# frozen_string_literal: true # Uses the Puppet lookup system to retrieve a value for a given key. By default, # this returns the first value found (and fails compilation if no values are # available), but you can configure it to merge multiple values into one, fail # gracefully, and more. # # When looking up a key, Puppet will search up to three tiers of data, in the # following order: # # 1. Hiera. # 2. The current environment's data provider. # 3. The indicated module's data provider, if the key is of the form # `<MODULE NAME>::<SOMETHING>`. # # #### Arguments # # You must provide the name of a key to look up, and can optionally provide other # arguments. You can combine these arguments in the following ways: # # * `lookup( <NAME>, [<VALUE TYPE>], [<MERGE BEHAVIOR>], [<DEFAULT VALUE>] )` # * `lookup( [<NAME>], <OPTIONS HASH> )` # * `lookup( as above ) |$key| { # lambda returns a default value }` # # Arguments in `[square brackets]` are optional. # # The arguments accepted by `lookup` are as follows: # # 1. `<NAME>` (string or array) --- The name of the key to look up. # * This can also be an array of keys. If Puppet doesn't find anything for the # first key, it will try again with the subsequent ones, only resorting to a # default value if none of them succeed. # 2. `<VALUE TYPE>` (data type) --- A # [data type](https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/lang_data_type.html) # that must match the retrieved value; if not, the lookup (and catalog # compilation) will fail. Defaults to `Data` (accepts any normal value). # 3. `<MERGE BEHAVIOR>` (string or hash; see **"Merge Behaviors"** below) --- # Whether (and how) to combine multiple values. If present, this overrides any # merge behavior specified in the data sources. Defaults to no value; Puppet will # use merge behavior from the data sources if present, and will otherwise do a # first-found lookup. # 4. `<DEFAULT VALUE>` (any normal value) --- If present, `lookup` returns this # when it can't find a normal value. Default values are never merged with found # values. Like a normal value, the default must match the value type. Defaults to # no value; if Puppet can't find a normal value, the lookup (and compilation) will # fail. # 5. `<OPTIONS HASH>` (hash) --- Alternate way to set the arguments above, plus # some less-common extra options. If you pass an options hash, you can't combine # it with any regular arguments (except `<NAME>`). An options hash can have the # following keys: # * `'name'` --- Same as `<NAME>` (argument 1). You can pass this as an # argument or in the hash, but not both. # * `'value_type'` --- Same as `<VALUE TYPE>` (argument 2). # * `'merge'` --- Same as `<MERGE BEHAVIOR>` (argument 3). # * `'default_value'` --- Same as `<DEFAULT VALUE>` (argument 4). # * `'default_values_hash'` (hash) --- A hash of lookup keys and default # values. If Puppet can't find a normal value, it will check this hash for the # requested key before giving up. You can combine this with `default_value` or # a lambda, which will be used if the key isn't present in this hash. Defaults # to an empty hash. # * `'override'` (hash) --- A hash of lookup keys and override values. Puppet # will check for the requested key in the overrides hash _first;_ if found, it # returns that value as the _final_ value, ignoring merge behavior. Defaults # to an empty hash. # # Finally, `lookup` can take a lambda, which must accept a single parameter. # This is yet another way to set a default value for the lookup; if no results are # found, Puppet will pass the requested key to the lambda and use its result as # the default value. # # #### Merge Behaviors # # Puppet lookup uses a hierarchy of data sources, and a given key might have # values in multiple sources. By default, Puppet returns the first value it finds, # but it can also continue searching and merge all the values together. # # > **Note:** Data sources can use the special `lookup_options` metadata key to # request a specific merge behavior for a key. The `lookup` function will use that # requested behavior unless you explicitly specify one. # # The valid merge behaviors are: # # * `'first'` --- Returns the first value found, with no merging. Puppet lookup's # default behavior. # * `'unique'` (called "array merge" in classic Hiera) --- Combines any number of # arrays and scalar values to return a merged, flattened array with all duplicate # values removed. The lookup will fail if any hash values are found. # * `'hash'` --- Combines the keys and values of any number of hashes to return a # merged hash. If the same key exists in multiple source hashes, Puppet will use # the value from the highest-priority data source; it won't recursively merge the # values. # * `'deep'` --- Combines the keys and values of any number of hashes to return a # merged hash. If the same key exists in multiple source hashes, Puppet will # recursively merge hash or array values (with duplicate values removed from # arrays). For conflicting scalar values, the highest-priority value will win. # * `{'strategy' => 'first'}`, `{'strategy' => 'unique'}`, # or `{'strategy' => 'hash'}` --- Same as the string versions of these merge behaviors. # * `{'strategy' => 'deep', <DEEP OPTION> => <VALUE>, ...}` --- Same as `'deep'`, # but can adjust the merge with additional options. The available options are: # * `'knockout_prefix'` (string or undef) --- A string prefix to indicate a # value should be _removed_ from the final result. If a value is exactly equal # to the prefix, it will knockout the entire element. Defaults to `undef`, which # disables this feature. # * `'sort_merged_arrays'` (boolean) --- Whether to sort all arrays that are # merged together. Defaults to `false`. # * `'merge_hash_arrays'` (boolean) --- Whether to merge hashes within arrays. # Defaults to `false`. # # @example Look up a key and return the first value found # # lookup('ntp::service_name') # # @example Do a unique merge lookup of class names, then add all of those classes to the catalog (like `hiera_include`) # # lookup('classes', Array[String], 'unique').include # # @example Do a deep hash merge lookup of user data, but let higher priority sources remove values by prefixing them with `--` # # lookup( { 'name' => 'users', # 'merge' => { # 'strategy' => 'deep', # 'knockout_prefix' => '--', # }, # }) # # @since 4.0.0 Puppet::Functions.create_function(:lookup, Puppet::Functions::InternalFunction) do local_types do type 'NameType = Variant[String, Array[String]]' type 'ValueType = Type' type 'DefaultValueType = Any' type 'MergeType = Variant[String[1], Hash[String, Scalar]]' type 'BlockType = Callable[NameType]' type "OptionsWithName = Struct[{\ name => NameType,\ value_type => Optional[ValueType],\ default_value => Optional[DefaultValueType],\ override => Optional[Hash[String,Any]],\ default_values_hash => Optional[Hash[String,Any]],\ merge => Optional[MergeType]\ }]" type "OptionsWithoutName = Struct[{\ value_type => Optional[ValueType],\ default_value => Optional[DefaultValueType],\ override => Optional[Hash[String,Any]],\ default_values_hash => Optional[Hash[String,Any]],\ merge => Optional[MergeType]\ }]" end dispatch :lookup_1 do scope_param param 'NameType', :name optional_param 'ValueType', :value_type optional_param 'MergeType', :merge end dispatch :lookup_2 do scope_param param 'NameType', :name param 'Optional[ValueType]', :value_type param 'Optional[MergeType]', :merge param 'DefaultValueType', :default_value end dispatch :lookup_3 do scope_param param 'NameType', :name optional_param 'ValueType', :value_type optional_param 'MergeType', :merge required_block_param 'BlockType', :block end # Lookup without name. Name then becomes a required entry in the options hash dispatch :lookup_4 do scope_param param 'OptionsWithName', :options_hash optional_block_param 'BlockType', :block end # Lookup using name and options hash. dispatch :lookup_5 do scope_param param 'Variant[String,Array[String]]', :name param 'OptionsWithoutName', :options_hash optional_block_param 'BlockType', :block end def lookup_1(scope, name, value_type=nil, merge=nil) do_lookup(scope, name, value_type, nil, false, {}, {}, merge) end def lookup_2(scope, name, value_type, merge, default_value) do_lookup(scope, name, value_type, default_value, true, {}, {}, merge) end def lookup_3(scope, name, value_type=nil, merge=nil, &block) do_lookup(scope, name, value_type, nil, false, {}, {}, merge, &block) end def lookup_4(scope, options_hash, &block) do_lookup(scope, options_hash['name'], *hash_args(options_hash), &block) end def lookup_5(scope, name, options_hash, &block) do_lookup(scope, name, *hash_args(options_hash), &block) end def do_lookup(scope, name, value_type, default_value, has_default, override, default_values_hash, merge, &block) Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup(name, value_type, default_value, has_default, merge, Puppet::Pops::Lookup::Invocation.new(scope, override, default_values_hash), &block) end def hash_args(options_hash) [ options_hash['value_type'], options_hash['default_value'], options_hash.include?('default_value'), options_hash['override'] || {}, options_hash['default_values_hash'] || {}, options_hash['merge'] ] end end