Feature: Belongs To A resource belongs to another resource Background: Given I am logged in And a post with the title "Hello World" written by "John Doe" exists And a post with the title "Hello World" written by "Jane Doe" exists Scenario: Viewing the child resource index page Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register User ActiveAdmin.register Post do belongs_to :user end """ When I go to the last author's posts Then the "Users" tab should be selected And I should not see a menu item for "Posts" And I should see "Displaying 1 Post" And I should see a link to "Users" in the breadcrumb And I should see a link to "Jane Doe" in the breadcrumb Scenario: Updating a child resource page Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register User ActiveAdmin.register Post do belongs_to :user permit_params :title, :body, :published_date form do |f| f.inputs "Your Post" do f.input :title f.input :body end f.inputs "Publishing" do f.input :published_date end f.actions end end """ When I go to the last author's last post page Then I follow "Edit Post" Then I should see the element "form[action='/admin/users/2/posts/2']" Then I should see a link to "Hello World" in the breadcrumb When I press "Update Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully updated." Scenario: Creating a child resource page Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register User ActiveAdmin.register Post do belongs_to :user permit_params :title, :body, :published_date form do |f| f.inputs "Your Post" do f.input :title f.input :body end f.inputs "Publishing" do f.input :published_date end f.actions end end """ When I go to the last author's posts Then I follow "New Post" Then I should see the element "form[action='/admin/users/2/posts']" Then I fill in "Title" with "Hello World" Then I fill in "Body" with "This is the body" When I press "Create Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully created." And I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World" And I should see the attribute "Body" with "This is the body" And I should see the attribute "Author" with "Jane Doe" Scenario: Viewing a child resource page Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register User ActiveAdmin.register Post do belongs_to :user end """ When I go to the last author's posts And I follow "View" Then I should be on the last author's last post page And the "Users" tab should be selected Scenario: When the belongs to is optional Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register User ActiveAdmin.register Post do belongs_to :user, optional: true end """ When I go to the last author's posts Then the "Users" tab should be selected And I should see a menu item for "Posts" When I follow "Posts" Then the "Posts" tab should be selected Scenario: Displaying belongs to resources in main menu Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register User ActiveAdmin.register Post do belongs_to :user navigation_menu :user end """ When I go to the last author's posts And I follow "View" Then the "Posts" tab should be selected