require 'ver/vendor/fuzzy_file_finder' module VER class View::List::FuzzyFileFinder < View::List FFF = ::FuzzyFileFinder def fffinder @fffinder ||= rescue FFF::TooManyEntries message "The FuzzyFileFinder is overwhelmed by the amount of files" destroy end def update choices = fffinder.find(entry.value.chomp('/')) choices = choices.sort_by{|m| [-m[:score], m[:path]] } list.clear pwd = Dir.pwd + '/' choices.each do |choice| choice[:path].sub!(pwd, '') insert_choice(choice) end end def insert_choice(choice) path, score = choice.values_at(:path, :score) list.insert(:end, path) foreground, background = case score when 0 ; ['white', 'black'] when 0 ..0.25 ; ['red', 'black'] when 0.25..0.75 ; ['yellow', 'black'] when 0.75..1 ; ['green', 'black'] end list.itemconfigure(:end, foreground: foreground, background: background, selectforeground: background, selectbackground: foreground) end end end