module Mimi module Console module Colors SEQUENCE = %w(31 32 33 34 35 36 37 31;1 32;1 33;1 34;1 35;1 36;1 37;1) # Returns ANSI escaped string. # def esc_string(esc, text) esc + text.to_s + "\e[0m" end def unesc_string(text) text.gsub(/\e[^m]+m/, '') end # Returns ANSI escaped string for the colored text. # def esc_color(color_code, text) esc_string "\e[#{color_code}m", text end # Returns ANSI escaped string for the red colored text. # def esc_red(text) esc_color 31, text end # Returns ANSI escaped string for the green colored text. # def esc_green(text) esc_color 32, text end # Returns ANSI escaped string for the yellow colored text. # def esc_yellow(text) esc_color 33, text end # Returns ANSI escaped string for the blue colored text. # def esc_blue(text) esc_color 34, text end # # def esc_gray(text) esc_color '30;1', text end # Returns ANSI escaped string for the bold text. # def esc_bold(text) esc_string "\e[01;37m", text end # Returns string padded to given number of characters, text can be escaped. # def esc_pad(text, num, color = nil) text = text.to_s esc_text = text case color when :red, :yellow, :green esc_text = send :"esc_#{color}", text end pad = esc_text.size - unesc_string(text).size num > 0 ? ("%-#{num + pad}s" % esc_text) : esc_text end # Returns string with formatted and padded fields # Each arg is an Array: # [, [padding_num], [color]] # def esc_format(*args) out = [] args.each do |arg| out << esc_pad(arg[0], arg[1] || 0, arg[2]) end out.join(' ') end # Returns rows, as arrays strings, formatted as a table # # @param rows [Array>] # # @return [String] # def esc_format_table(rows, params = {}) return nil if rows.empty? params = { delimiter: ' ' }.merge(params) columns_count = columns = do |c| { |r| unesc_string(r[c].to_s).size }.max # width of the column end do |row| do |t, i| esc_pad(t, columns[i]) end.join(params[:delimiter]) end.join("\n") end # Color output disabled # module Disabled def esc_string(_, text) text end end # module Disabled end # module Colors end # module Console end # module Mimi