module ROTP class TOTP < OTP attr_reader :interval # @option options [Integer] interval (30) the time interval in seconds for OTP # This defaults to 30 which is standard. def initialize(s, options = {}) @interval = options[:interval] || 30 super end # Accepts either a Unix timestamp integer or a Time object. # Time objects will be adjusted to UTC automatically # @param [Time/Integer] time the time to generate an OTP for def at(time) unless time.class == Time time = end generate_otp(timecode(time)) end # Generate the current time OTP # @return [Integer] the OTP as an integer def now generate_otp(timecode( end # Verifies the OTP passed in against the current time OTP # @param [String/Integer] otp the OTP to check against def verify(otp, time = otp == end # Returns the provisioning URI for the OTP # This can then be encoded in a QR Code and used # to provision the Google Authenticator app # @param [String] name of the account # @return [String] provisioning uri def provisioning_uri(name) "otpauth://totp/#{URI.encode(name)}?secret=#{secret}" end private def timecode(time) i = time.utc.to_i * 1000 i / (interval * 1000) end end end