# frozen_string_literal: true module Ariadne # Represents two items side-by-side. Typically, this will be an icon (of CSS classes, SVG, or a Heroicon icon) # with optional text. # # InlineFlexComponent differs from HeroiconComponent in that it is intended to be # used within (or next to) text, whereas HeroiconComponent is intended to only # present a static list of SVG images (and can be embedded in buttons or shown alone). class InlineFlexComponent < Ariadne::Component DEFAULT_TAG = :span DEFAULT_CLASSES = "ariadne-inline-flex ariadne-items-baseline" STATE_OPTIONS = [:closed, :open].freeze STATE_OPEN_SVG = <<~MSG MSG STATE_CLOSED_SVG = <<~MSG MSG DEFAULT_TEXT_OPEN_CLASSES = "ariadne-text-state-open" DEFAULT_TEXT_CLOSED_CLASSES = "ariadne-text-state-closed" DEFAULT_TEXT_CLASSES = "ariadne-pl-2 ariadne-text-sm ariadne-font-medium ariadne-text-gray-900" renders_one :icon, lambda { |tag: :svg, icon:, variant:, size: Ariadne::HeroiconComponent::SIZE_DEFAULT, classes: "", attributes: {}, text_classes: "", text_attributes: {}| actual_text_classes = class_names(DEFAULT_TEXT_CLASSES, text_classes) Ariadne::HeroiconComponent.new(tag: tag, icon: icon, variant: variant, size: size, classes: classes, attributes: attributes, text_classes: actual_text_classes, text_attributes: text_attributes) { content } } renders_one :item, lambda { |classes: "", attributes: {}| Ariadne::BaseComponent.new(tag: :span, classes: classes, attributes: attributes) { content } } DEFAULT_LABEL_CLASSES = "ariadne-pl-2 ariadne-text-sm ariadne-font-medium ariadne-text-gray-900" renders_one :text, lambda { |classes: "", attributes: {}| actual_classes = class_names(DEFAULT_LABEL_CLASSES, classes) Ariadne::BaseComponent.new(tag: :span, classes: actual_classes, attributes: attributes) { content } } # @example Default # # <%= render(Ariadne::InlineFlexComponent.new) do |c| %> # <% c.item { Ariadne::InlineFlexComponent::STATE_OPEN_SVG.html_safe } %> # <% end %> # # <%= render(Ariadne::InlineFlexComponent.new) do |c| %> # <% c.icon(icon: :check, size: :sm, variant: HeroiconsHelper::Icon::VARIANT_SOLID) %> # <% c.text { "Closed" } %> # <% end %> # # @param tag [Symbol, String] The rendered tag name # @param classes [String] <%= link_to_classes_docs %> # @param attributes [Hash] <%= link_to_attributes_docs %> def initialize(tag: DEFAULT_TAG, classes: "", attributes: {}) @tag = check_incoming_tag(DEFAULT_TAG, tag) @classes = class_names(DEFAULT_CLASSES, classes) @attributes = attributes end end end