RSpec.describe Evil::Client::Resolver::Request, ".call" do subject { schema, settings } let(:log) { } let(:logger) { log } let(:root_schema) do double :my_parent_schema, definitions: { body: proc { %W[v#{version}] }, format: proc { :form }, headers: proc { { "Foo" => "BAR" } }, http_method: proc { :get }, query: proc { { version: version } }, security: proc { token_auth token }, path: proc { "{version}" } }, parent: nil end let(:schema) do double :my_schema, to_s: "MySchema.users.fetch", definitions: { body: proc { { version: "v#{version}" } }, format: proc { :json if version > 76 }, headers: proc { { "Baz" => "QUX" } }, http_method: proc { :post if version > 75 }, query: proc { { verbose: true } }, security: proc { token_auth token, prefix: "Bearer" }, path: proc { "users/#{id}" } }, parent: root_schema end let(:opts) { { version: 77, token: "eoiqopr==", id: 43 } } let(:settings) { double :my_settings, options: opts, logger: logger, **opts } let(:environment) do { "REQUEST_METHOD" => "POST", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "", "PATH_INFO" => "/api/v77/users/43", "QUERY_STRING" => "version=77&verbose=true", "SERVER_NAME" => "", "SERVER_PORT" => 443, "HTTP_Variables" => { "Foo" => "BAR", "Baz" => "QUX", "Authorization" => "Bearer eoiqopr==", "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, "rack.version" => Rack::VERSION, "rack.input" => '{"version":"v77"}', "rack.url_scheme" => "https", "rack.multithread" => false, "rack.multiprocess" => false, "rack.run_once" => false, "rack.hijack?" => false, "rack.logger" => logger } end context "with default :json format" do it "resolves request schema for settings to rack-compatible env" do expect(subject).to eq environment end end context "with :yaml format" do before do schema.definitions[:format] = -> { :yaml } environment["rack.input"] = "---\n:version: v77\n" environment["HTTP_Variables"]["Content-Type"] = "application/yaml" end it "resolves request schema for settings to rack-compatible env" do expect(subject).to eq environment end end context "with :text format" do before do schema.definitions[:format] = -> { :text } environment["rack.input"] = '{:version=>"v77"}' environment["HTTP_Variables"]["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" end it "resolves request schema for settings to rack-compatible env" do expect(subject).to eq environment end end context "with :form format" do before do schema.definitions[:format] = -> { :form } environment["rack.input"] = "version=v77" environment["HTTP_Variables"]["Content-Type"] = \ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" end it "resolves request schema for settings to rack-compatible env" do expect(subject).to eq environment end end context "with :multipart format" do before { schema.definitions[:format] = -> { :multipart } } it "resolves request schema for settings to rack-compatible env" do expect(subject["HTTP_Variables"]["Content-Type"]) .to match %r{multipart/form-data; boundary=\w{20}} expect(subject["rack.input"]) .to include 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Part1"' expect(subject["rack.input"]) .to include "version=v77" end end end