/* * cocos2d for iPhone: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada * Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ #import "ccMacros.h" #ifdef __CC_PLATFORM_IOS #import // Needed for UIAccelerometerDelegate #import "Platforms/iOS/CCTouchDelegateProtocol.h" // Touches only supported on iOS #elif defined(__CC_PLATFORM_MAC) #import "Platforms/Mac/CCEventDispatcher.h" #endif #import "CCProtocols.h" #import "CCNode.h" #pragma mark - #pragma mark CCLayer /** CCLayer is a subclass of CCNode that implements the CCTouchEventsDelegate protocol. All features from CCNode are valid, plus the following new features: - It can receive iPhone Touches - It can receive Accelerometer input */ #ifdef __CC_PLATFORM_IOS @interface CCLayer : CCNode { BOOL isTouchEnabled_; BOOL isAccelerometerEnabled_; } /** If isTouchEnabled, this method is called onEnter. Override it to change the way CCLayer receives touch events. ( Default: [touchDispatcher addStandardDelegate:self priority:0] ) Example: -(void) registerWithTouchDispatcher { [touchDispatcher addTargetedDelegate:self priority:INT_MIN+1 swallowsTouches:YES]; } Valid only on iOS. Not valid on Mac. @since v0.8.0 */ -(void) registerWithTouchDispatcher; /** whether or not it will receive Touch events. You can enable / disable touch events with this property. Only the touches of this node will be affected. This "method" is not propagated to its children. Valid on iOS and Mac OS X v10.6 and later. @since v0.8.1 */ @property(nonatomic,assign) BOOL isTouchEnabled; /** whether or not it will receive Accelerometer events You can enable / disable accelerometer events with this property. Valid only on iOS. Not valid on Mac. @since v0.8.1 */ @property(nonatomic,assign) BOOL isAccelerometerEnabled; #elif defined(__CC_PLATFORM_MAC) @interface CCLayer : CCNode { BOOL isMouseEnabled_; BOOL isKeyboardEnabled_; BOOL isTouchEnabled_; } /** whether or not it will receive mouse events. Valind only Mac. Not valid on iOS */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL isMouseEnabled; /** whether or not it will receive keyboard events. Valind only Mac. Not valid on iOS */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL isKeyboardEnabled; /** whether or not it will receive touch events. Valid on iOS and Mac OS X v10.6 and later. */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL isTouchEnabled; /** priority of the mouse event delegate. Default 0. Override this method to set another priority. Valind only Mac. Not valid on iOS */ -(NSInteger) mouseDelegatePriority; /** priority of the keyboard event delegate. Default 0. Override this method to set another priority. Valind only Mac. Not valid on iOS */ -(NSInteger) keyboardDelegatePriority; /** priority of the touch event delegate. Default 0. Override this method to set another priority. Valind only Mac. Not valid on iOS */ -(NSInteger) touchDelegatePriority; #endif // mac @end #pragma mark - #pragma mark CCLayerColor /** CCLayerColor is a subclass of CCLayer that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. All features from CCLayer are valid, plus the following new features: - opacity - RGB colors */ @interface CCLayerColor : CCLayer { GLubyte opacity_; ccColor3B color_; ccVertex2F squareVertices_[4]; ccColor4F squareColors_[4]; ccBlendFunc blendFunc_; } /** creates a CCLayer with color, width and height in Points*/ + (id) layerWithColor: (ccColor4B)color width:(GLfloat)w height:(GLfloat)h; /** creates a CCLayer with color. Width and height are the window size. */ + (id) layerWithColor: (ccColor4B)color; /** initializes a CCLayer with color, width and height in Points. This is the designated initializer. */ - (id) initWithColor:(ccColor4B)color width:(GLfloat)w height:(GLfloat)h; /** initializes a CCLayer with color. Width and height are the window size. */ - (id) initWithColor:(ccColor4B)color; /** change width in Points */ -(void) changeWidth: (GLfloat)w; /** change height in Points */ -(void) changeHeight: (GLfloat)h; /** change width and height in Points @since v0.8 */ -(void) changeWidth:(GLfloat)w height:(GLfloat)h; /** Opacity: conforms to CCRGBAProtocol protocol */ @property (nonatomic,readonly) GLubyte opacity; /** Opacity: conforms to CCRGBAProtocol protocol */ @property (nonatomic,readonly) ccColor3B color; /** BlendFunction. Conforms to CCBlendProtocol protocol */ @property (nonatomic,readwrite) ccBlendFunc blendFunc; @end #pragma mark - #pragma mark CCLayerGradient /** CCLayerGradient is a subclass of CCLayerColor that draws gradients across the background. All features from CCLayerColor are valid, plus the following new features: - direction - final color - interpolation mode Color is interpolated between the startColor and endColor along the given vector (starting at the origin, ending at the terminus). If no vector is supplied, it defaults to (0, -1) -- a fade from top to bottom. If 'compressedInterpolation' is disabled, you will not see either the start or end color for non-cardinal vectors; a smooth gradient implying both end points will be still be drawn, however. If ' compressedInterpolation' is enabled (default mode) you will see both the start and end colors of the gradient. @since v0.99.5 */ @interface CCLayerGradient : CCLayerColor { ccColor3B endColor_; GLubyte startOpacity_; GLubyte endOpacity_; CGPoint vector_; BOOL compressedInterpolation_; } /** Creates a full-screen CCLayer with a gradient between start and end. */ + (id) layerWithColor: (ccColor4B) start fadingTo: (ccColor4B) end; /** Creates a full-screen CCLayer with a gradient between start and end in the direction of v. */ + (id) layerWithColor: (ccColor4B) start fadingTo: (ccColor4B) end alongVector: (CGPoint) v; /** Initializes the CCLayer with a gradient between start and end. */ - (id) initWithColor: (ccColor4B) start fadingTo: (ccColor4B) end; /** Initializes the CCLayer with a gradient between start and end in the direction of v. */ - (id) initWithColor: (ccColor4B) start fadingTo: (ccColor4B) end alongVector: (CGPoint) v; /** The starting color. */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) ccColor3B startColor; /** The ending color. */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) ccColor3B endColor; /** The starting opacity. */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) GLubyte startOpacity; /** The ending color. */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) GLubyte endOpacity; /** The vector along which to fade color. */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) CGPoint vector; /** Whether or not the interpolation will be compressed in order to display all the colors of the gradient both in canonical and non canonical vectors Default: YES */ @property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL compressedInterpolation; @end #pragma mark - #pragma mark CCLayerMultiplex /** CCLayerMultiplex is a CCLayer with the ability to multiplex its children. Features: - It supports one or more children - Only one children will be active a time */ @interface CCLayerMultiplex : CCLayer { unsigned int enabledLayer_; NSMutableArray *layers_; } /** creates a CCMultiplexLayer with one or more layers using a variable argument list. */ +(id) layerWithLayers: (CCLayer*) layer, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION; /** initializes a MultiplexLayer with one or more layers using a variable argument list. */ -(id) initWithLayers: (CCLayer*) layer vaList:(va_list) params; /** switches to a certain layer indexed by n. The current (old) layer will be removed from its parent with 'cleanup:YES'. */ -(void) switchTo: (unsigned int) n; /** release the current layer and switches to another layer indexed by n. The current (old) layer will be removed from its parent with 'cleanup:YES'. */ -(void) switchToAndReleaseMe: (unsigned int) n; @end