protocol SnapshotfileProtocol: class {

  /// Path the workspace file
  var workspace: String? { get }

  /// Path the project file
  var project: String? { get }

  /// Pass additional arguments to xcodebuild for the test phase. Be sure to quote the setting names and values e.g. OTHER_LDFLAGS="-ObjC -lstdc++"
  var xcargs: String? { get }

  /// Use an extra XCCONFIG file to build your app
  var xcconfig: String? { get }

  /// A list of devices you want to take the screenshots from
  var devices: [String]? { get }

  /// A list of languages which should be used
  var languages: [String] { get }

  /// A list of launch arguments which should be used
  var launchArguments: [String] { get }

  /// The directory where to store the screenshots
  var outputDirectory: String { get }

  /// If the logs generated by the app (e.g. using NSLog, perror, etc.) in the Simulator should be written to the output_directory
  var outputSimulatorLogs: Bool { get }

  /// By default, the latest version should be used automatically. If you want to change it, do it here
  var iosVersion: String? { get }

  /// Don't open the HTML summary after running _snapshot_
  var skipOpenSummary: Bool { get }

  /// Do not check for most recent SnapshotHelper code
  var skipHelperVersionCheck: Bool { get }

  /// Enabling this option will automatically clear previously generated screenshots before running snapshot
  var clearPreviousScreenshots: Bool { get }

  /// Enabling this option will automatically uninstall the application before running it
  var reinstallApp: Bool { get }

  /// Enabling this option will automatically erase the simulator before running the application
  var eraseSimulator: Bool { get }

  /// Enabling this option will configure the Simulator's system language
  var localizeSimulator: Bool { get }

  /// Enabling this option will configure the Simulator to be in dark mode (false for light, true for dark)
  var darkMode: Bool? { get }

  /// The bundle identifier of the app to uninstall (only needed when enabling reinstall_app)
  var appIdentifier: String? { get }

  /// A list of photos that should be added to the simulator before running the application
  var addPhotos: [String]? { get }

  /// A list of videos that should be added to the simulator before running the application
  var addVideos: [String]? { get }

  /// The directory where to store the build log
  var buildlogPath: String { get }

  /// Should the project be cleaned before building it?
  var clean: Bool { get }

  /// Test without building, requires a derived data path
  var testWithoutBuilding: Bool? { get }

  /// The configuration to use when building the app. Defaults to 'Release'
  var configuration: String? { get }

  /// Additional xcpretty arguments
  var xcprettyArgs: String? { get }

  /// The SDK that should be used for building the application
  var sdk: String? { get }

  /// The scheme you want to use, this must be the scheme for the UI Tests
  var scheme: String? { get }

  /// The number of times a test can fail before snapshot should stop retrying
  var numberOfRetries: Int { get }

  /// Should snapshot stop immediately after the tests completely failed on one device?
  var stopAfterFirstError: Bool { get }

  /// The directory where build products and other derived data will go
  var derivedDataPath: String? { get }

  /// Should an Xcode result bundle be generated in the output directory
  var resultBundle: Bool { get }

  /// The name of the target you want to test (if you desire to override the Target Application from Xcode)
  var testTargetName: String? { get }

  /// Separate the log files per device and per language
  var namespaceLogFiles: String? { get }

  /// Take snapshots on multiple simulators concurrently. Note: This option is only applicable when running against Xcode 9
  var concurrentSimulators: Bool { get }

  /// Disable the simulator from showing the 'Slide to type' prompt
  var disableSlideToType: Bool { get }

  /// Sets a custom path for Swift Package Manager dependencies
  var clonedSourcePackagesPath: String? { get }

extension SnapshotfileProtocol {
  var workspace: String? { return nil }
  var project: String? { return nil }
  var xcargs: String? { return nil }
  var xcconfig: String? { return nil }
  var devices: [String]? { return nil }
  var languages: [String] { return ["en-US"] }
  var launchArguments: [String] { return [""] }
  var outputDirectory: String { return "screenshots" }
  var outputSimulatorLogs: Bool { return false }
  var iosVersion: String? { return nil }
  var skipOpenSummary: Bool { return false }
  var skipHelperVersionCheck: Bool { return false }
  var clearPreviousScreenshots: Bool { return false }
  var reinstallApp: Bool { return false }
  var eraseSimulator: Bool { return false }
  var localizeSimulator: Bool { return false }
  var darkMode: Bool? { return nil }
  var appIdentifier: String? { return nil }
  var addPhotos: [String]? { return nil }
  var addVideos: [String]? { return nil }
  var buildlogPath: String { return "~/Library/Logs/snapshot" }
  var clean: Bool { return false }
  var testWithoutBuilding: Bool? { return nil }
  var configuration: String? { return nil }
  var xcprettyArgs: String? { return nil }
  var sdk: String? { return nil }
  var scheme: String? { return nil }
  var numberOfRetries: Int { return 1 }
  var stopAfterFirstError: Bool { return false }
  var derivedDataPath: String? { return nil }
  var resultBundle: Bool { return false }
  var testTargetName: String? { return nil }
  var namespaceLogFiles: String? { return nil }
  var concurrentSimulators: Bool { return true }
  var disableSlideToType: Bool { return false }
  var clonedSourcePackagesPath: String? { return nil }

// Please don't remove the lines below
// They are used to detect outdated files
// FastlaneRunnerAPIVersion [0.9.7]