Ext.define("Netzke.Grid.EventHandlers", { override: "Netzke.Grid.EventHandlers", netzkeHandleItemdblclick(view, record) { if (this.editsInline) return; // inline editing is handled elsewhere // MONKEY: add view in form capability const has_perm = this.permissions || {}; if (has_perm.read !== false && !has_perm.update) { this.doViewInForm(record); } else if (has_perm.update !== false) { this.doEditInForm(record); } }, netzkeReloadStore(opts = {}) { const store = this.getStore(); // MONKEY: add beforenetzkereload and netzkerevent on store store.fireEvent("beforenetzkereload"); const callback = opts.callback; opts.callback = function() { if (callback) { callback(); } store.fireEvent("netzkereload"); }; // NETZKE'S HACK to work around buffered store's buggy reload() if (!store.lastRequestStart) { store.load(opts); } else store.reload(opts); } }); Ext.define("Ext.toolbar.Paging", { override: "Ext.toolbar.Paging", handleRefresh: Ext.emptyFn, doRefresh() { const me = this, current = me.store.currentPage; // MONKEY: add netzkerefresh to ExtJS paging toolbar refresh // as beforechange is too generic me.store.fireEvent("netzkerefresh", me); if (me.fireEvent("beforechange", me, current) !== false) { me.store.loadPage(current); me.handleRefresh(); } } }); Ext.define("Netzke.Grid.Columns", { override: "Netzke.Grid.Columns", netzkeNormalizeAssociationRenderer(c) { const passedRenderer = c.renderer; // renderer we got from netzkeNormalizeRenderer let assocValue; c.scope = this; c.renderer = function(value, a, r, ri, ci, store, view) { const column = view.headerCt.items.getAt(ci); const editor = column.getEditor && column.getEditor(); /* MONKEY: use findRecordByValue instead of findRecord to remedy inline editing temporarily changing N/A columns to the recently changed value. */ const recordFromStore = editor && editor.isXType("combobox") && editor.findRecordByValue(value); let renderedValue; if (recordFromStore) { renderedValue = recordFromStore.get("text"); } else if ( (assocValue = (r.get("association_values") || {})[c.name]) !== undefined ) { renderedValue = assocValue == undefined ? c.emptyText : assocValue; } else { renderedValue = value; } return passedRenderer ? passedRenderer.call(this, renderedValue) : renderedValue; }; } }); /* This is a modified version of the ExtJS Codemirror component from http://www.mzsolutions.eu/Extjs-CodeMirror-component.html. It's been modified to remove the toolbar and also it uses delorean mode by default. */ /** * @private * @class Ext.ux.layout.component.field.CodeMirror * @extends Ext.layout.component.field.Field * @author Adrian Teodorescu (ateodorescu@gmail.com) * * Layout class for {@link Ext.ux.form.field.CodeMirror} fields. Handles sizing the codemirror field. */ Ext.define("Ext.ux.layout.component.field.CodeMirror", { extend: "Ext.layout.component.Auto", alias: ["layout.codemirror"], type: "codemirror", beginLayout(ownerContext) { this.callParent(arguments); ownerContext.textAreaContext = ownerContext.getEl("textareaEl"); ownerContext.editorContext = ownerContext.getEl("editorEl"); }, renderItems: Ext.emptyFn, getRenderTarget() { return this.owner.bodyEl; }, publishInnerHeight(ownerContext, height) { const me = this, innerHeight = height - me.measureLabelErrorHeight(ownerContext) - ownerContext.bodyCellContext.getPaddingInfo().height; if (Ext.isNumber(innerHeight)) { ownerContext.textAreaContext.setHeight(innerHeight); ownerContext.editorContext.setHeight(innerHeight); } else { me.done = false; } }, publishInnerWidth(ownerContext, width) { const me = this; if (Ext.isNumber(width)) { ownerContext.textAreaContext.setWidth(width); ownerContext.editorContext.setWidth(width); } else { me.done = false; } } }); Ext.define("Ext.ux.form.field.CodeMirror", { extend: "Ext.Component", mixins: { labelable: "Ext.form.Labelable", field: "Ext.form.field.Field" }, alias: "widget.codemirror", alternateClassName: "Ext.form.CodeMirror", requires: [ "Ext.tip.QuickTipManager", "Ext.util.Format", "Ext.ux.layout.component.field.CodeMirror" ], childEls: ["editorEl", "textareaEl"], fieldSubTpl: [ '', '
', { disableFormats: true } ], // FIXME: the layout mechanism is currently busted // componentLayout: 'codemirror', editorWrapCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-wrap", maskOnDisable: true, afterBodyEl: "", /* // map tabs to 4 spaces -- arman (doesn't work - may need new version) extraKeys: { "Tab": function() { editor.replaceSelection(" " , "end"); } }, */ /** * @cfg {String} mode The default mode to use when the editor is initialized. When not given, this will default to the first mode that was loaded. * It may be a string, which either simply names the mode or is a MIME type associated with the mode. Alternatively, * it may be an object containing configuration options for the mode, with a name property that names the mode * (for example {name: "javascript", json: true}). The demo pages for each mode contain information about what * configuration parameters the mode supports. */ mode: "text/plain", /** * @cfg {Boolean} showAutoIndent Enable auto indent button for indenting the selected range */ showAutoIndent: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} showLineNumbers Enable line numbers button in the toolbar. */ showLineNumbers: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableMatchBrackets Force matching-bracket-highlighting to happen */ enableMatchBrackets: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableElectricChars Configures whether the editor should re-indent the current line when a character is typed * that might change its proper indentation (only works if the mode supports indentation). */ enableElectricChars: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableIndentWithTabs Whether, when indenting, the first N*tabSize spaces should be replaced by N tabs. */ enableIndentWithTabs: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableSmartIndent Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation that the mode provides (or just indent the same as the line before). */ enableSmartIndent: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableLineWrapping Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines. */ enableLineWrapping: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableLineNumbers Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor. */ enableLineNumbers: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableGutter Can be used to force a 'gutter' (empty space on the left of the editor) to be shown even * when no line numbers are active. This is useful for setting markers. */ enableGutter: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableFixedGutter When enabled (off by default), this will make the gutter stay visible when the * document is scrolled horizontally. */ enableFixedGutter: false, /** * @cfg {Number} firstLineNumber At which number to start counting lines. */ firstLineNumber: 1, /** * @cfg {Boolean} readOnly true to mark the field as readOnly. */ readOnly: false, /** * @cfg {Number} pollInterval Indicates how quickly (miliseconds) CodeMirror should poll its input textarea for changes. * Most input is captured by events, but some things, like IME input on some browsers, doesn't generate events * that allow CodeMirror to properly detect it. Thus, it polls. */ pollInterval: 100, /** * @cfg {Number} indentUnit How many spaces a block (whatever that means in the edited language) should be indented. */ indentUnit: 4, /** * @cfg {Number} tabSize The width of a tab character. */ tabSize: 4, /** * @cfg {String} theme The theme to style the editor with. You must make sure the CSS file defining the corresponding * .cm-s-[name] styles is loaded (see the theme directory in the distribution). The default is "default", for which * colors are included in codemirror.css. It is possible to use multiple theming classes at onceā€”for example * "foo bar" will assign both the cm-s-foo and the cm-s-bar classes to the editor. */ theme: "default", /** * @property {String} pathModes Path to the modes folder to dinamically load the required scripts. You could also * include all your required modes in a big script file and this path will be ignored. * Do not fill in the trailing slash. */ pathModes: "mode", /** * @property {String} pathExtensions Path to the extensions folder to dinamically load the required scripts. You could also * include all your required extensions in a big script file and this path will be ignored. * Do not fill in the trailing slash. */ pathExtensions: "lib/util", /** * @property {Array} extensions Define here extensions script dependencies; This is used by toolbar buttons to automatically * load the scripts before using an extension. */ extensions: { format: { dependencies: ["formatting.js"] } }, scriptsLoaded: [], lastMode: "", initComponent() { const me = this; me.callParent(arguments); me.initLabelable(); me.initField(); /* Fix resize issues as suggested by user koblass on the Extjs forums http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?167047-Ext.ux.form.field.CodeMirror-for-Ext-4.x&p=860535&viewfull=1#post860535 */ me.on( "resize", function() { if (me.editor) { me.editor.refresh(); } }, me ); }, getMaskTarget() { return this.bodyEl; }, /** * @private override */ getSubTplData() { const cssPrefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix; return { $comp: this, cmpId: this.id, id: this.getInputId(), toolbarWrapCls: cssPrefix + "html-editor-tb", textareaCls: cssPrefix + "hidden", editorCls: cssPrefix + "codemirror", editorName: Ext.id(), //size : 'height:100px;width:100%' // PennyMac: setting height to 100%. size: "height:100%;width:100%" }; }, getSubTplMarkup() { return this.getTpl("fieldSubTpl").apply(this.getSubTplData()); }, /** * @private override */ onRender() { const me = this; me.callParent(arguments); me.editorEl = me.getEl("editorEl"); me.bodyEl = me.getEl("bodyEl"); me.disableItems(true); me.initEditor(); me.rendered = true; }, initRenderData() { this.beforeSubTpl = '
'; return Ext.applyIf(this.callParent(), this.getLabelableRenderData()); }, /** * @private override */ initEditor() { const me = this; let mode = me.mode; // if no mode is loaded we could get an error like "Object # has no method 'startState'" // search mime to find script dependencies const item = me.getMime(me.mode); if (item) { mode = me.getMimeMode(me.mode); if (!mode) { mode = "text/x-delorean"; } } me.editor = CodeMirror(me.editorEl, { matchBrackets: me.enableMatchBrackets, electricChars: me.enableElectricChars, autoClearEmptyLines: true, value: me.rawValue || "", indentUnit: me.indentUnit, smartIndent: me.enableSmartIndent, indentWithTabs: me.indentWithTabs, pollInterval: me.pollInterval, lineNumbers: me.enableLineNumbers, lineWrapping: me.enableLineWrapping, firstLineNumber: me.firstLineNumber, tabSize: me.tabSize, gutter: me.enableGutter, fixedGutter: me.enableFixedGutter, theme: me.theme, mode, onChange() { me.checkChange(); //me.fireEvent('change', me, tc.from, tc.to, tc.text, tc.next || null); }, onCursorActivity() { me.fireEvent("cursoractivity", me); }, onGutterClick(editor, line, event) { me.fireEvent("gutterclick", me, line, event); }, onFocus() { me.fireEvent("activate", me); }, onBlur() { me.fireEvent("deactivate", me); }, onScroll() { me.fireEvent("scroll", me); }, onHighlightComplete() { me.fireEvent("highlightcomplete", me); }, onUpdate() { me.fireEvent("update", me); }, onKeyEvent(editor, event) { event.cancelBubble = true; // fix suggested by koblass user on Sencha forums (http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?167047-Ext.ux.form.field.CodeMirror-for-Ext-4.x&p=862029&viewfull=1#post862029) me.fireEvent("keyevent", me, event); } }); //me.editor.setValue(me.rawValue); me.setMode(me.mode); me.setReadOnly(me.readOnly); me.fireEvent("initialize", me); // change the codemirror css const css1 = Ext.util.CSS.getRule(".CodeMirror"); if (css1) { css1.style.height = "100%"; css1.style.position = "relative"; css1.style.overflow = "hidden"; } const css2 = Ext.util.CSS.getRule(".CodeMirror-Scroll"); if (css2) { css2.style.height = "100%"; } // PennyMac: align the body to the top. Otherwise it ends up // in the center of the enclosing table. const el = document.getElementById(me.bodyEl.id); el.setAttribute("valign", "top"); }, /** * @private */ relayBtnCmd(btn) { this.relayCmd(btn.getItemId()); }, /** * @private */ relayCmd(cmd) { Ext.defer( function() { const me = this; me.editor.focus(); switch (cmd) { // auto formatting case "justifycenter": if (!CodeMirror.extensions.autoIndentRange) { me.loadDependencies( me.extensions.format, me.pathExtensions, me.doIndentSelection, me ); } else { me.doIndentSelection(); } break; // line numbers case "insertorderedlist": me.doChangeLineNumbers(); break; } }, 10, this ); }, /** * @private * Reload all CodeMirror extensions for the current instance; * */ reloadExtentions() { const me = this; for (const ext in CodeMirror.extensions) if ( Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call( CodeMirror.extensions, ext ) && !Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(me.editor, ext) ) me.editor[ext] = CodeMirror.extensions[ext]; }, doChangeLineNumbers() { const me = this; me.enableLineNumbers = !me.enableLineNumbers; me.editor.setOption("lineNumbers", me.enableLineNumbers); }, /** * @private */ doIndentSelection() { const me = this; me.reloadExtentions(); try { const range = { from: me.editor.getCursor(true), to: me.editor.getCursor(false) }; me.editor.autoIndentRange(range.from, range.to); } catch (err) { // do nothing } }, modes: [ { mime: CodeMirror.mimeModes, dependencies: [] } ], /** * @private */ getMime(mime) { const me = this; let item, found = false; for (let i = 0; i < me.modes.length; i++) { item = me.modes[i]; if (Ext.isArray(item.mime)) { if (Ext.Array.contains(item.mime, mime)) { found = true; break; } } else { if (item == mime) { found = true; break; } } } if (found) return item; else return null; }, /** * @private */ loadDependencies(item, path, handler, scope) { const me = this; me.scripts = []; me.scriptIndex = -1; // load the dependencies for (let i = 0; i < item.dependencies.length; i++) { if ( !Ext.Array.contains(me.scriptsLoaded, path + "/" + item.dependencies[i]) ) { const options = { url: path + "/" + item.dependencies[i], index: ++me.scriptIndex, onLoad() { let ok = true; for (let j = 0; j < me.scripts.length; j++) { if (me.scripts[j].called) { // this event could be raised before one script if fetched ok = ok && me.scripts[j].success; if ( me.scripts[j].success && !Ext.Array.contains(me.scriptsLoaded, me.scripts[j].url) ) { me.scriptsLoaded.push(me.scripts[j].url); } } else { ok = false; } } if (ok) { handler.call(scope || me.editor); } } }; me.scripts[me.scriptIndex] = { url: options.url, success: true, called: false, options, onLoad: options.onLoad || Ext.emptyFn, onError: options.onError || Ext.emptyFn }; } } for (let k = 0; k < me.scripts.length; k++) { me.loadScript(me.scripts[k].options); } }, /** * @private */ loadScript(options) { const me = this; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: options.url, scriptIndex: options.index, success(response, options) { const script = 'Ext.getCmp("' + this.id + '").scripts[' + options.scriptIndex + "]"; window.setTimeout( "try { " + response.responseText + " } catch(e) { " + script + ".success = false; " + script + ".onError(" + script + ".options, e); }; " + script + ".called = true; if (" + script + ".success) " + script + ".onLoad(" + script + ".options);", 0 ); }, failure(response, options) { const script = this.scripts[options.scriptIndex]; script.success = false; script.called = true; script.onError(script.options, response.status); }, scope: me }); }, /** * @private * Return mode depending on the mime; If the mime is not loaded then return null * * @param mime */ getMimeMode(mime) { let mode = null; const mimes = CodeMirror.mimeModes; for (let i = 0; i < mimes.length; i++) { if (mimes[i].mime == mime) { mode = mimes[i].mode; if (typeof mode == "object") mode = mode.name; break; } } return mode; }, /** * Change the CodeMirror mode to the specified mime. * * @param {String} mime The MIME value according to the CodeMirror documentation */ setMode(mime) { const me = this; // found = false; // search mime to find script dependencies const item = me.getMime(mime); if (!item) { // mime not found return; } const mode = me.getMimeMode(mime); if (!mode) { me.loadDependencies(item, me.pathModes, function() { const mode = me.getMimeMode(mime); if (typeof mode == "string") me.editor.setOption("mode", mime); else me.editor.setOption("mode", mode); }); } else { if (typeof mode == "string") me.editor.setOption("mode", mime); else me.editor.setOption("mode", mode); } if (me.modesSelect) { me.modesSelect.dom.value = mime; } try { me.fireEvent("modechanged", me, mime, me.lastMode); me.lastMode = mime; } catch (err) { // do nothing } }, /** * Set the editor as read only * * @param {Boolean} readOnly */ setReadOnly(readOnly) { const me = this; if (me.editor) { me.editor.setOption("readOnly", readOnly); me.disableItems(readOnly); } }, onDisable() { this.bodyEl.mask(); this.callParent(arguments); }, onEnable() { this.bodyEl.unmask(); this.callParent(arguments); }, disableItems() {}, /** * Sets a data value into the field and runs the change detection. * @param {Mixed} value The value to set * @return {Ext.ux.form.field.CodeMirror} this */ setValue(value) { const me = this; me.mixins.field.setValue.call(me, value); me.rawValue = value; if (me.editor) me.editor.setValue(value); return me; }, /** * Return submit value to the owner form. * @return {Mixed} The field value */ getSubmitValue() { const me = this; return me.getValue(); }, /** * Return the value of the CodeMirror editor * @return {Mixed} The field value */ getValue() { const me = this; if (me.editor) return me.editor.getValue(); else return null; }, /** * @private */ onDestroy() { const me = this; if (me.rendered) { try { Ext.EventManager.removeAll(me.editor); for (const prop in me.editor) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(me.editor, prop)) { delete me.editor[prop]; } } } catch (e) { // do nothing } } me.callParent(); } }); // There is an error with code tester. Sometimes the Ext app craches when you click test again after some time passed // The bug is present in Ext // HACK FIX. This error happens when OuterCt/InnerCt dom was removed, but components thinks that it's still there // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null // at constructor.setStyle (ext-all-debug.js:42950) // at constructor.beginLayoutCycle (ext-all-debug.js:150619) // // check for outerCt.destroyed value. If it's destroyed then it's dom is gone and // and it's style and dimentions are not available // If it's not destroyed go with regular way Ext.define("Marty.layout.container.Auto", { override: "Ext.layout.container.Auto", // Sometimes outerCt is already destroyed. in that case it's DOM is null and all methods // that call DOM should not be called beginLayoutCycle(ownerContext) { const me = this; const outerCt = me.outerCt; const lastOuterCtWidth = me.lastOuterCtWidth || ""; const lastOuterCtHeight = me.lastOuterCtHeight || ""; const lastOuterCtTableLayout = me.lastOuterCtTableLayout || ""; const state = ownerContext.state; let overflowXStyle; let outerCtWidth; let outerCtHeight; let outerCtTableLayout; let inheritedStateInner; // FIX //- me.callParent(arguments); // If callParent would call overriden method, which leads to and exception // when outerCt is destroyed. In that case we use callSuper, which ignores overriden method. // If outerCt is not destroyed, then we call overriden method and exit the function. Fixes bellow are not needed if (outerCt.destroyed) { me.callSuper(arguments); } else { return me.callParent(arguments); } // Default to "shrink wrap styles". outerCtWidth = outerCtHeight = outerCtTableLayout = ""; if (!ownerContext.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { // if we're not shrink wrapping width, we need to get the innerCt out of the // way to avoid any shrink wrapping effect on child items // fill the available width within the container outerCtWidth = "100%"; inheritedStateInner = me.owner.inheritedStateInner; // expand no further than the available width, even if contents are wider // unless there is a potential for horizontal overflow, then allow // the outerCt to expand to the width of the contents overflowXStyle = me.getOverflowXStyle(ownerContext); outerCtTableLayout = inheritedStateInner.inShrinkWrapTable || overflowXStyle === "auto" || overflowXStyle === "scroll" ? "" : "fixed"; } if ( !ownerContext.heightModel.shrinkWrap && !Ext.supports.PercentageHeightOverflowBug ) { // if we're not shrink wrapping height, we need to get the outerCt out of the // way so that percentage height children will be sized correctly. We do this // by giving the outerCt a height of '100%' unless the browser is affected by // the "percentage height overflow bug", in which case the outerCt will get a // pixel height set during the calculate phase after we know the targetEl size. outerCtHeight = "100%"; } // if the outerCt width changed since last time (becuase of a widthModel change) // or if we set a pixel width on the outerCt last time to work around a browser- // specific bug, we need to set the width of the outerCt if (outerCtWidth !== lastOuterCtWidth || me.hasOuterCtPxWidth) { // FIX: Added check for !outerCt.destroyed if (!outerCt.destroyed) { outerCt.setStyle("width", outerCtWidth); } me.lastOuterCtWidth = outerCtWidth; me.hasOuterCtPxWidth = false; } // Set the outerCt table-layout property if different from last time. if (outerCtTableLayout !== lastOuterCtTableLayout) { outerCt.setStyle("table-layout", outerCtTableLayout); me.lastOuterCtTableLayout = outerCtTableLayout; } // if the outerCt height changed since last time (becuase of a heightModel change) // or if we set a pixel height on the outerCt last time to work around a browser- // specific bug, we need to set the height of the outerCt if (outerCtHeight !== lastOuterCtHeight || me.hasOuterCtPxHeight) { // FIX: Added check for !outerCt.destroyed if (!outerCt.destroyed) { outerCt.setStyle("height", outerCtHeight); } me.lastOuterCtHeight = outerCtHeight; me.hasOuterCtPxHeight = false; } if (me.hasInnerCtPxHeight) { // FIX: Added check for !innerCt.destroyed if (!me.innerCt.destroyed) { me.innerCt.setStyle("height", ""); } me.hasInnerCtPxHeight = false; } // Begin with the scrollbar adjustment that we used last time - this is more likely // to be correct than beginning with no adjustment at all, but only if it is not // already defined - it may have already been set by invalidate() state.overflowAdjust = state.overflowAdjust || me.lastOverflowAdjust; }, // The fix checks whether outerCt is destroyed or not // If it's destroyed, then the dom is gone and calling getHeight() would lead to exception // set contentHeight to 0 if outerCt is destroyed measureContentHeight(ownerContext) { // contentHeight includes padding, but not border, framing or margins // FIX // var contentHeight = this.outerCt.getHeight(); let contentHeight = this.outerCt.destroyed ? 0 : this.outerCt.getHeight(); // END FIX const target = ownerContext.target; if ( this.managePadding && target[target.contentPaddingProperty] === undefined ) { // if padding was not configured using the appropriate contentPaddingProperty // then the padding will not be on the paddingContext, and therfore not included // in the outerCt measurement, so we need to read the padding from the // targetContext contentHeight += ownerContext.targetContext.getPaddingInfo().height; } return contentHeight; } }); Ext.define("overrides.grid.column.Column", { override: "Ext.grid.column.Column", initConfig(config) { if (!config.renderer && !this.updater) { config.formatter = "htmlEncode"; } return this.callParent(arguments); } }); Ext.define("Ext.netzke.marty.MultiSelectCombo", { extend: "Ext.form.ComboBox", alias: "widget.multiselectcombo", separator: ",", multiSelect: true, setValue(v) { if (Ext.isString(v)) { const vArray = v.split(this.separator); this.callParent([vArray]); } else { this.callParent(arguments); } } }); // Fix component fetching in ExtJS 7 // This flag was false by default in ExtJS 6 Ext.USE_NATIVE_JSON = false;