h1. Bloom Filter This is a Bloom filter for Ruby written in C. h2. What is a Bloom filter? I suck at explaining things. Wikipedia doesn't. http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter. But in short a Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure which is used to test for membership in a set. False positives can happen, but false negatives can not. The exact error rate of a Bloom filter can be tuned by changing the size of it. h2. Why would I use a Bloom filter? They're extremely compact and quite fast. The size of a Bloom filter is dependent upon the number of keys you'll be inserting into it and the acceptable error rate. The smaller the size of the bloom filter, the higher the error rate. So, one idea is that you could use a Bloom filter as a pre-filter for database calls. Before requesting a particular id from the database, you could query the Bloom filter. If it returns true for the id, you can query the database for the data. If it returns false, you don't. Since false positives cannot happen, you'll never miss querying the database when you should. However, you may (at a particular error rate) query the database when you don't necessarily need to. But, as before, this can be tuned according to your needs. h2. Todo * Add benchmarks * Add graphs of size vs. error rate