#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'rainbow' require 'optparse' AUGER_DIR = File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) AUGER_LIB = File.join(AUGER_DIR, 'lib') AUGER_CFG = (ENV['AUGER_CFG'] || File.join(AUGER_DIR, 'cfg')).split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) ## relative path to libs (in case not installed as a gem) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(AUGER_LIB) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(AUGER_LIB) require 'auger' ## set opts options = {} optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: aug [-h|--help] [-l|--list] [-v|--version] cfg" if ARGV[0] == nil puts opts.banner.color(:yellow) exit end opts.on('-l', '--list', 'List available configs and exit.') do list = AUGER_CFG.map do |dir| Dir["#{dir}/*.rb"].map{ |file| File.basename(file).sub(/\.rb$/, '') } end puts list.flatten.sort exit end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Display help') do puts opts exit end opts.on('-s', '--server REGEX', 'Limit to server names matching regex.') do |s| options[:server] = s end opts.on('-v', '--version', 'Display version and exit.') do puts Auger::VERSION.color(:green) exit end end optparse.parse! ## cfg file can be e.g. 'imagine' or relative path cfg = if File.exists?(ARGV[0]) ARGV[0] elsif path = AUGER_CFG.find { |path| File.exists?("#{path}/#{ARGV[0]}.rb") } [path, "#{ARGV[0]}.rb"].join(File::SEPARATOR) else raise ArgumentError, "config #{ARGV[0]} not found" end ## pretty-print Result object module Auger class Result def format output = case self.outcome when TrueClass then "\u2713" when MatchData then outcome.captures.empty? ? "\u2713" : outcome.captures.join(' ') when FalseClass then "\u2717" when NilClass then "nil" when Exception then "#{outcome.class}: #{outcome.to_s}" else outcome.to_s end color = case self.status when FalseClass, NilClass then :red when Exception then :magenta else :green end return output.color(color) end end end Auger::Config.load(cfg).projects.each do |project| threads = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] } ## run tests project.connections.each do |connection| servers = project.servers(connection.roles) servers.select! { |server| server.name.match(options[:server]) } if options[:server] servers.map do |server| threads[server.name] << Thread.new do conn = connection.do_open(server) connection.requests.map do |request| response = request.do_run(conn) request.tests.map do |test| test.run(response) end end end end end ## width of test name column max_test_length = project.connections.map{|c| c.requests.map{|r| r.tests.map{|t| t.name.length}}}.flatten.max ## print results threads.keys.each do |server| puts "[#{server.color(:cyan)}]" threads[server].each do |thread| results = thread.value # this waits on thread results.flatten.each do |result| puts " %+#{max_test_length}s %-30s" % [result.test.name, result.format] end end end end