# frozen_string_literal: true require "satis/concerns/contextual_translations" require "satis/forms/concerns/buttons" require "satis/forms/concerns/file" require "satis/forms/concerns/required" require "satis/forms/concerns/select" require "satis/forms/concerns/options" module Satis module Forms class Builder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder delegate :t, :tag, :safe_join, :render, to: :@template attr_reader :template, :assocation include Concerns::Options include Concerns::Select include Concerns::File include Concerns::Required include Concerns::Buttons include Satis::Concerns::ContextualTranslations def original_view_context @template end # Regular input def input(method, options = {}, &) @form_options = options options[:input_html] ||= {} options[:input_html][:disabled] = options.delete(:disabled) send(input_type_for(method, options), method, options, &) end # NOTE: TDG - seems to be overwritten below # def input_array(method, options = {}, &block) # @form_options = options # # input_array(method, options, &block) # end # A codemirror editor, backed by a text-area def editor(method, options = {}, &) @form_options = options editor_input(method, options, &) end # Simple-form like association def association(name, options, &) @form_options = options @association = name reflection = @object.class.reflections[name.to_s] method = reflection.join_foreign_key send(input_type_for(method, options), method, options, &) end alias_method :rails_fields_for, :fields_for # Wrapper around fields_for, using Satis::Forms::Builder # Example: # # form_for @user do |f| # f.simple_fields_for :printers do |printers_form| # # Here you have all satis' form methods available # printers_form.input :name # end # end def fields_for(*args, &) options = args.extract_options! name = args.first template_object = args.second # FIXME: Yuk - is it possible to detect when this should not be allowed? # Like checking for whether destroy is allowed on assocations? allow_actions = options.key?(:allow_actions) ? options[:allow_actions] : true show_actions = @object.respond_to?("#{name}_attributes=") && @object.send(name).respond_to?(:each) && template_object && allow_actions == true html_options = options[:html] || {} html_options[:data] ||= {} html_options[:data] = flatten_hash(html_options[:data]) html_options[:data][:controller] = ["satis-fields-for"].concat(options[:html]&.[](:data)&.[](:controller).to_s.split).join(" ") html_options[:class] = ["fields_for"].concat(options[:html]&.[](:class).to_s.split).join(" ") options[:builder] ||= if self.class < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder self.class else Satis::Forms::Builder end # Only do the whole nested-form thing with a collection if show_actions view_options = { form: self, collection: name, template_object: template_object, options: options } tag.div(**html_options) do render "shared/fields_for", view_options, &block end # FIXME: You would want to do this: # render(Satis::FieldsFor::Component.new( # form: self, name: name, template_object: template_object, **options, &block # )) else invalid_feedback = nil if @object.errors.messages[name].present? invalid_feedback = tag.div(@object.errors.messages[name].join(", "), class: "invalid-feedback") end safe_join [ invalid_feedback, rails_fields_for(*args, options, &) ].compact end end def rich_text(*args) options = args.extract_options! form_group(*args, options) do safe_join [ (custom_label(*args, options[:label]) unless options[:label] == false), rich_text_area(*args, options) ] end end # A switch backed by a hidden value def switch(method, options = {}, &) @form_options = options switch_input(method, options, &) end # A hidden input def hidden(method, options = {}, &) @form_options = options hidden_input(method, options, &) end # Non public def input_type_for(method, options) object_type = object_type_for_method(method) input_type = case object_type when :date then :date_time when :datetime then :date_time when :integer then :string when :float then :string else object_type end override_input_type = if options[:as] options[:as] elsif options[:collection] :select elsif options[:url] :dropdown end "#{override_input_type || input_type}_input" end def form_group(method, options = {}, &block) tag.div(class: "form-group form-group-#{method}", data: options.delete(:data)) do safe_join [ block.call, hint_text(options[:hint]), error_text(method) ].compact end end def hint_text(text) return if text.nil? tag.small text, class: "form-text text-muted" end # FIXME: These don't work for relations or location_id, error is on location # When using the association helper, we need to set a @assocation variable # any other input should clear it def error_text(method) return if !has_error?(method) && !has_error?(method.to_s.gsub(/_id$/, "")) all_errors = @object.errors[method].dup all_errors += @object.errors[method.to_s.gsub(/_id$/, "")] if method.to_s.ends_with?("_id") tag.div(all_errors.uniq.join("<br />").html_safe, class: "invalid-feedback") end def object_type_for_method(method) result = if @object.respond_to?(:type_for_attribute) && @object.has_attribute?(method) @object.type_for_attribute(method.to_s).try(:type) elsif @object.respond_to?(:column_for_attribute) && @object.has_attribute?(method) @object.column_for_attribute(method).try(:type) end result || :string end def has_error?(method) return false unless @object.respond_to?(:errors) @object.errors.key?(method) end def custom_label(method, title, options = {}) all_classes = "#{options[:class]} form-label".strip label(method, title, class: all_classes, data: options[:data]) do |translation| safe_join [ tag.span(title || translation, class: required?(method) ? "required" : ""), " ", required(method, options), help(method, options) ] end end def required(method, _options = {}) return unless required?(method) tag.i(class: "fas fa-hexagon-exclamation") end def help(method, options = {}) text = options[:help].presence || Satis.config.default_help_text.call(@template, @object, method, @options[:help_scope] || options[:help_scope]) return if text.blank? tag.i(class: "fal fa-circle-info", "data-controller": "help", "data-help-content-value": text) end def hidden_input(method, options = {}) hidden_field(method, options[:input_html] || {}) end def password_input(method, options = {}) string_input(method, options.merge(as: :password)) end # Inputs and helpers def string_input(method, options = {}) orig_data = options.fetch(:data, {}).merge(controller: "satis-input") scrollable = options.fetch(:scrollable, false) css_class = ["form-control"] css_class << "is-invalid" if has_error?(method) css_class << "noscroll" unless scrollable data = options[:input_html].fetch(:data, {}) data = data.merge("satis-input-target" => "input") options[:input_html] = options[:input_html].merge(data: data) form_group(method, options.merge(data: orig_data)) do safe_join [ (custom_label(method, options[:label], options) unless options[:label] == false), string_field(method, merge_input_options({as: options[:as], class: "#{css_class.join(" ")}"}, options[:input_html])) ] end end def number_input(method, options = {}) form_group(method, options) do safe_join [ (custom_label(method, options[:label], options) unless options[:label] == false), number_field(method, merge_input_options({class: "form-control #{ if has_error?(method) "is-invalid" end}"}, options[:input_html])) ] end end def text_input(method, options = {}) form_group(method, options) do safe_join [ (custom_label(method, options[:label], options) unless options[:label] == false), text_area(method, merge_input_options({class: "form-control #{ if has_error?(method) "is-invalid" end}"}, options[:input_html])) ] end end def input_array(method, options = {}) form_group(method, options) do safe_join [ (custom_label(method, options[:label], options) unless options[:label] == false), render(Satis::InputArray::Component.new(form: self, attribute: method, **options)) ] end end def editor_input(method, options = {}, &block) form_group(method, options) do safe_join [ (custom_label(method, options[:label], options) unless options[:label] == false), @template.render(Satis::Editor::Component.new(form: self, attribute: method, **options, &block)) ] end # form_group(method, options) do # safe_join [ # (custom_label(method, options[:label], options) unless options[:label] == false), # tag.div(text_area(method, # merge_input_options({ # class: 'form-control hidden', # data: { # # controller: 'satis-editor', # 'satis-editor-target' => 'textarea', # 'satis-editor-read-only-value' => options.delete(:read_only) || false, # 'satis-editor-mode-value' => options.delete(:mode) || 'text/html', # 'satis-editor-height-value' => options.delete(:height) || '200px', # 'satis-editor-color-scheme-value' => options.delete(:color_scheme), # 'satis-editor-color-scheme-dark-value' => options.delete(:color_scheme_dark) || 'lucario' # } # # }, options[:input_html])), class: "editor #{ # if has_error?(method) # 'is-invalid' # end}", data: { # controller: 'satis-editor' # }), # hint_text(options[:hint] || '⌘-F/⌃-f: search; ⌥-g: goto line, ⌃-space: autocomplete') # ] # end end def boolean_input(method, options = {}) form_group(method, options) do tag.div(class: "custom-control custom-checkbox") do safe_join [ check_box(method, merge_input_options({class: "custom-control-input"}, options[:input_html])), label(method, options[:label], class: "custom-control-label") ] end end end # Switch # Pass icon: false for no icon def switch_input(method, options = {}, &block) form_group(method, options) do render(Satis::Switch::Component.new(form: self, attribute: method, title: options[:label], **options, &block)) end end # wrapper_html: { data: { 'date-time-picker-time-picker': 'true', controller: 'date-time-picker', 'date-time-picker-start-date' => (@holiday.start_at || params[:holiday]&.[](:start_at) && Time.parse(params[:holiday][:start_at]) || Time.current)&.iso8601 } } def date_time_input(method, options = {}, &block) case object_type_for_method(method) when :date options[:time_picker] = options.key?(:time_picker) ? options[:time_picker] : false when :datetime options[:time_picker] = options.key?(:time_picker) ? options[:time_picker] : true end form_group(method, options) do safe_join [ (custom_label(method, options[:label], options) unless options[:label] == false), render(Satis::DateTimePicker::Component.new(form: self, attribute: method, title: options[:label], **options, &block)) ] end end def phone_input(method, options = {}) # options[:input_html] = {} # options[:input_html] = { 'data-controller' => 'phone-number', # 'data-phone-number-target': 'input', # 'data-action': 'keyup->phone-number#change blur->phone-number#change' } tag.div("data-controller" => "phone-number") do safe_join [ hidden_field(method, merge_input_options({class: "form-control", "data-phone-number-target": "hiddenInput"}, options[:input_html])), @template.text_field_tag("dummy", @object.try(method), class: "form-control #{ if has_error?(method) "is-invalid" end}", "data-phone-number-target": "input", "data-action": "input->phone-number#change") ] end end def collection_of(input_type, method, options = {}) form_builder_method, custom_class, input_builder_method = case input_type when :radio_buttons then [:collection_radio_buttons, "custom-radio", :radio_button] when :check_boxes then [:collection_check_boxes, "custom-checkbox", :check_box] else raise 'Invalid input_type for collection_of, valid input_types are ":radio_buttons", ":check_boxes"' end options[:value_method] ||= :last options[:text_method] ||= options[:label_method] || :first form_group(method, options) do safe_join [ (custom_label(method, options[:label], options) unless options[:label] == false), (send(form_builder_method, method, options[:collection], options[:value_method], options[:text_method]) do |b| tag.div(class: "custom-control #{custom_class}") do safe_join [ b.send(input_builder_method, options.fetch(:input_html, {}).merge(class: "custom-control-input")), b.label(class: "custom-control-label") ] end end) ] end end def radio_buttons_input(method, options = {}) collection_of(:radio_buttons, method, options) end def check_boxes_input(method, options = {}) collection_of(:check_boxes, method, options) end def string_field(method, options = {}) # if specifically set to string, no more magic. return text_field(method, options) if options[:as] == :string case options[:as] || object_type_for_method(method) when :date then text_field(method, options) when :datetime then text_field(method, options) when :integer then number_field(method, options) when :float then text_field(method, options) else case method.to_s when /password/ then password_field(method, options) # FIXME: Possibly use time_zone_select with dropdown? when /time_zone/ then time_zone_select(method, options.delete(:priority_zones), options, {class: "custom-select form-control"}) # FIXME: Possibly use country_select with dropdown? when /country/ then country_select(method, options, class: "custom-select form-control") when /email/ then email_field(method, options) when /phone/ then phone_input(method, options) when /url/ then url_field(method, options) else text_field(method, options) end end end def merge_input_options(options, user_options) return options if user_options.nil? # TODO: handle class merging here options.merge(user_options) end def flatten_hash(hash) hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| if v.is_a? Hash flatten_hash(v).map do |h_k, h_v| h[:"#{k}_#{h_k}"] = h_v end else h[k] = v end end end end end end