module SPARQL; module Algebra ## # A SPARQL operator. # # @abstract class Operator include Expression # Nullary operatos autoload :Now, 'sparql/algebra/operator/now' autoload :Rand, 'sparql/algebra/operator/rand' autoload :StrUUID, 'sparql/algebra/operator/struuid' autoload :UUID, 'sparql/algebra/operator/uuid' # Unary operators autoload :Abs, 'sparql/algebra/operator/abs' autoload :Avg, 'sparql/algebra/operator/avg' autoload :BNode, 'sparql/algebra/operator/bnode' autoload :Bound, 'sparql/algebra/operator/bound' autoload :Ceil, 'sparql/algebra/operator/ceil' autoload :Count, 'sparql/algebra/operator/count' autoload :Datatype, 'sparql/algebra/operator/datatype' autoload :Day, 'sparql/algebra/operator/day' autoload :EncodeForURI, 'sparql/algebra/operator/encode_for_uri' autoload :Exists, 'sparql/algebra/operator/exists' autoload :Floor, 'sparql/algebra/operator/floor' autoload :Hours, 'sparql/algebra/operator/hours' autoload :IsBlank, 'sparql/algebra/operator/is_blank' autoload :IsIRI, 'sparql/algebra/operator/is_iri' autoload :IsLiteral, 'sparql/algebra/operator/is_literal' autoload :IsNumeric, 'sparql/algebra/operator/is_numeric' autoload :IsURI, 'sparql/algebra/operator/is_iri' autoload :IRI, 'sparql/algebra/operator/iri' autoload :Lang, 'sparql/algebra/operator/lang' autoload :LCase, 'sparql/algebra/operator/lcase' autoload :Max, 'sparql/algebra/operator/max' autoload :MD5, 'sparql/algebra/operator/md5' autoload :Min, 'sparql/algebra/operator/min' autoload :Minus, 'sparql/algebra/operator/minus' autoload :Minutes, 'sparql/algebra/operator/minutes' autoload :Month, 'sparql/algebra/operator/month' autoload :Negate, 'sparql/algebra/operator/negate' autoload :Not, 'sparql/algebra/operator/not' autoload :NotExists, 'sparql/algebra/operator/notexists' autoload :Plus, 'sparql/algebra/operator/plus' autoload :Round, 'sparql/algebra/operator/round' autoload :Sample, 'sparql/algebra/operator/sample' autoload :Seconds, 'sparql/algebra/operator/seconds' autoload :Sum, 'sparql/algebra/operator/sum' autoload :SHA1, 'sparql/algebra/operator/sha1' autoload :SHA256, 'sparql/algebra/operator/sha256' autoload :SHA384, 'sparql/algebra/operator/sha384' autoload :SHA512, 'sparql/algebra/operator/sha512' autoload :Str, 'sparql/algebra/operator/str' autoload :Timezone, 'sparql/algebra/operator/timezone' autoload :TZ, 'sparql/algebra/operator/tz' autoload :Year, 'sparql/algebra/operator/year' autoload :IsTriple, 'sparql/algebra/operator/is_triple' autoload :Subject, 'sparql/algebra/operator/subject' autoload :Predicate, 'sparql/algebra/operator/predicate' autoload :Object, 'sparql/algebra/operator/object' # Binary operators autoload :And, 'sparql/algebra/operator/and' autoload :Compare, 'sparql/algebra/operator/compare' autoload :Concat, 'sparql/algebra/operator/concat' autoload :Contains, 'sparql/algebra/operator/contains' autoload :Divide, 'sparql/algebra/operator/divide' autoload :Equal, 'sparql/algebra/operator/equal' autoload :If, 'sparql/algebra/operator/if' autoload :GreaterThan, 'sparql/algebra/operator/greater_than' autoload :GreaterThanOrEqual, 'sparql/algebra/operator/greater_than_or_equal' autoload :LangMatches, 'sparql/algebra/operator/lang_matches' autoload :LessThan, 'sparql/algebra/operator/less_than' autoload :LessThanOrEqual, 'sparql/algebra/operator/less_than_or_equal' autoload :Multiply, 'sparql/algebra/operator/multiply' autoload :NotEqual, 'sparql/algebra/operator/not_equal' autoload :Or, 'sparql/algebra/operator/or' autoload :Regex, 'sparql/algebra/operator/regex' autoload :Replace, 'sparql/algebra/operator/replace' autoload :SameTerm, 'sparql/algebra/operator/same_term' autoload :StrAfter, 'sparql/algebra/operator/strafter' autoload :StrBefore, 'sparql/algebra/operator/strbefore' autoload :StrDT, 'sparql/algebra/operator/strdt' autoload :StrEnds, 'sparql/algebra/operator/strends' autoload :StrLang, 'sparql/algebra/operator/strlang' autoload :StrLen, 'sparql/algebra/operator/strlen' autoload :StrStarts, 'sparql/algebra/operator/strstarts' autoload :SubStr, 'sparql/algebra/operator/substr' autoload :Subtract, 'sparql/algebra/operator/subtract' autoload :UCase, 'sparql/algebra/operator/ucase' # Property Paths autoload :Alt, 'sparql/algebra/operator/alt' autoload :NotOneOf, 'sparql/algebra/operator/notoneof' autoload :PathOpt, 'sparql/algebra/operator/path_opt' autoload :PathPlus, 'sparql/algebra/operator/path_plus' autoload :PathStar, 'sparql/algebra/operator/path_star' autoload :Path, 'sparql/algebra/operator/path' autoload :Reverse, 'sparql/algebra/operator/reverse' autoload :Seq, 'sparql/algebra/operator/seq' autoload :Sequence, 'sparql/algebra/operator/sequence' # Miscellaneous autoload :Asc, 'sparql/algebra/operator/asc' autoload :Coalesce, 'sparql/algebra/operator/coalesce' autoload :Desc, 'sparql/algebra/operator/desc' autoload :Exprlist, 'sparql/algebra/operator/exprlist' autoload :FunctionCall, 'sparql/algebra/operator/function_call' autoload :GroupConcat, 'sparql/algebra/operator/group_concat' autoload :In, 'sparql/algebra/operator/in' autoload :NotIn, 'sparql/algebra/operator/notin' # Query operators autoload :Ask, 'sparql/algebra/operator/ask' autoload :Base, 'sparql/algebra/operator/base' autoload :BGP, 'sparql/algebra/operator/bgp' autoload :Construct, 'sparql/algebra/operator/construct' autoload :Dataset, 'sparql/algebra/operator/dataset' autoload :Describe, 'sparql/algebra/operator/describe' autoload :Distinct, 'sparql/algebra/operator/distinct' autoload :Extend, 'sparql/algebra/operator/extend' autoload :Filter, 'sparql/algebra/operator/filter' autoload :Graph, 'sparql/algebra/operator/graph' autoload :Group, 'sparql/algebra/operator/group' autoload :Join, 'sparql/algebra/operator/join' autoload :LeftJoin, 'sparql/algebra/operator/left_join' autoload :Minus, 'sparql/algebra/operator/minus' autoload :Order, 'sparql/algebra/operator/order' autoload :Prefix, 'sparql/algebra/operator/prefix' autoload :Project, 'sparql/algebra/operator/project' autoload :Reduced, 'sparql/algebra/operator/reduced' autoload :Slice, 'sparql/algebra/operator/slice' autoload :Table, 'sparql/algebra/operator/table' autoload :Union, 'sparql/algebra/operator/union' # Update operators autoload :Add, 'sparql/algebra/operator/add' autoload :Clear, 'sparql/algebra/operator/clear' autoload :Copy, 'sparql/algebra/operator/copy' autoload :Create, 'sparql/algebra/operator/create' autoload :Delete, 'sparql/algebra/operator/delete' autoload :DeleteData, 'sparql/algebra/operator/delete_data' autoload :DeleteWhere, 'sparql/algebra/operator/delete_where' autoload :Drop, 'sparql/algebra/operator/drop' autoload :Insert, 'sparql/algebra/operator/insert' autoload :InsertData, 'sparql/algebra/operator/insert_data' autoload :Load, 'sparql/algebra/operator/load' autoload :Modify, 'sparql/algebra/operator/modify' autoload :Move, 'sparql/algebra/operator/move' autoload :Update, 'sparql/algebra/operator/update' autoload :Using, 'sparql/algebra/operator/using' autoload :With, 'sparql/algebra/operator/with' ## # Returns an operator class for the given operator `name`. # # @param [Symbol, #to_s] name # @param [Integer] arity # @return [Class] an operator class, or `nil` if an operator was not found def self.for(name, arity = nil) # TODO: refactor this to dynamically introspect loaded operator classes. case (name.to_s.downcase.to_sym rescue nil) when :'!=' then NotEqual when :'/' then Divide when :'=' then Equal when :* then Multiply when :+ then Plus when :- then arity.eql?(1) ? Negate : Subtract when :< then LessThan when :<= then LessThanOrEqual when :<=> then Compare # non-standard when :> then GreaterThan when :>= then GreaterThanOrEqual when :abs then Abs when :alt then Alt when :and, :'&&' then And when :avg then Avg when :bnode then BNode when :bound then Bound when :coalesce then Coalesce when :ceil then Ceil when :concat then Concat when :contains then Contains when :count then Count when :datatype then Datatype when :day then Day when :encode_for_uri then EncodeForURI when :divide then Divide when :exists then Exists when :floor then Floor when :group_concat then GroupConcat when :hours then Hours when :if then If when :in then In when :iri, :uri then IRI when :isblank then IsBlank when :isiri then IsIRI when :isliteral then IsLiteral when :isnumeric then IsNumeric when :isuri then IsIRI # alias when :lang then Lang when :langmatches then LangMatches when :lcase then LCase when :md5 then MD5 when :max then Max when :min then Min when :minutes then Minutes when :month then Month when :multiply then Multiply when :not, :'!' then Not when :notexists then NotExists when :notin then NotIn when :notoneof then NotOneOf when :now then Now when :or, :'||' then Or when :path then Path when :path? then PathOpt when :"path*" then PathStar when :"path+" then PathPlus when :plus then Plus when :rand then Rand when :regex then Regex when :replace then Replace when :reverse then Reverse when :round then Round when :sameterm then SameTerm when :sample then Sample when :seconds then Seconds when :seq then Seq when :sequence then Sequence when :sha1 then SHA1 when :sha256 then SHA256 when :sha384 then SHA384 when :sha512 then SHA512 when :str then Str when :strafter then StrAfter when :strbefore then StrBefore when :strdt then StrDT when :strends then StrEnds when :strlang then StrLang when :strlen then StrLen when :strstarts then StrStarts when :struuid then StrUUID when :substr then SubStr when :subtract then Subtract when :sum then Sum when :timezone then Timezone when :tz then TZ when :ucase then UCase when :uuid then UUID when :year then Year # Miscellaneous when :asc then Asc when :desc then Desc when :exprlist then Exprlist when :function_call then FunctionCall # Datasets when :dataset then Dataset # Query forms when :ask then Ask when :base then Base when :bgp then BGP when :construct then Construct when :describe then Describe when :distinct then Distinct when :extend then Extend when :filter then Filter when :graph then Graph when :group then Group when :join then Join when :leftjoin then LeftJoin when :order then Order when :minus then Minus when :prefix then Prefix when :project then Project when :reduced then Reduced when :slice then Slice when :table then Table when :union then Union # Update forms when :add then Add when :clear then Clear when :copy then Copy when :create then Create when :delete then Delete when :deletedata then DeleteData when :deletewhere then DeleteWhere when :drop then Drop when :insert then Insert when :insertdata then InsertData when :load then Load when :modify then Modify when :move then Move when :update then Update when :using then Using when :with then With # RDF-star when :istriple then IsTriple when :triple then RDF::Query::Pattern when :subject then Subject when :predicate then Predicate when :object then Object else nil # not found end end ## # @param [Array] operands # @return [RDF::Term] # @see Operator#evaluate def self.evaluate(*operands, **options)*operands, **options).evaluate(, **options) end ## # Returns the arity of this operator class. # # @example # Operator.arity #=> -1 # Operator::Nullary.arity #=> 0 # Operator::Unary.arity #=> 1 # Operator::Binary.arity #=> 2 # Operator::Ternary.arity #=> 3 # # @return [Integer] an integer in the range `(-1..3)` def self.arity self.const_get(:ARITY) end ## # Generate a top-level Grammar, using collected options # # @param [String] content # @param [Operator] datasets ([]) # @param [Operator] distinct (false) # @param [Hash{Symbol => Operator}] extensions # Variable bindings # @param [Array] filter_ops ([]) # Filter Operations # @param [Integer] limit (nil) # @param [Array] group_ops ([]) # @param [Array] having_ops ([]) # @param [Integer] offset (nil) # @param [Array] order_ops ([]) # Order Operations # @param [Array] project (%i(*)) # Terms to project # @param [Operator] reduced (false) # @param [Operator] values_clause (nil) # Top-level Values clause # @param [Operator] where_clause (true) # Emit 'WHERE' before GroupGraphPattern # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @return [String] def self.to_sparql(content, datasets: [], distinct: false, extensions: {}, filter_ops: [], group_ops: [], having_ops: [], limit: nil, offset: nil, order_ops: [], project: %i(*), reduced: false, values_clause: nil, where_clause: true, **options) str = "" # Projections if project str << "SELECT " str << "DISTINCT " if distinct str << "REDUCED " if reduced str << do |p| if expr = extensions.delete(p) v = expr.to_sparql(as_statement: true, **options) v = "<< #{v} >>" if expr.is_a?(RDF::Statement) pp = p.to_sparql(**options) # Replace projected variables with their extension, if any '(' + v + ' AS ' + pp + ')' else p.to_sparql(**options) end end.join(" ") + "\n" end # DatasetClause datasets.each do |ds| str << "FROM #{ds.to_sparql(**options)}\n" end # Bind extensions.each do |as, expression| v = expression.to_sparql(as_statement: true, **options) v = "<< #{v} >>" if expression.is_a?(RDF::Statement) content << "\nBIND (" << v << " AS " << as.to_sparql(**options) << ") ." end # Filter filter_ops.each do |f| content << "\nFILTER (#{f.to_sparql(**options)}) ." end # WhereClause / GroupGraphPattern str << (where_clause ? "WHERE {\n#{content}\n}\n" : "{\n#{content}\n}\n") ## # SolutionModifier # # GroupClause unless group_ops.empty? ops = do |o| # Replace projected variables with their extension, if any o.is_a?(Array) ? "(" + [o.last, :AS, o.first].to_sparql(**options) + ")" : o.to_sparql(**options) end str << "GROUP BY #{ops.join(' ')}\n" end # HavingClause unless having_ops.empty? str << "HAVING #{having_ops.to_sparql(**options)}" end # OrderClause unless order_ops.empty? str << "ORDER BY #{order_ops.to_sparql(**options)}\n" end # LimitOffsetClauses str << "OFFSET #{offset}\n" unless offset.nil? str << "LIMIT #{limit}\n" unless limit.nil? # Values Clause str << values_clause.to_sparql(top_level: false, **options) if values_clause str end ARITY = -1 # variable arity ## # Initializes a new operator instance. # # @overload initialize(*operands) # @param [Array] operands # # @overload initialize(*operands, **options) # @param [Array] operands # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options # @option options [Boolean] :memoize (false) # whether to memoize results for particular operands # @raise [TypeError] if any operand is invalid def initialize(*operands, **options) @options = options.dup @operands =! do |operand| case operand when Array operand.each {|op| op.parent = self if operand.respond_to?(:parent=)} operand when Operator, Variable, RDF::Term, RDF::Query, RDF::Query::Pattern, Array, Symbol operand.parent = self if operand.respond_to?(:parent=) operand when TrueClass, FalseClass, Numeric, String, DateTime, Date, Time RDF::Literal(operand) when NilClass nil else raise TypeError, "invalid SPARQL::Algebra::Operator operand: #{operand.inspect}" end end end ## # Deep duplicate operands def deep_dup*, **@options) end ## # Binds the pattern to a solution, making it no longer variable if all variables are resolved to bound variables # # @param [RDF::Query::Solution] solution # @return [self] def bind(solution) @operands.each {|op| op.bind(solution)} self end ## # Base URI used for reading data sources with relative URIs # # @return [RDF::URI] def base_uri Operator.base_uri end ## # Base URI used for reading data sources with relative URIs # # @return [RDF::URI] def self.base_uri @base_uri end ## # Set Base URI associated with SPARQL document, typically done # when reading SPARQL from a URI # # @param [RDF::URI] uri # @return [RDF::URI] def self.base_uri=(uri) @base_uri = RDF::URI(uri) end ## # Prefixes useful for future serialization # # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}] # Prefix definitions def prefixes Operator.prefixes end ## # Prefixes useful for future serialization # # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}] # Prefix definitions def self.prefixes @prefixes end ## # Prefixes useful for future serialization # # @param [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}] hash # Prefix definitions # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}] def self.prefixes=(hash) @prefixes = hash end ## # The operands to this operator. # # @return [Array] attr_reader :operands ## # Returns the operand at the given `index`. # # @param [Integer] index # an operand index in the range `(0...(operands.count))` # @return [RDF::Term] def operand(index = 0) operands[index] end ## # Returns `true` if any of the operands are variables, `false` # otherwise. # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see #constant? def variable? operands.any? {|op| op.respond_to?(:variable?) && op.variable?} end ## # Returns `true` if any of the operands are nodes, `false` # otherwise. # # @return [Boolean] def node? operands.any? do |operand| operand.respond_to?(:node?) ? operand.node? : operand.node? end end ## # Returns `true` if this is evaluatable (i.e., returns values for a binding), `false` # otherwise. # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` def evaluatable? respond_to?(:evaluate) end ## # Returns `true` if this is executable (i.e., contains a graph patterns), `false` # otherwise. # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` def executable? respond_to?(:execute) end ## # Returns `true` if none of the operands are variables, `false` # otherwise. # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @see #variable? def constant? !(variable?) end ## # Returns `true` if this is an aggregate # # Overridden in evaluatables which are aggregates # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` def aggregate? respond_to?(:aggregate) end ## # Returns an optimized version of this expression. # # For constant expressions containing no variables, returns the result # of evaluating the expression with empty bindings; otherwise returns # a copy of `self`. # # Optimization is not possible if the expression raises an exception, # such as a `TypeError` or `ZeroDivisionError`, which must be conserved # at runtime. # # @return [SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] # @see RDF::Query#optimize def optimize(**options) if constant? # Note that if evaluation results in a `TypeError` or other error, # we must return `self` so that the error is conserved at runtime: evaluate( rescue self else super # returns a copy of `self` end end ## # Optimizes this query by optimizing its constituent operands # according to their cost estimates. # # @return [self] # @see RDF::Query#optimize! def optimize!(**options)! do |op| op.optimize(**options) if op.respond_to?(:optimize) end self end ## # Rewrite operands by yielding each operand. Recursively descends # through operands implementing this method. # # @yield operand # @yieldparam [] operand # @yieldreturn [SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] the re-written operand # @return [SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] `self` def rewrite(&block) @operands = do |op| new_op = new_op.respond_to?(:rewrite) ? new_op.rewrite(&block) : new_op end self end ## # Returns the SPARQL S-Expression (SSE) representation of this operator. # # @return [Array] # @see def to_sxp_bin operator = [self.class.const_get(:NAME)].flatten.first [operator, *(operands || []).map(&:to_sxp_bin)] end ## # Returns an S-Expression (SXP) representation of this operator # # @param [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}] prefixes (nil) # @param [RDF::URI] base_uri (nil) # @return [String] def to_sxp(prefixes: nil, base_uri: nil) to_sxp_bin.to_sxp(prefixes: prefixes, base_uri: base_uri) end ## # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for the operator. # # @return [String] def to_sparql(**options) raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}#to_sparql(#{', ')})" end ## # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this operator. # # @return [String] def inspect sprintf("#<%s:%#0x(%s)>",, __id__, operands.to_sse.gsub(/\s+/m, ' ')) end ## # @param [Statement] other # @return [Boolean] def eql?(other) other.class == self.class && other.operands == self.operands end alias_method :==, :eql? ## # Return the non-destinguished variables contained within this operator # @return [Array] def ndvars vars.reject(&:distinguished?) end ## # Return the variables contained within this operator # @return [Array] def vars {|o| o.respond_to?(:vars)}.map(&:vars).flatten end ## # Enumerate via depth-first recursive descent over operands, yielding each operator # @yield operator # @yieldparam [Object] operator # @return [Enumerator] def each_descendant(&block) if block_given? operands.each do |operand| case operand when Array operand.each do |op| op.each_descendant(&block) if op.respond_to?(:each_descendant) end else operand.each_descendant(&block) if operand.respond_to?(:each_descendant) end end end enum_for(:each_descendant) end alias_method :descendants, :each_descendant alias_method :each, :each_descendant ## # Parent expression, if any # # @return [Operator] def parent; @options[:parent]; end ## # Parent operator, if any # # @return [Operator] def parent=(operator) @options[:parent]= operator end ## # First ancestor operator of type `klass` # # @param [Class] klass # @return [Operator] def first_ancestor(klass) parent.is_a?(klass) ? parent : parent.first_ancestor(klass) if parent end ## # Validate all operands, operator specific classes should override for operator-specific validation # @return [SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] `self` # @raise [ArgumentError] if the value is invalid def validate! operands.each {|op| op.validate! if op.respond_to?(:validate!)} self end protected ## # Returns the effective boolean value (EBV) of the given `literal`. # # @param [RDF::Literal] literal # @return [RDF::Literal::Boolean] `true` or `false` # @raise [TypeError] if the literal could not be coerced to an `RDF::Literal::Boolean` # @see def boolean(literal) case literal when FalseClass then RDF::Literal::FALSE when TrueClass then RDF::Literal::TRUE when RDF::Literal::Boolean # If the argument is a typed literal with a datatype of # `xsd:boolean`, the EBV is the value of that argument. # However, the EBV of any literal whose type is `xsd:boolean` is # false if the lexical form is not valid for that datatype. RDF::Literal(literal.valid? && literal.true?) when RDF::Literal::Numeric # If the argument is a numeric type or a typed literal with a # datatype derived from a numeric type, the EBV is false if the # operand value is NaN or is numerically equal to zero; otherwise # the EBV is true. # However, the EBV of any literal whose type is numeric is # false if the lexical form is not valid for that datatype. RDF::Literal(literal.valid? && !( && !(literal.respond_to?(:nan?) && literal.nan?)) else case when literal.is_a?(RDF::Literal) && literal.plain? # If the argument is a plain literal or a typed literal with a # datatype of `xsd:string`, the EBV is false if the operand value # has zero length; otherwise the EBV is true. RDF::Literal(!(literal.value.empty?)) else # All other arguments, including unbound arguments, produce a type error. raise TypeError, "could not coerce #{literal.inspect} to an RDF::Literal::Boolean" end end end ## # Transform an array of expressions into a recursive set # of binary operations # e.g.: a || b || c => (|| a (|| b c)) # @param [Class] klass Binary Operator class # @param [Array] expressions # @return [SPARQL::Algebra::Expression] def to_binary(klass, *expressions) case expressions.length when 0 # Oops! raise "Operator#to_binary requires two or more expressions" when 1 expressions.first when 2*expressions) else, to_binary(klass, *expressions)) end end private @@subclasses = [] # @private ## # @private # @return [void] def self.inherited(child) @@subclasses << child unless child.superclass.equal?(Operator) # grandchildren only super end ## # A SPARQL nullary operator. # # Operators of this kind take no operands. # # @abstract class Nullary < Operator ARITY = 0 ## # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options (see {Operator#initialize}) def initialize(**options) super end end # Nullary ## # A SPARQL unary operator. # # Operators of this kind take one operand. # # @abstract class Unary < Operator ARITY = 1 ## # @param [RDF::Term] arg # the operand # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options (see {Operator#initialize}) def initialize(arg, **options) super end end # Unary ## # A SPARQL binary operator. # # Operators of this kind take two operands. # # @abstract class Binary < Operator ARITY = 2 ## # @param [RDF::Term] arg1 # the first operand # @param [RDF::Term] arg2 # the second operand # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options (see {Operator#initialize}) def initialize(arg1, arg2, **options) super end end # Binary ## # A SPARQL ternary operator. # # Operators of this kind take three operands. # # @abstract class Ternary < Operator ARITY = 3 ## # @param [RDF::Term] arg1 # the first operand # @param [RDF::Term] arg2 # the second operand # @param [RDF::Term] arg3 # the third operand # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options (see {Operator#initialize}) def initialize(arg1, arg2, arg3, **options) super end end # Ternary ## # A SPARQL quaternary operator. # # Operators of this kind take four operands. # # @abstract class Quaternary < Operator ARITY = 4 ## # @param [RDF::Term] arg1 # the first operand # @param [RDF::Term] arg2 # the second operand # @param [RDF::Term] arg3 # the third operand # @param [RDF::Term] arg4 # the forth operand # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options (see {Operator#initialize}) def initialize(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, **options) super end end # Ternary end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra