module ActiveMerchant module Billing class PaypalStandardGateway < Gateway self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w[AL DZ AD AO AI AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BR VG BN BG BF BI KH CM CA CV KY TD CL CO KM CG CD CK CR CI HR CY CZ DK DJ DM DO EC EG SV ER EE ET FK FO FJ FI FR GF PF GA GM GE DE GI GR GL GD GP GT GN GW GY HN HK HU IS IN ID IE IL IT JM JP JO KZ KE KI KW KG LA LV LS LI LT LU MK MG MW MY MV ML MT MH MQ MR MU YT MX FM MD MC MN ME MS MA MZ NA NR NP NL NC NZ NI NE NG NU NF NO OM PW PA PG PY PE PH PN PL PT QA RE RO RU RW WS SM ST SA SN RS SC SL SG SK SI SB SO ZA KR ES LK SH KN LC PM VC SR SJ SZ SE CH TW TJ TZ TH TG TO TT TN TM TC TV UG UA AE GB US UY VU VA VE VN WF YE ZM ZW].freeze self.default_currency = 'USD' self.money_format = :cents self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express diners_club maestro discover jcb mada bp_plus] self.display_name = 'PayPal' ENDPOINTS = { generate_token: '/v1/oauth2/token', create_order: '/v2/checkout/orders', capture_order: '/v2/checkout/orders/%{id}/capture', refund: '/v2/payments/captures/%{id}/refund' } SOFT_DECLINE_CODES = %w[INVALID_REQUEST AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY RATE_LIMIT_REACHED].freeze SUCCESS_CODES = %w[COMPLETED].freeze def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :client_id, :client_secret) @client_id = options[:client_id] @client_secret = options[:client_secret] @response_http_code = nil super @access_token = setup_access_token @request_id = SecureRandom.uuid end def purchase(amount, payment_method, options = {}) post ||= {} amount = to_currency(amount) add_payment_intent(post) add_purchase_units(post, amount, options) add_payment_source(post, payment_method, options) commit(:create_order, post) end def capture(authorization, options = {}) post = {} commit(:capture_order, post, authorization) end def refund(amount, authorization, options = {}) post = {} amount = to_currency(amount) add_refund_amount(post, amount, options) add_refund_reason(post, options) commit(:refund, post, authorization) end private def commit(action, post, id = nil) begin url = build_request_url(action, id) response = parse(ssl_post(url, post_data(post), headers)) succeeded = success_from(response) rescue ResponseError => e response = parse(e.response.body, error: e.response) end succeeded, message_from(succeeded, response), normalize_response(action, response), test: test?, authorization: authorization_from(action, response), error_code: succeeded ? nil : error_code_from(response), avs_result: { code: response['avs'] }, cvv_result: response['cvv2'], response_type: response_type(action, response), response_http_code: @response_http_code, request_endpoint: url, request_method: request_method(action), request_body: post, request_id: @request_id ) end def base_url if test? test_url else live_url end end def normalize_response(action, response) if action == :create_order && response.present? redirect_link = response['links'].find { |link| link['rel'] == 'payer-action' } response['_links'] = { 'redirect' => { 'href' => redirect_link['href'] } } if redirect_link response['order_id'] = response['id'] end response end def request_method(action) case action when :generate_token, :create_order, :capture_order, :refund 'post' end end def setup_access_token headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => "Basic #{encoded_credentials}" } response = ssl_post(build_request_url(:generate_token), grant_type, headers) JSON.parse(response)['access_token'] end def build_request_url(action, id = nil) base_url = (test? ? test_url : live_url) base_url + ENDPOINTS[action].to_s % { id: id } end def encoded_credentials Base64.strict_encode64("#{@client_id}:#{@client_secret}") end def headers { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{@access_token}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'PayPal-Request-Id' => @request_id } end def post_data(post) post.to_json end def parse(body, error: nil) JSON.parse(body) rescue JSON::ParserError response = { 'error_type' => error&.code, 'message' => 'Invalid JSON response received from Unified Payments Gateway. Please contact if you continue to receive this message.' } response['error_codes'] = [error&.message] if error&.message response end def grant_type 'grant_type=client_credentials' end def success_from(response) SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response['status']) end def message_from(succeeded, response) if succeeded response['status'] elsif response['message'] response['name'] + ': ' + response['message'] else response['error'] || response['error_description'] || response['status'] || response['message'] || 'Unable to read error message' end end def authorization_from(action, response) case action when :create_order, :refund_order response.dig('id') when :capture_order purchase_unit = response.dig('purchase_units', 0) captures = purchase_unit&.dig('payments', 'captures', 0) captures&.dig('id') end end def error_code_from(response) response['name'] unless success_from(response) end def add_purchase_units(post, amount, options) purchase_unit = {} purchase_unit[:reference_id] = options[:order_id] purchase_unit[:amount] = {} purchase_unit[:amount][:value] = amount purchase_unit[:amount][:currency_code] = options[:currency] add_shipping_address(purchase_unit, options) post[:purchase_units] ||= [] post[:purchase_units] << purchase_unit end def add_payment_source(post, payment_method, options) post[:payment_source] = {} redirect_links = options[:redirect_links] case payment_method.paypal_method_type when 'paypal' payment_source = post[:payment_source][:paypal] = {} experience_context = payment_source[:experience_context] = {} experience_context[:landing_page] = 'LOGIN' experience_context[:user_action] = 'PAY_NOW' experience_context[:return_url] = redirect_links[:success_url] if redirect_links experience_context[:cancel_url] = redirect_links[:failure_url] if redirect_links when 'giropay' payment_source = post[:payment_source][:giropay] = {} add_payment_source_details(payment_source, redirect_links, options) when 'sofort' payment_source = post[:payment_source][:sofort] = {} add_payment_source_details(payment_source, redirect_links, options) end end def add_shipping_address(purchase_unit, options) purchase_unit[:shipping] = {} purchase_unit[:shipping][:address] = {} purchase_unit[:shipping][:address][:address_line_1] = options[:billing_address][:address1] purchase_unit[:shipping][:address][:admin_area_2] = options[:billing_address][:city] purchase_unit[:shipping][:address][:admin_area_1] = options[:billing_address][:state] purchase_unit[:shipping][:address][:postal_code] = options[:billing_address][:zip] purchase_unit[:shipping][:address][:country_code] = options[:billing_address][:country] end def add_payment_source_details(payment_source, redirect_links, options) payment_source[:name] = options[:billing_address] ? options[:billing_address][:name] : '' payment_source[:country_code] = options[:billing_address] ? options[:billing_address][:country] : '' payment_source[:experience_context] = {} payment_source[:experience_context][:brand_name] = options[:campaign_name] payment_source[:experience_context][:return_url] = redirect_links[:success_url] if redirect_links payment_source[:experience_context][:cancel_url] = redirect_links[:failure_url] if redirect_links end def add_payment_intent(post) post[:intent] = 'CAPTURE' end def add_refund_amount(post, amount, options) post[:amount] = { "value": amount, "currency_code": options[:currency] } end def add_refund_reason(post, options) post[:note_to_payer] = options[:refund_reason] end def handle_response(response) @response_http_code = response.code.to_i super end def response_type(action, response) return unless action == :capture_order if SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response['status']) 0 elsif SOFT_DECLINE_CODES.include?(response['name']) 1 else 2 end end def to_currency(amount) dollars = amount.to_f / 100.0 sprintf('%.2f', dollars) end end end end