class Grb GIT = ENV['GRB_GIT'] || 'git' ORIGIN = ENV['GRB_ORIGIN'] || 'origin' COMMANDS = { :new => { :desc => "=> create new branch `branch`\ngrb new [branch] [--explain]", :commands => [ '"#{GIT} push #{origin} #{current_branch}:refs/heads/#{branch}"', '"#{GIT} fetch #{origin}"', '"#{GIT} branch --track #{branch} #{origin}/#{branch}"', '"#{GIT} checkout #{branch}"' ] }, :push => { :desc => "=> push branch `branch`, default current_branch\ngrb push [branch] [--explain]", :commands => [ '"#{GIT} push #{origin} #{branch}:refs/heads/#{branch}"', '"#{GIT} fetch #{origin}"', '"#{GIT} config branch.#{branch}.remote #{origin}"', '"#{GIT} config branch.#{branch}.merge refs/heads/#{branch}"', '"#{GIT} checkout #{branch}"' ] }, :mv => { :desc => "=> rename `branch1` to `branch2`\ngrb mv [branch1] [branch2] [--explain]\n=> rename current branch to `branch`\ngrb mv branch [--explain]", :commands => [ ' if(branch != branch_) "#{GIT} push #{origin} #{branch}:refs/heads/#{branch_} #{GIT} fetch #{origin} #{GIT} branch --track #{branch_} #{origin}/#{branch_} #{GIT} checkout #{branch_} #{GIT} branch -d #{branch} #{GIT} push #{origin} :refs/heads/#{branch}" else "#{GIT} push #{origin} #{current_branch}:refs/heads/#{branch} #{GIT} fetch #{origin} #{GIT} branch --track #{branch} #{origin}/#{branch} #{GIT} checkout #{branch} #{GIT} push #{origin} :refs/heads/#{current_branch} #{GIT} branch -d #{current_branch}" end' ] }, :rm => { :desc => "=> delete branch `branch`,default current_branch\ngrb rm [branch] [--explain]", :commands => [ '"#{GIT} push #{origin} :refs/heads/#{branch}"', '"#{GIT} checkout master" if current_branch == branch', '"#{GIT} branch -d #{branch}"' ] }, :pull => { :desc => "=> pull branch `branch`,default current_branch\ngrb pull [branch] [--explain]", :commands => [ '"#{GIT} fetch #{origin}"', 'if local_branches.include?(branch) "#{GIT} config branch.#{branch}.remote #{origin}\n" + "#{GIT} config branch.#{branch}.merge refs/heads/#{branch}" else "#{GIT} branch --track #{branch} #{origin}/#{branch}" end' ] } } def self.parse(opt) if COMMANDS.keys.include?(opt[:command].to_sym) current_branch,branch,branch_,origin = get_current_branch,opt[:branch],opt[:branch_],ORIGIN COMMANDS[opt[:command].to_sym][:commands].map {|x| exec_cmd(eval(x))} else help end end def self.exec_cmd(str) return true unless str puts("\e[031m" + str.gsub(/^\s*/,'') + "\e[0m") system("#{str}") unless EXPLAIN end def self.get_current_branch (`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep '^\*'`).gsub(/\W/,'') end def self.local_branches (`git branch -l`).split(/\n/).map{|x| x.gsub(/\W/,'')} end def*args) puts "USAGE:" {|x| puts x[:desc].gsub(/^(\W.*)$/,"\e[31m" + '\1' + "\e[0m").gsub(/^(\w.*)$/,' $ \1')} end end