# frozen_string_literal: true module Cel module Macro module_function # If e evaluates to a protocol buffers version 2 message and f is a defined field: # If f is a repeated field or map field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field is non-empty. # If f is a singular or oneof field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field is set. # If e evaluates to a protocol buffers version 3 message and f is a defined field: # If f is a repeated field or map field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field is non-empty. # If f is a oneof or singular message field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field is set. # If f is some other singular field, has(e.f) indicates whether the field's value is its default # value (zero for numeric fields, false for booleans, empty for strings and bytes). def has(invoke) var = invoke.var func = invoke.func case var when Message # If e evaluates to a message and f is not a declared field for the message, # has(e.f) raises a no_such_field error. raise NoSuchFieldError.new(var, func) unless var.field?(func) Bool.new(!var.public_send(func).nil?) when Map # If e evaluates to a map, then has(e.f) indicates whether the string f # is a key in the map (note that f must syntactically be an identifier). Bool.new(var.respond_to?(func)) else # In all other cases, has(e.f) evaluates to an error. raise EvaluateError, "#{invoke} is not supported" end end def size(literal) literal.size end def matches(string, pattern) pattern = Regexp.new(pattern) Bool.new(pattern.match?(string)) end def all(collection, identifier, predicate, context:) return_value = collection.all? do |element, *| Program.new(context.merge(identifier.to_sym => element)).evaluate(predicate).value end Bool.new(return_value) end def exists(collection, identifier, predicate, context:) return_value = collection.any? do |element, *| Program.new(context.merge(identifier.to_sym => element)).evaluate(predicate).value end Bool.new(return_value) end def exists_one(collection, identifier, predicate, context:) return_value = collection.one? do |element, *| Program.new(context.merge(identifier.to_sym => element)).evaluate(predicate).value end Bool.new(return_value) end def filter(collection, identifier, predicate, context:) collection.select do |element, *| Program.new(context.merge(identifier.to_sym => element)).evaluate(predicate).value end end def map(collection, identifier, predicate, context:) collection.map do |element, *| Program.new(context.merge(identifier.to_sym => element)).evaluate(predicate) end end end end