! The following Location and Design Day data are produced as possible from the indicated data source.
 ! Wind Speeds follow the indicated design conditions rather than traditional values (6.7 m/s heating, 3.35 m/s cooling)
 ! No special attempts at re-creating or determining missing data parts (e.g. Wind speed or direction)
 ! are done.  Therefore, you should look at the data and fill in any incorrect values as you desire.
  Prince George_BC_CAN Design_Conditions,     !- Location Name
      53.88,     !- Latitude {N+ S-}
    -122.68,     !- Longitude {W- E+}
      -8.00,     !- Time Zone Relative to GMT {GMT+/-}
     691.00;     !- Elevation {m}
 !  WMO=718960 Time Zone=NAP: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana
 !  Data Source=ASHRAE 2009 Annual Design Conditions
   2nd Sunday in March,    !- StartDate
   2nd Sunday in November;    !- EndDate
 ! Using Design Conditions from "Climate Design Data 2009 ASHRAE Handbook"
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Extreme Annual Wind Speeds, 1%=9.4m/s, 2.5%=8.2m/s, 5%=7.2m/s
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Extreme Annual Temperatures, Max Drybulb=-34.4�C Min Drybulb=31.1�C
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Heating Design Conditions Wind Speed=0.7m/s Wind Dir=0
 ! Coldest Month=JAN
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Heating 99.6%, MaxDB=-31�C
  Prince George Ann Htg 99.6% Condns DB,     !- Name
          1,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
        -31,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
        -31,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        0.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
  ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
       0.00;      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Heating 99%, MaxDB=-26.2�C
  Prince George Ann Htg 99% Condns DB,     !- Name
          1,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
      -26.2,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
      -26.2,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        0.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
  ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
       0.00;      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Humidification 99.6% Design Conditions DP=>MCDB, DP=-35.7�C
  Prince George Ann Hum_n 99.6% Condns DP=>MCDB,     !- Name
          1,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
      -30.9,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Dewpoint,     !- Humidity Condition Type
      -35.7,      !- Dewpoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        0.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
  ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
       0.00;      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Humidification 99% Design Conditions DP=>MCDB, DP=-31�C
  Prince George Ann Hum_n 99% Condns DP=>MCDB,     !- Name
          1,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
      -25.9,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Dewpoint,     !- Humidity Condition Type
        -31,      !- Dewpoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        0.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
  ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
       0.00;      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Heating Wind 99.6% Design Conditions WS=>MCDB, WS=10.7m/s
  Prince George Ann Htg Wind 99.6% Condns WS=>MCDB,     !- Name
          1,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
          2,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
          2,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
       10.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
  ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
       0.00;      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Heating Wind 99% Design Conditions WS=>MCDB, WS=9.8m/s
  Prince George Ann Htg Wind 99% Condns WS=>MCDB,     !- Name
          1,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
        1.4,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
        1.4,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        9.8,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
  ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
           ,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
       0.00;      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
 ! Prince George Annual Cooling Design Conditions Wind Speed=2.7m/s Wind Dir=0
 ! Hottest Month=JUL
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (DB=>MWB) .4%, MaxDB=27.7�C MWB=16.2�C
  Prince George Ann Clg .4% Condns DB=>MWB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       27.7,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
       16.2,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (DB=>MWB) 1%, MaxDB=25.6�C MWB=15.3�C
  Prince George Ann Clg 1% Condns DB=>MWB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       25.6,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
       15.3,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (DB=>MWB) 2%, MaxDB=23.7�C MWB=14.4�C
  Prince George Ann Clg 2% Condns DB=>MWB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       23.7,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
       14.4,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (WB=>MDB) .4%, MDB=25.6�C WB=17.1�C
  Prince George Ann Clg .4% Condns WB=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       25.6,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
       17.1,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (WB=>MDB) 1%, MDB=23.9�C WB=16�C
  Prince George Ann Clg 1% Condns WB=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       23.9,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
         16,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (WB=>MDB) 2%, MDB=22.2�C WB=15.1�C
  Prince George Ann Clg 2% Condns WB=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       22.2,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Wetbulb,      !- Humidity Condition Type
       15.1,      !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (DP=>MDB) .4%, MDB=18.9�C DP=13.9�C HR=0.0108
  Prince George Ann Clg .4% Condns DP=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       18.9,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Dewpoint,     !- Humidity Condition Type
       13.9,      !- Dewpoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (DP=>MDB) 1%, MDB=17.8�C DP=13�C HR=0.0101
  Prince George Ann Clg 1% Condns DP=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       17.8,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Dewpoint,     !- Humidity Condition Type
         13,      !- Dewpoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (DP=>MDB) 2%, MDB=17.2�C DP=12�C HR=0.0095
  Prince George Ann Clg 2% Condns DP=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       17.2,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
    Dewpoint,     !- Humidity Condition Type
         12,      !- Dewpoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
           ,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (Enthalpy=>MDB) .4%, MDB=25.6�C Enthalpy=50400.0J/kg
  Prince George Ann Clg .4% Condns Enth=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       25.6,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
   Enthalpy,      !- Humidity Condition Type
           ,      !- Wetbulb or Dewpoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
    50400.0,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (Enthalpy=>MDB) 1%, MDB=24�C Enthalpy=47200.0J/kg
  Prince George Ann Clg 1% Condns Enth=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
         24,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
   Enthalpy,      !- Humidity Condition Type
           ,      !- Wetbulb or Dewpoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
    47200.0,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
 ! Prince George_BC_CAN Annual Cooling (Enthalpy=>MDB) 2%, MDB=22.3�C Enthalpy=44400.0J/kg
  Prince George Ann Clg 2% Condns Enth=>MDB,     !- Name
          7,      !- Month
         21,      !- Day of Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
       22.3,      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
       12.3,      !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
 DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
           ,      !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
   Enthalpy,      !- Humidity Condition Type
           ,      !- Wetbulb or Dewpoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb
           ,      !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
    44400.0,      !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
           ,      !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
     93295.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.7,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
          0,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
         No,      !- Rain {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
         No,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
       ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
           ,      !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
           ,      !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
      0.342,      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
       2.47;      !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)