== 0.5.0 2010-05-27 * Major enhancements * Added 'accept_nil' option. * Added 'append_hash' options. * RubyLess activation is now enabled with 'include RubyLess' (no need for SafeClass). * Added support for compile time literal args evaluation. * Added support for compile time literal args evaluation on literal objects (strings for example). * All method signatures that have an optional hash should accept calls without the last hash. * Better error messages for missing methods. * Added support for Array with Mixed array detection. * Added support for pre_processing with helper method. * Added support for method detection on NilClass. == 0.4.0 2010-03-21 * 4 major enhancements * Parsing inheritance tree to get safe_method_type. * Instance variable (ivar) support (declared as safe_methods). * Added support for prepend variables to tranform methods like link("foo") to link(@node, "foo"). * Better handling of sub-types in signature matching. * 5 minor enhancements * Moved files into a ruby_less directory to enable file auto-loading. * Raises RubyLess::NoMethodError / RubyLess::SyntaxError instead of generic Error. * Improved error reporting use method signature. * Added 'safe_literal_class' to enable/disable ruby literals. * Added 'RubyLess.translate_string' method. == 0.3.5 2009-11-08 * 1 major enhancement * Added support for hash in signature: ['img', {'mode' => String, 'class' => String}]. * 1 minor enhancement * Added 'disable_safe_read' method. == 0.3.4 2009-11-05 * 1 minor enhancement * Added 'safe_context' method. == 0.3.3 2009-10-26 * 1 minor enhancement * Added support for symbols (only used with helper). == 0.3.2 2009-10-15 * 1 minor enhancement * Removed 'ruby-debug' require. == 0.3.1 2009-10-07 * 3 major enhancements * Method name in signatures should always be a string. * Type[:method] is always set and is always a string. * Fixed how class type is guessed from ActiveRecord column. * 1 minor enhancement * Added 'safe_read' method to objects. == 0.3.1 2009-10-03 * 1 major enhancement * Moved from ParseTree to RubyParser. * 1 minor enhancement: * Using Mr Bones to generate gems. == 0.2.1 2009-07-01 * 2 minor enhancements: * :[] method is now treated as in conventional ruby (foo[:bar], not foo.[](:bar)). * Better error reporting in case of signature mismatch. == 0.2.0 2009-06-02 * 1 major enhancement: * Added support for ActiveRecord attributes. * 2 minor enhancements: * Better documentation * Removed eval (this means safe methods are globally declared). == 0.1.0 2009-06-02 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial alpha release.