# SyncteraRubySdk::CardProductResponse ## Properties | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **form** | **String** | PHYSICAL or VIRTUAL. | | | **active** | **Boolean** | Indicates whether the Card Product is active | | | **card_program_id** | **String** | Card Program ID | | | **color** | **String** | Color code for dynamic card elements such as PAN and card holder name | [optional] | | **creation_time** | **Time** | The timestamp representing when the Card Product was created | [readonly] | | **digital_wallet_tokenization** | [**DigitalWalletTokenization**](DigitalWalletTokenization.md) | | | | **end_date** | **Time** | The time when the Card Product is decommissioned | | | **id** | **String** | Card Product ID | [readonly] | | **image** | **Boolean** | Indicates whether or not there is an overlay image of the card product available | [optional] | | **image_mode** | [**CardImageMode**](CardImageMode.md) | | [optional] | | **issue_without_kyc** | **Boolean** | Allow issuing cards on this product without requiring KYC | [optional] | | **last_modified_time** | **Time** | The timestamp representing when the Card Product was last modified | [readonly] | | **name** | **String** | The name of the Card Product | | | **orientation** | **String** | Card orientation | [optional] | | **package_id** | **String** | Card fulfillment provider’s package ID | [optional] | | **physical_card_format** | [**PhysicalCardFormat**](PhysicalCardFormat.md) | | [optional] | | **return_address** | [**Shipping**](Shipping.md) | | [optional] | | **start_date** | **Time** | The time when the Card Product goes live | | | **three_ds_policy** | [**ThreeDsPolicy**](ThreeDsPolicy.md) | | | | **txn_enhancer** | [**TxnEnhancer**](TxnEnhancer.md) | | [optional][default to 'NONE'] | ## Example ```ruby require 'synctera_ruby_sdk' instance = SyncteraRubySdk::CardProductResponse.new( form: null, active: null, card_program_id: 7d943c51-e4ff-4e57-9558-08cab6b963c7, color: null, creation_time: 2010-05-06T12:23:34.321Z, digital_wallet_tokenization: null, end_date: 2050-06-07T21:32:43.321Z, id: 7d943c51-e4ff-4e57-9558-08cab6b963c7, image: null, image_mode: null, issue_without_kyc: null, last_modified_time: 2010-05-06T12:23:34.321Z, name: null, orientation: null, package_id: null, physical_card_format: null, return_address: null, start_date: 2010-05-06T12:23:34.321Z, three_ds_policy: null, txn_enhancer: null ) ```