module DaruLite class DataFrame module Calculatable # Sum all numeric/specified vectors in the DataFrame. # # Returns a new vector that's a containing a sum of all numeric # or specified vectors of the DataFrame. By default, if the vector # contains a nil, the sum is nil. # With :skipnil argument set to true, nil values are assumed to be # 0 (zero) and the sum vector is returned. # # @param args [Array] List of vectors to sum. Default is nil in which case # all numeric vectors are summed. # # @option opts [Boolean] :skipnil Consider nils as 0. Default is false. # # @return Vector with sum of all vectors specified in the argument. # If vecs parameter is empty, sum all numeric vector. # # @example # df ={ # a: [1, 2, nil], # b: [2, 1, 3], # c: [1, 1, 1] # }) # => # # a b c # 0 1 2 1 # 1 2 1 1 # 2 nil 3 1 # df.vector_sum [:a, :c] # => # # 0 2 # 1 3 # 2 nil # df.vector_sum # => # # 0 4 # 1 4 # 2 nil # df.vector_sum skipnil: true # => # # c # 0 4 # 1 4 # 2 4 # def vector_sum(*args) defaults = { vecs: nil, skipnil: false } options = args.last.is_a?(::Hash) ? args.pop : {} options = defaults.merge(options) vecs = args[0] || options[:vecs] skipnil = args[1] || options[:skipnil] vecs ||= numeric_vectors sum = [0] * @size, index: @index, name: @name, dtype: @dtype vecs.inject(sum) { |memo, n| self[n].add(memo, skipnil: skipnil) } end # Calculate mean of the rows of the dataframe. # # == Arguments # # * +max_missing+ - The maximum number of elements in the row that can be # zero for the mean calculation to happen. Default to 0. def vector_mean(max_missing = 0) # FIXME: in vector_sum we preserve created vector dtype, but # here we are not. Is this by design or ...? - zverok, 2016-05-18 mean_vec = [0] * @size, index: @index, name: "mean_#{@name}" each_row_with_index.with_object(mean_vec) do |(row, i), memo| memo[i] = row.indexes(*DaruLite::MISSING_VALUES).size > max_missing ? nil : row.mean end end # Returns a vector, based on a string with a calculation based # on vector. # # The calculation will be eval'ed, so you can put any variable # or expression valid on ruby. # # For example: # a = [1,2] # b = [3,4] # ds ={:a => a,:b => b}) # ds.compute("a+b") # => Vector [4,6] def compute(text, &block) return instance_eval(&block) if block instance_eval(text) end # DSL for yielding each row and returning a DaruLite::Vector based on the # value each run of the block returns. # # == Usage # # a1 =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) # a2 =[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) # a3 =[100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700]) # ds ={ :a => a1, :b => a2, :c => a3 }) # total = ds.vector_by_calculation { a + b + c } # # # # nil # # 0 111 # # 1 222 # # 2 333 # # 3 444 # # 4 555 # # 5 666 # # 6 777 def vector_by_calculation(&block) a = { |r| r.instance_eval(&block) } a, index: @index end def vector_count_characters(vecs = nil) vecs ||= @vectors.to_a collect_rows do |row| vecs.sum { |v| row[v].to_s.size } end end # Generate a summary of this DataFrame based on individual vectors in the DataFrame # @return [String] String containing the summary of the DataFrame def summary summary = "= #{name}" summary << "\n Number of rows: #{nrows}" @vectors.each do |v| summary << "\n Element:[#{v}]\n" summary << self[v].summary(1) end summary end end end end