Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project mostly adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( 0.10.4 ------ ### Compatible changes - Fix a bug where hovering multiple times over the same [up-preload] link would not trigger a new request after the cache expired 0.10.3 ------ ### Compatible changes - The default viewport is now `document` instead of the `` element. 0.10.2 ------ ### Breaking changes - While following links and submitting forms will still reveal elements by default, direct calls of [`up.replace`]( no longer do. This behavior can be activated using the `{ reveal: true }` option. ### Compatible changes - Options to control scrolling and cache use for [`up.submit`](, [`up.follow`](, [`up.visit`](, [`form[up-target]`]( and [`a[up-target]`]( 0.10.1 ------ ### Breaking changes - [`up.reveal`]( now only reveals the first 150 pixels of an element. 0.10.0 ------- ### Compatible changes - Viewport scroll positions are saved when the URL changes and restored when the user hits the back/forward button - Allow to link to the previous page using [`[up-back]`]( - Allow to restore previous scroll state using [`[up-restore-scroll]`]( - Instead of saying `` you can now simply say ``. - Create this Changelog. ### Breaking changes - The option `options.scroll` and attribute `up-scroll` have been removed. Instead you can use the boolean option `options.reveal` or `up-reveal` to indicate whether an element should be revealed within the viewport before replacement. - The string `up.history.defaults('popTarget')` is now an array of selectors `up.history.defaults('popTargets')` 0.9.1 ----- ### Compatible changes - Change transition implementation so child elements with collapsing margins don't reposition within the animated element 0.9.0 ----- ### Compatible changes - Elements are now being [revealed]( within their viewport before they are updated - Elements that are prepended or appended using `:before` or `:after` pseudo-selectors are now scrolled into view after insertion. - New option `up.layout.defaults('snap')` lets you define a number of pixels under which Up.js will snap to the top edge of the viewport when revealing an element - You can now make [`up.reveal`](( aware of fixed navigation bars blocking the viewport by setting new options `up.layout.defaults('fixedTop')` and `up.layout.defaults('fixedBottom')`. 0.8.2 ----- ### Compatible changes - [`up.reveal`]( can now reveal content in modals and containers with `overflow-y: scroll`. - Changing the default configuration of an Up.js module now raises an error if a config key is unknown. - Links linking to `"#"` are now never marked as `.up-current`. 0.8.1 ----- ### Compatible chanes - You can now include `up-bootstrap.js` and `up-bootstrap.css` to configure Up.js to play nice with Bootstrap 3. ### Breaking changes - Like Bootstrap, the Up.js modal will now scroll the main document viewport instead of the modal dialog box. 0.8.0 ----- ### Compatible changes - Up.js will now emit [events]( `proxy:busy` and `proxy:idle` whenever it is loading or is done loading content over HTTP. - Add an option `up.proxy.defaults('busyDelay')` to delay the `proxy:busy` event in order to prevent flickering of loading spinners. 0.7.8 ------ ### Compatible changes - Now longer throws an error if the current location does not match an `up-alias` wildcard (bugfix). 0.7.7 ----- ### Compatible changes - Allow `up-alias` to match URLs by prefix (`up-alias="prefix*"`). 0.7.6 ----- ### Compatible changes - Fix what Up.js considers the current URL of a modal or popup if multiple updates change different parts of the modal or popup. - Don't replace elements within a container that matches `.up-destroying` or `.up-ghost` (which are cloned elements for animation purposes). 0.7.5 ----- ### Compatible changes - Make sure that an expanded link will be considered a link by adding an `up-follow` attribute if it doesn't already have an `up-target` attribute. 0.7.4 ----- ### Compatible changes - Correctly position tooltips when the user has scrolled the main document viewports. - Allow popups within modal dialogs. 0.7.3 ----- ### Compatible changes - Use [up.proxy]( when submitting a form. 0.7.2 ----- ### Compatible changes - When marking links as `.up-current`, allow to additionally match on a space-separated list of URLs in an `up-alias` attribute. 0.7.1 ----- ### Compatible changes - Bugfix: Don't consider forms with an `up-target` attribute to be a link.