require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require "nokogiri" require "om" describe "OM::XML::Validation" do before(:all) do class ValidationTest include OM::XML::Container include OM::XML::Validation self.schema_url = "" end end before(:each) do @sample = ValidationTest.from_xml("1") end ## Validation Support # Some of these tests fail when you don't have an internet connection because the mods schema includes other xsd schemas by URL reference. describe '#schema_url' do it "should allow you to set the schema url" do ValidationTest.schema_url.should == "" end end describe "#schema" do it "should return an instance of Nokogiri::XML::Schema loaded from the schema url -- fails if no internet connection" do ValidationTest.schema.should be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::Schema end end describe "#validate" do it "should validate the provided document against the schema provided in class definition -- fails if no internet connection" do ValidationTest.schema.expects(:validate).with(@sample).returns([]) ValidationTest.validate(@sample) end end describe ".validate" do it "should rely on class validate method" do ValidationTest.expects(:validate).with(@sample) @sample.validate end end describe "#schema_file" do before(:all) do ValidationTest.schema_file = nil end after(:all) do ValidationTest.schema_file = fixture("mods-3-2.xsd") end it "should lazy load the schema file from the @schema_url" do ValidationTest.instance_variable_get(:@schema_file).should be_nil ValidationTest.expects(:file_from_url).with(ValidationTest.schema_url).returns("fake file").once ValidationTest.schema_file ValidationTest.instance_variable_get(:@schema_file).should == "fake file" ValidationTest.schema_file.should == "fake file" end end describe "#file_from_url" do it "should retrieve a file from the provided url over HTTP" do ValidationTest.send(:file_from_url, "") end it "should raise an error if the url is invalid" do lambda {ValidationTest.send(:file_from_url, "")}.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Could not retrieve file from . Error: No such file or directory - ") lambda {ValidationTest.send(:file_from_url, "foo")}.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Could not retrieve file from foo. Error: No such file or directory - foo") end it "should raise an error if file retrieval fails" do lambda {ValidationTest.send(:file_from_url, "")}.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Could not retrieve file from Error: 404 Not Found") end end end