0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 2020-05-14 1 2030-05-03 0000-0000-0000-0000-0001 2020-05-04 2020-05-04 entered 1 JASE000000 Name1 Information not available Information not available 123 My Street, My City, AB3 4CD Joe Bloggs Ltd NOS5 Registered Level 3 UPRN-000000000001 2 Lonely Street Post-Town1 A0 0AA B1 Offices and Workshop businesses N Calculation-Tool1 ACTUAL 402.6 1058.32 LON 10 411.86 0.389164 18.3412 1005 402.6 41.0355 25.3865 39.0832 54.0787 2.77834 42.185 41.0355 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121.327 0 0 6.10442 3.07665 3.02777 0 0.801605 402.6 Fan coil systems LTHW boiler Natural Gas 122.171 179.401 41.0355 25.3865 39.0832 0.827 1.963 0.89 2.5 1005 402.6 NOTIONAL 402.6 1058.32 LON 3 362.524 0.342547 11.2489 1005 402.6 18.1582 7.46769 14.0716 14.4489 3.33761 42.185 18.1582 0 0 3.33761 0 0 0 0 0 35.9883 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402.6 Fan coil systems LTHW boiler Natural Gas 53.5375 96.7814 18.1581 7.46769 14.0716 0.819 3.6 0 0 1005 402.6 REFERENCE 402.6 1058.32 LON 10 718.761 0.679153 10 1005 402.6 71.9516 25.6538 2.16062 45.54 6.41192 42.185 78.3634 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73.3544 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402.6 Fan coil systems LTHW boiler Natural Gas 189.088 207.795 71.9516 25.6538 2.16062 0.73 2.25 0 0 1005 402.6 Insurance 0001 2010-08-01 2011-07-31 500000 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Heating and Natural Ventilation 99 Yes 1 1 2010-01-01 1 1 1 2009-01-01 0 0 0 2008-01-01 0 0 0 0000-0000-0000-0000-0001 2020-05-04 2 2030-05-03 0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 2020-05-04 2020-05-04 cancelled 1 JASE000000 Name0 Accreditation-Scheme-Name0 UPRN-000000000001 2 Lonely Street Post-Town1 A0 0AA Property-Type0 Calculation-Tool0 ZGVmYXVsdA== Air Conditioning 10 Description0 0 Description1 0 Description2 0