#include "tomato.h" static VALUE ruby_array_from(V8Tomato *tomato, Handle result); static VALUE ruby_numeric_from(const Handle &number); static VALUE ruby_date_from(const Handle &date); static VALUE ruby_string_from(const Handle &value); static VALUE ruby_symbol_from(const Handle &value); static VALUE ruby_unwrapped_object_from(V8Tomato *tomato, const Handle &value); static VALUE ruby_object_from(V8Tomato *tomato, Handle result); static VALUE ruby_hash_from(V8Tomato *tomato, const Handle &object); VALUE ruby_value_of(V8Tomato *tomato, Handle result) { if (result->IsUndefined()) { return ID2SYM(rb_intern("undefined")); } if (result->IsNull()) { return Qnil; } if (result->IsBoolean()) { if (result->IsTrue()) { return Qtrue; } else if (result->IsFalse()) { return Qfalse; } } if (result->IsString()) { return ruby_string_from(result); } if (result->IsFunction()) { return ruby_string_from(result); } if (result->IsArray()) { Handle array = Handle::Cast(result); return ruby_array_from(tomato, array); } if (result->IsNumber()) { return ruby_numeric_from(result); } if (result->IsDate()) { return ruby_date_from(result); } /* TODO: RegExp support: To patch or not to patch? */ if (result->IsObject()) { return ruby_object_from(tomato, result); } return Qnil; } /* First checks for any special cases set up internally (i.e. Hash). If all else fails, returns the JSON for this object. */ static VALUE ruby_object_from(V8Tomato *tomato, Handle result) { if (result->IsObject()) { Handle object = Handle::Cast(result); if (object->Get(String::New("_tomato_hash"))->IsTrue()) return ruby_hash_from(tomato, object); if (object->Get(String::New("_tomato_symbol"))->IsTrue()) return ruby_symbol_from(object); if (object->Get(String::New("_tomato_ruby_wrapper"))->IsTrue()) return ruby_unwrapped_object_from(tomato, object); } /* Call Javascript's JSON.stringify(object) method. If that can't be done for any reason, return nil. */ Handle json = tomato->context->Global()->Get(String::New("JSON")); if (json->IsObject()) { Handle stringify = Handle::Cast(json)->Get(String::New("stringify")); if (stringify->IsFunction()) { String::Utf8Value str(Handle::Cast(stringify)->Call( Handle::Cast(json), 1, &result )); /* TODO translate the result to Ruby! */ return rb_str_new2(ToCString(str)); } } return ID2SYM(rb_intern("unknown")); } static VALUE ruby_hash_from(V8Tomato *tomato, const Handle &object) { VALUE hash = rb_hash_new(); Handle keys = Handle::Cast(object->Get(String::New("_tomato_hash_keys"))); Handle values = Handle::Cast(object->Get(String::New("_tomato_hash_values"))); int length = keys->Length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { rb_hash_aset(hash, ruby_value_of(tomato, keys->Get(i)), ruby_value_of(tomato, values->Get(i))); } return hash; } static VALUE ruby_symbol_from(const Handle &value) { String::Utf8Value symbol_value(value->Get(String::New("symbol"))); return ID2SYM(rb_intern(ToCString(symbol_value))); } static VALUE ruby_string_from(const Handle &value) { String::Utf8Value string_value(value); return rb_str_new2(ToCString(string_value)); } static VALUE ruby_date_from(const Handle &value) { const Handle date = Handle::Cast(value); return rb_funcall(rb_cTime, rb_intern("at"), 1, DBL2NUM(date->NumberValue() / 1000.0)); } static VALUE ruby_array_from(V8Tomato *tomato, Handle array) { unsigned int length = array->Length(); VALUE rbarr = rb_ary_new2(length); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) rb_ary_push(rbarr, ruby_value_of(tomato, array->Get(Integer::New(i)))); return rbarr; } static VALUE ruby_numeric_from(const Handle &number) { if (number->IsInt32()) { return INT2FIX(number->Int32Value()); } if (number->IsUint32()) { return INT2FIX(number->Uint32Value()); } /* TODO FIXME: There's no way to know if we're facing a Uint64. It works as a Float but user may not expect a Float... */ //if (number->IsInt64()) { return INT2NUM(number->IntegerValue()); } return DBL2NUM(number->NumberValue()); } static VALUE ruby_unwrapped_object_from(V8Tomato *tomato, const Handle &value) { VALUE receivers = rb_funcall2(tomato->rb_instance, rb_intern("receivers"), 0, 0); int len = RARRAY_LEN(receivers); int index = value->Get(String::New("_tomato_receiver_index"))->Int32Value(); if (len <= index) return Qnil; return *(RARRAY_PTR(receivers)+index); } Handle inspect_js(V8Tomato *tomato, Handle obj) { /* Call Javascript's JSON.stringify(object) method. If that can't be done for any reason, return an error. */ Handle json = tomato->context->Global()->Get(String::New("JSON")); if (json->IsObject()) { Handle stringify = Handle::Cast(json)->Get(String::New("stringify")); if (stringify->IsFunction()) { String::Utf8Value str(Handle::Cast(stringify)->Call( Handle::Cast(json), 1, &obj )); return String::New(ToCString(str)); } } return ThrowException(String::New("Could not JSONify the object")); }