date: 2022-01-01 00:00:00
description: >
Customized HTML error page
categories: [ Error page ]
tags: [ HTML, 448 ]
exclude_from_search: true
regenerate: false
permalink: /448.html
http_error: 448
sitemap: false
{%- capture j1_cache -%}
{% comment %}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ~/assets/http_error_pages/HTTP448.html
# Liquid TEMPLATE to generate customized HTML error pages: 448 - Blocked Content
# Product/Info:
# https://jekyll.one
# Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams
# Copyright (C) 2020 Andi Dittrich
# J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.
# See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md
# HttpErrorPages are licensed under the MIT License.
# See: https://github.com/AndiDittrich/HttpErrorPages
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# German translation, see: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP-Statuscode
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test data:
# liquid_var: {{ liquid_var | debug }}
# config: {{ config | debug }}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{% endcomment %}
{% assign language = site.language %}
{% assign webmaster_email = site.webmaster.email %}
{% assign copyright_info = site.copyright %}
{% assign favicon = site.favicon.image %}
{% assign images_dir = site.asciidoc_attributes.imagesdir %}
{% assign brand_text = site.brand.text %}
{% assign brand_image_source = site.brand.image %}
{% assign brand_image_height = site.brand.image_height %}
{% capture brand_image %}{{images_dir}}/{{brand_image_source}}{%- endcapture -%}
{% comment %} language detection
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% if site.language == "en" %}
{% assign language = "en" %}
{% elsif site.language == "de"%}
{% assign language = "de" %}
{% else %}
{% assign language = "en" %}
{% endif %}
{% if language == 'en' %}
{% assign title = "Blocked Content" %}
{% assign back_url = "/" %}
{% assign back_url_text = "Back Home" %}
{% assign reason = "Access to the pages of this site has been disabled for technical reasons.
Your privacy settings disabled personalization.
Advertisements are not allowed but required to display pages on this website." %}
{% assign contact_issue = "Technical Contact" %}
{% endif %}
{% if language == 'de' %}
{% assign title = "Gesperrter Inhalt" %}
{% assign back_url = "/" %}
{% assign back_url_text = "Zurück zur Startseite" %}
{% assign reason = "Die Anzeige von Seiten dieser Website ist aus technischen Gründen gesperrt.
Die Einstellungen zu Ihrer Privatsphäre erlauben keine Personalisierung.
Werbeeinblendungen sind nicht erlabt, jedoch erforderlich um Seiten auf dieser Website anzuzeigen." %}
{% assign contact_issue = "Technischer Kontakt" %}
{% endif %}