require 'json' require 'logger' require 'pathname' require 'trace-component' require 'helper-run-class' require 'prepare-environment' class RegisterMetadata def initialize () @basePath = "#{[:catalog_location]).realpath}/" @log =[:logging_root] + '/plans.log') end def do (role, solution, test) plan = JSON.parse("{ \"plan\": [ { \"role\": \"#{role}\", \"solution\": \"#{solution}\" } ] }") n = n.test ( test ) lines = 1 cmd = "undefined" begin plan['plan'].each do |item| root = "#{@basePath}/roles/#{item['role']}/#{item['solution']}" if File.exist?(root) == false log "-- ERROR #{root} does not exist!" raise "#{root} does not exist!" end # Register the service with Consul, if consul is ready # If metadata.json exists, then use the information to register cmd = "#{@basePath}/roles/#{item['role']}/#{item['solution']}/metadata.json" if File.exist?(cmd) md = md = JSON.parse(md) if (md['services'].size() > 0) svc = md['services'][0] adef = {"listener"=>svc['listener'], "service"=>svc['name'], "tags"=>[ item['role'] ], "port"=>svc['port']} if (svc.has_key? "checks") adef[:check] = svc['checks'][0] end log "-- Registering Service: #{svc['name']}" log "-- #{adef.to_json}" h = if test log "-- TEST ONLY" else "consul", "register_service", JSON.generate(adef) end end end end rescue => exception @log.error(cmd) @log.error(exception.to_s) @log.error(exception.backtrace) abort() end end def log (msg) puts msg end end