# css_lint_ruby [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/Comcast/css_lint_ruby.png)](http://travis-ci.org/Comcast/css_lint_ruby) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/badge.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/Comcast/css_lint_ruby) A rudimentary gem that wraps the command line Rhino version of Nicholas C. Zakas and Nicole Sullivan's [csslint](http://csslint.net). Nothing too fancy and kinda rough around the edges...css_lint was made during Comcast Interactive Media's May 2012 Labweek as a dependency for using [CSS Lint for Sass & Compass](http://comcast.github.io/compass-csslint/). ## Installation git clone https://github.com/Comcast/css_lint_ruby.git cd css_lint_ruby bundle install bundle exec rake gem build css_lint.gemspec gem install css_lint- ## Usage Basic command line usage: css_lint Or: css_lint ## Tests Run Rspec tests: rake Browse code coverage via [simplecov](https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov): open coverage/index.html