dont count as crashes raise e rescue FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneError => e # user_error! action_completed(method_sym.to_s, status: FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionStatus::USER_ERROR, exception: e) raise e rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # high chance this is actually FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneCrash, but can be anything else # Catches all exceptions, since some plugins might use system exits to get out action_completed(method_sym.to_s, status: FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionStatus::FAILED, exception: e) raise e end end def action_completed(action_name, status: nil, exception: nil) # # if exception.nil? || exception.fastlane_should_report_metrics? # action_completion_context = FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionContext.context_for_action_name(action_name, args: ARGV, status: status) # FastlaneCore.session.action_completed(completion_context: action_completion_context) # end end def execute_flow_block(block, current_platform, lane, parameters) # Call the platform specific block and default back to the general one block[current_platform].call(lane, parameters) if block[current_platform] && current_platform block[nil].call(lane, parameters) if block[nil] end def verify_supported_os(name, class_ref) if class_ref.respond_to?(:is_supported?) # This value is filled in based on the executed platform block. Might be nil when lane is in root of Fastfile platform = Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME] if platform unless class_ref.is_supported?(platform) UI.important("Action '#{name}' isn't known to support operating system '#{platform}'.") end end end end # Called internally to setup the runner object # # @param lane [Lane] A lane object def add_lane(lane, override = false) lanes[lane.platform] ||= {} if !override && lanes[lane.platform][] UI.user_error!("Lane '#{}' was defined multiple times!") end lanes[lane.platform][] = lane end def set_before_each(platform, block) before_each_blocks[platform] = block end def set_after_each(platform, block) after_each_blocks[platform] = block end def set_before_all(platform, block) unless before_all_blocks[platform].nil? UI.error("You defined multiple `before_all` blocks in your `Fastfile`. The last one being set will be used.") end before_all_blocks[platform] = block end def set_after_all(platform, block) unless after_all_blocks[platform].nil? UI.error("You defined multiple `after_all` blocks in your `Fastfile`. The last one being set will be used.") end after_all_blocks[platform] = block end def set_error(platform, block) unless error_blocks[platform].nil? UI.error("You defined multiple `error` blocks in your `Fastfile`. The last one being set will be used.") end error_blocks[platform] = block end def lanes @lanes ||= {} end def did_finish # to maintain compatibility with other sibling classes that have this API end def before_each_blocks @before_each ||= {} end def after_each_blocks @after_each ||= {} end def before_all_blocks @before_all ||= {} end def after_all_blocks @after_all ||= {} end def error_blocks @error_blocks ||= {} end end end