module KnapsackPro module Adapters class RSpecAdapter < BaseAdapter TEST_DIR_PATTERN = 'spec/**{,/*/**}/*_spec.rb' def self.ensure_no_tag_option_when_rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled!(cli_args) if KnapsackPro::Config::Env.rspec_split_by_test_examples? && has_tag_option?(cli_args) error_message = 'It is not allowed to use the RSpec tag option together with the RSpec split by test examples feature. Please see:' KnapsackPro.logger.error(error_message) raise error_message end end def self.has_tag_option?(cli_args) # use start_with? because user can define tag option in a few ways: # -t mytag # -tmytag # --tag mytag # --tag=mytag cli_args.any? { |arg| arg.start_with?('-t') || arg.start_with?('--tag') } end def self.has_format_option?(cli_args) cli_args.any? { |arg| arg.start_with?('-f') || arg.start_with?('--format') } end def self.test_path(example_group) if defined?(::Turnip) && ::Turnip::VERSION.to_i < 2 unless example_group[:turnip] until example_group[:parent_example_group].nil? example_group = example_group[:parent_example_group] end end else until example_group[:parent_example_group].nil? example_group = example_group[:parent_example_group] end end example_group[:file_path] end def bind_time_tracker ::RSpec.configure do |config| config.prepend_before(:context) do KnapsackPro.tracker.start_timer end config.around(:each) do |example| # stop timer to update time for a previously run test example # this way we count time spend in runtime for the previous test example after around(:each) is already done KnapsackPro.tracker.stop_timer current_example_group = if ::RSpec.respond_to?(:current_example) ::RSpec.current_example.metadata[:example_group] else example.metadata end current_test_path = KnapsackPro::Adapters::RSpecAdapter.test_path(current_example_group) KnapsackPro.tracker.current_test_path = if KnapsackPro::Config::Env.rspec_split_by_test_examples? && KnapsackPro::Adapters::RSpecAdapter.slow_test_file?(RSpecAdapter, current_test_path) else current_test_path end end config.append_after(:context) do # after(:context) hook is run one time only, after all of the examples in a group # stop timer to count time for the very last executed test example KnapsackPro.tracker.stop_timer end config.after(:suite) do KnapsackPro.logger.debug(KnapsackPro::Presenter.global_time) end end end def bind_save_report ::RSpec.configure do |config| config.after(:suite) do end end end def bind_before_queue_hook ::RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:suite) do unless ENV['KNAPSACK_PRO_BEFORE_QUEUE_HOOK_CALLED'] ENV['KNAPSACK_PRO_BEFORE_QUEUE_HOOK_CALLED'] = 'true' KnapsackPro::Hooks::Queue.call_before_queue end end end end end # This is added to provide backwards compatibility # In case someone is doing switch from knapsack gem to the knapsack_pro gem # and didn't notice the class name changed class RspecAdapter < RSpecAdapter end end end