// override this file in your application to add custom behaviour //= require 'selectize.min' //= require 'thecore_ui_commons' //= require 'rails_admin/custom/thecore/ui' const adjustIframe = function (obj) { console.log("Resizing"); obj.style.height = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px'; }; let currentURL = new URL(window.location.href); $(document).on('turbo:load', function (event) { currentURL = new URL(event.originalEvent.detail.url); console.log("Page loaded listening to turbo:load event", currentURL.href); console.log(" - Protocol:", currentURL.protocol); console.log(" - Username:", currentURL.username); console.log(" - Password:", currentURL.password); console.log(" - Host:", currentURL.host); console.log(" - Hostname:", currentURL.hostname); console.log(" - Port:", currentURL.port); console.log(" - Pathname:", currentURL.pathname); console.log(" - Search:", currentURL.search); currentURL.searchParams.forEach((v, k) => { console.log(` - ${k}: ${v}`); }) console.log(" - Hash:", currentURL.hash); // Add the customer_logo before the Title const customer_logo_path = "<%= asset_path('customer_logo.png') %>"; $(".navbar-brand").prepend(``); }); const sidepanel = "body > div.container-fluid > div > div.col-sm-3.col-md-2.flex-wrap.p-0" const mainpanel = "body > div.container-fluid > div > div.col-sm-9.col-sm-offset-3.col-md-10.col-md-offset-2"; // JavaScript functions to open the sidebar function sideOpen() { /* Sidebar takes 25% of the total width of main container in open state */ document.querySelector( sidepanel).style.width = "16.66666667%"; document.querySelector( mainpanel).style.width = "83.33333333%"; document.querySelector( sidepanel).style.display = "block"; // document.querySelector( // "openNav").style.display = "none"; } // JavaScript functions to close the sidebar function sideClose() { // Sidebar takes 0% of the total width // of main container in open state document.querySelector( mainpanel).style.marginLeft = "0%"; document.querySelector( mainpanel).style.width = "100%"; // Visibility is hidden document.querySelector( sidepanel).style.display = "none"; // document.querySelector( // "openNav").style.display = "inline-block"; }