# Zipcoder [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/zipcoder.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/zipcoder) [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/ericchapman/zipcoder/tree/master.svg?&style=shield&circle-token=a6120adc7b90f211b8c19b16e184da4123de671c)](https://circleci.com/gh/ericchapman/zipcoder/tree/master) [![Codecov](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/ericchapman/zipcoder/master.svg)](https://codecov.io/github/ericchapman/zipcoder) Gem for performing zip code lookup operations ## Revision History - v0.8.1: - added "filter" argument to "city_info" to filter the zip codes - v0.8.0: - added support for acceptable cities as well. The "zip_code" lookup will return the primary but the "city, state" lookup will support the acceptable cities - v0.7.4: - updates "zip_cities" to return valid zip_codes (and not just what you enter) - also added "specified_zip" to the city object when entering zip codes. This will allow a client to know if all of the zip codes were specified for a city - v0.7.2/3: - minor bug fixes - v0.7.0: - added "zips_only" option to "city_info" - v0.6.1: - bug fix for the "grouped" option in the "zip_cities" method - v0.6.0: - added "grouped" option to "zip_cities" - v0.5.0: - added Redis backend support - v0.4.2: - updated paths to fix RAILS require issue - v0.4.1: - bug fix for "capitalize_all" - v0.4.0: - abstracted "cacher" object to later support "redis" and "memcacher" - API Change!! - changed name of "cities" to "state_cities" - added "names_only" option to "state_cities" - added "states" method that returns list of states - added "zip_cities" method that returns the cities associated with a list of zip codes - v0.3.0: - API Change!! - intitialization method change from "load_data" to "load_cache" - added city and state caches - added "cities" call - v0.2.0: - Internal code rework - API Change!! - changed "city,state" to return normalized info rather than array of zips, lats, longs - v0.1.0: - Initial Revision ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'zipcoder' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install zipcoder ## Usage ### Setup By default, the library will lazy-load the data structures when you first try to use it. If you would like to have the data structures already loaded when application is loaded, you can do the following RAILS example **config/initializers/zipcoder.rb:** ``` ruby require 'zipcoder' Zipcoder.load_cache ``` This will immediately load the data structures. Currently it takes roughly 3s to create and import all of the data structures. I will look at ways to reduce this later. #### Redis Support To use Redis as the cache for zipcoder rather than memory, you must do the following **install the 'redis' Gem (or add to your Gemfile if using Rails):** ```ruby gem 'redis' ``` *Note that this Gem supports Ruby >= 2.0 so I could NOT use the latest Redis version. I had to use v3.3.5 to test.* **create a redis cacher and pass it to the "load_cache" method:** ```ruby require 'zipcoder' require 'zipcoder/cacher/redis' cacher = Zipcoder::Cacher::Redis.new(**args) Zipcoder.load_cache(cacher) ``` Please check [here](https://github.com/redis/redis-rb) for the different options to use when instantiating the "Redis" client. ### Methods The library overrides the String (and in some instances Integer) class to provide the following methods #### Method: Zipcoder.zip_info(zip, **args) Returns the info for the "zip" **variations:** ``` ruby Zipcoder.zip_info(78748, **args) Zipcoder.zip_info("78748", **args) "78748".zip_info(**args) 78748.zip_info(**args) ``` **parameters:** - zip [String, Integer] - a string or integer representing a single zip code - **return** [Hash] - zip object **arguments:** - keys [Array] - array of keys to include (filters out the others) **notes:** - none **examples:** ``` ruby require 'zipcoder' # Looks up a zip code by string puts "78748".zip_info # > {:zip=>"78748", :city=>"AUSTIN", :state=>"TX", :lat=>30.26, :long=>-97.74} # Looks up a zip code by integer puts 78748.zip_info # > {:zip=>"78748", :city=>"Austin", :state=>"TX", :lat=>30.26, :long=>-97.74} ``` #### Method: Zipcoder.zip_cities(zip_string, **args) Returns the cities that are covered by the "zip_string" **variations:** ``` ruby Zipcoder.zip_cities("78701-78799,78613", **args) "78701-78799,78613".zip_cities(**args) ``` **parameters:** - zip_string [String] - a string containing comma delimited list of zip codes and zip code ranges (ex. "78701-78750, 78613") - **return** [Array] - array of zip objects or names (if "names_only" is specified) **arguments:** - keys [Array] - array of keys to include (filters out the others) - names_only [Bool] - set to "true" if you only want the city/state names returned - grouped [Bool] - set to "true" if you want the zip codes returned grouped by city/state - max [Integer] - maximum number of cities to return **notes:** - none **examples:** ``` ruby require 'zipcoder' # Returns the cities for a zip_code puts "78701-78750,78613".zip_cities # > [{:zip=>"78701-78705,78710,78712,78717,...", :specified_zip => "78701-78750", :city=>"Austin", :state=>"TX", :lat=>30.26, :long=>-97.74}, ... # Returns just the name of the cities puts "78701-78750,78613".zip_cities names_only: true # > ["Austin, TX", "Cedar Park, TX"] # Returns the cities grouped by city/state puts "78701-78750,78613".zip_cities grouped: true # > {"78701-78750" => {:zip=>"78748", :city=>"Austin", :state=>"TX", ... # Returns the cities grouped by city/state with names only puts "78701-78750,78613".zip_cities grouped: true, names_only: true # > {"78701-78750" => "Austin, TX", "78613" => "Cedar Park"} ``` #### Method: Zipcoder.city_info(city_state, **args) Returns the zip object for a city **variations:** ``` ruby Zipcoder.city_info("Atlanta, GA", **args) "Atlanta, GA".city_info(**args) ``` **parameters:** - city_state [String] - a string "city, state" - **return** [Hash] - zip object **arguments:** - keys [Array] - array of keys to include (filters out the others) - zips_only [Bool] - set to "true" if you want an array of just the zip codes for the city - filter [String] - zip code string (i.e. "78701-78704,78748") that will filter the zip codes (ignored if "zip_code") **notes:** - the "zip", "lat", "long" are the combined values from all of the individual zip codes - the library will normalize the key by removing all of the whitespace and capitalizing the letters. So for example, " Los Angeles , CA " becomes "LOS ANGELES,CA" **examples:** ``` ruby require 'zipcoder' puts "Austin, TX".city_info # > {:zip=>"78701-78705,78710,78712,78717,...", :city=>"AUSTIN", :state=>"TX", :lat=>30.26, :long=>-97.74} puts "Austin, TX".city_info(zips_only: true) # > ["78701", "78702", "78703", ...] puts "Austin, TX".city_info(filter: "78701-78704,78748") # > {:zip=>"78701-78705,78710,78712,78717,...", :specified_zip=> "78701-78704,78748", :city=>"AUSTIN", :state=>"TX", :lat=>30.26, :long=>-97.74} ``` #### Method: Zipcoder.state_cities(state, **args) This will return the cities in a state **variations:** ``` ruby Zipcoder.state_cities("GA", **args) "GA".state_cities(**args) ``` **parameters:** - state [String] - the 2 letter state abbreviation - **return** [Array] - list of zip objects (or city names if "names_only") is set **arguments:** - keys [Array] - array of keys to include (filters out the others) - names_only [Bool] - set to "true" if you only want the city names returned **examples:** ``` ruby require 'zipcoder' # Returns Objects puts "TX".state_cities # > [{:city=>"Abbott", :state=>"TX" ... # Returns List puts "TX".state_cities names_only: true # > ["Abbott", ... ``` #### Method: Zipcoder.states This will return the states in the US **variations:** ``` ruby Zipcoder.states ``` **parameters:** - none **arguments:** - none **examples:** ``` ruby require 'zipcoder' puts Zipcoder.states # > ["AK", "AL", ... ``` ### Updating Data The library is using the free public zip code data base located [here](http://federalgovernmentzipcodes.us/). To update the database, run the following at command line from the top directory ``` %> rake zipcoder:update # Pulls the latest CSV file from the website %> rake zipcoder:convert # Updates the zipcoder data structures ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ericchapman/zipcoder. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).