#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'sinatra/base' require 'flapjack/data/entity' require 'flapjack/data/entity_check' require 'flapjack/gateways/jsonapi/entity_presenter' require 'flapjack/gateways/jsonapi/entity_check_presenter' module Flapjack module Gateways class JSONAPI < Sinatra::Base module EntityMethods module Helpers def find_entity(entity_name) entity = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity_name, :redis => redis) raise Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityNotFound.new(entity_name) if entity.nil? entity end def find_entity_check(entity, check) entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity(entity, check, :redis => redis) raise Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckNotFound.new(entity, check) if entity_check.nil? entity_check end def find_tags(tags) halt err(403, "no tags") if tags.nil? || tags.empty? tags end def entities_and_checks(entity_name, check) if entity_name # backwards-compatible, single entity or entity&check from route entities = check ? nil : [entity_name] checks = check ? {entity_name => check} : nil else # new and improved bulk API queries entities = params[:entity] checks = params[:check] entities = [entities] unless entities.nil? || entities.is_a?(Array) # TODO err if checks isn't a Hash (similar rules as in flapjack-diner) end [entities, checks] end def bulk_api_check_action(entities, entity_checks, action, params = {}) unless entities.nil? || entities.empty? entities.each do |entity_name| entity = find_entity(entity_name) checks = entity.check_list.sort checks.each do |check| action.call( find_entity_check(entity, check) ) end end end unless entity_checks.nil? || entity_checks.empty? entity_checks.each_pair do |entity_name, checks| entity = find_entity(entity_name) checks = [checks] unless checks.is_a?(Array) checks.each do |check| action.call( find_entity_check(entity, check) ) end end end end def present_api_results(entities, entity_checks, result_type, &block) result = [] unless entities.nil? || entities.empty? result += entities.collect {|entity_name| entity = find_entity(entity_name) yield(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter.new(entity, :redis => redis)) }.flatten(1) end unless entity_checks.nil? || entity_checks.empty? result += entity_checks.inject([]) {|memo, (entity_name, checks)| checks = [checks] unless checks.is_a?(Array) entity = find_entity(entity_name) memo += checks.collect {|check| entity_check = find_entity_check(entity, check) {:entity => entity_name, :check => check, result_type.to_sym => yield(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter.new(entity_check)) } } }.flatten(1) end result end # NB: casts to UTC before converting to a timestamp def validate_and_parsetime(value) return unless value Time.iso8601(value).getutc.to_i rescue ArgumentError => e logger.error "Couldn't parse time from '#{value}'" nil end end # used for backwards-compatible route matching below ENTITY_CHECK_FRAGMENT = '(?:/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(?:/(.+))?)?' def self.registered(app) app.helpers Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityMethods::Helpers app.get '/entities' do content_type :json cors_headers entities_json = Flapjack::Data::Entity.all(:redis => redis).collect {|e| presenter = Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter.new(e, :redis => redis) id = (e.id.respond_to?(:length) && e.id.length > 0) ? e.id : e.name {'id' => id, 'name' => e.name, 'checks' => presenter.status }.to_json }.join(',') '{"entities":[' + entities_json + ']}' end app.get %r{/status#{ENTITY_CHECK_FRAGMENT}} do content_type :json captures = params[:captures] || [] entity_name = captures[0] check = captures[1] entities, checks = entities_and_checks(entity_name, check) results = present_api_results(entities, checks, 'status') {|presenter| presenter.status } if entity_name # compatible with previous data format results = results.collect {|status_h| status_h[:status]} check ? results.first.to_json : "[" + results.map {|r| r.to_json }.join(',') + "]" else # new and improved data format which reflects the request param structure "[" + results.map {|r| r.to_json }.join(',') + "]" end end app.get %r{/((?:outages|(?:un)?scheduled_maintenances|downtime))#{ENTITY_CHECK_FRAGMENT}} do action = params[:captures][0].to_sym entity_name = params[:captures][1] check = params[:captures][2] entities, checks = entities_and_checks(entity_name, check) start_time = validate_and_parsetime(params[:start_time]) end_time = validate_and_parsetime(params[:end_time]) results = present_api_results(entities, checks, action) {|presenter| presenter.send(action, start_time, end_time) } if check # compatible with previous data format results.first[action].to_json elsif entity_name # compatible with previous data format rename = {:unscheduled_maintenances => :unscheduled_maintenance, :scheduled_maintenances => :scheduled_maintenance} drop = [:entity] results.collect{|r| r.inject({}) {|memo, (k, v)| if new_k = rename[k] memo[new_k] = v elsif !drop.include?(k) memo[k] = v end memo } }.to_json else # new and improved data format which reflects the request param structure results.to_json end end # create a scheduled maintenance period for a check on an entity app.post %r{/scheduled_maintenances#{ENTITY_CHECK_FRAGMENT}} do captures = params[:captures] || [] entity_name = captures[0] check = captures[1] entities, checks = entities_and_checks(entity_name, check) start_time = validate_and_parsetime(params[:start_time]) halt( err(403, "start time must be provided") ) unless start_time act_proc = proc {|entity_check| entity_check.create_scheduled_maintenance(start_time, params[:duration].to_i, :summary => params[:summary]) } bulk_api_check_action(entities, checks, act_proc) status 204 end # create an acknowledgement for a service on an entity # NB currently, this does not acknowledge a specific failure event, just # the entity-check as a whole app.post %r{/acknowledgements#{ENTITY_CHECK_FRAGMENT}} do captures = params[:captures] || [] entity_name = captures[0] check = captures[1] entities, checks = entities_and_checks(entity_name, check) dur = params[:duration] ? params[:duration].to_i : nil duration = (dur.nil? || (dur <= 0)) ? (4 * 60 * 60) : dur summary = params[:summary] opts = {'duration' => duration} opts['summary'] = summary if summary act_proc = proc {|entity_check| Flapjack::Data::Event.create_acknowledgement( entity_check.entity_name, entity_check.check, :summary => params[:summary], :duration => duration, :redis => redis) } bulk_api_check_action(entities, checks, act_proc) status 204 end app.delete %r{/((?:un)?scheduled_maintenances)} do action = params[:captures][0] # no backwards-compatible mode here, it's a new method entities, checks = entities_and_checks(nil, nil) act_proc = case action when 'scheduled_maintenances' start_time = validate_and_parsetime(params[:start_time]) halt( err(403, "start time must be provided") ) unless start_time opts = {} proc {|entity_check| entity_check.end_scheduled_maintenance(start_time.to_i) } when 'unscheduled_maintenances' end_time = validate_and_parsetime(params[:end_time]) || Time.now proc {|entity_check| entity_check.end_unscheduled_maintenance(end_time.to_i) } end bulk_api_check_action(entities, checks, act_proc) status 204 end app.post %r{/test_notifications#{ENTITY_CHECK_FRAGMENT}} do captures = params[:captures] || [] entity_name = captures[0] check = captures[1] entities, checks = entities_and_checks(entity_name, check) act_proc = proc {|entity_check| summary = params[:summary] || "Testing notifications to all contacts interested in entity #{entity_check.entity.name}" Flapjack::Data::Event.test_notifications( entity_check.entity_name, entity_check.check, :summary => summary, :redis => redis) } bulk_api_check_action(entities, checks, act_proc) status 204 end app.post '/entities' do pass unless Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::JSON_REQUEST_MIME_TYPES.include?(request.content_type) errors = [] ret = nil # FIXME should scan for invalid records before making any changes, fail early entities = params[:entities] unless entities logger.debug("no entities object found in the following supplied JSON:") logger.debug(request.body) return err(403, "No entities object received") end return err(403, "The received entities object is not an Enumerable") unless entities.is_a?(Enumerable) return err(403, "Entity with a nil id detected") unless entities.any? {|e| !e['id'].nil?} entities.each do |entity| unless entity['id'] errors << "Entity not imported as it has no id: #{entity.inspect}" next end Flapjack::Data::Entity.add(entity, :redis => redis) end errors.empty? ? 204 : err(403, *errors) end end end end end end