# CHANGELOG ## [0.1.17] - 2019-11-25 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A..2-H from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `AdverbMaybe` to represent the relative pronoun `who`. ### Changed - Folder structure under `lib` and `spec`. - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 2-H (207 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: new production rules added (especially for linking/copular verbs). - File `dictionary.rb`: new entries in lexicon `below`, `live`, `maybe`. - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table ## [0.1.16] - 2019-11-23 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A..2-G from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Changed - `ZenlishGrammar`: Vast grammar reworking. - File `dictionary.rb`: `there` in lexicon has `ExistentialThere` as word class. - File `dictionary.rb`: new entries for `body`, `one` (as indefinite pronoun), `two` (as indefinite pronoun) - Class `ZParser`: Added method `to_pforest` to generate a parse forest, `to_ptree` is an alias of `parse` ## [0.1.15] - 2019-11-02 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A..2-G from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `RelativePronoun` to represent the relative pronoun `who`. ### Changed - Folder structure under `lib` and `spec`. - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 2-E (136 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: new production rules added. - File `dictionary.rb`: new entries in lexicon `moment`, `much`, `someone`, `when`, `who`. - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table ## [0.1.14] - 2019-11-01 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A..2-F from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `IrregularVerbKnow` to represent the verb `know`. - Class `IrregularVerbThink` to represent the verb `think`. - Class `PersonalPronoun` to represent the pronouns `I`, `you`. ### Changed - Folder structure under `lib` and `spec`. - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 2-E (184 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: new production rules for multiple sentence parsing, personal pronouns and dependent clauses without conjunctions. - File `dictionary.rb`: new entries in lexicon `I`, `me`, `you`, `here`, `now`. - File `README.md` Reshuffled sections, added one code snippet, updated the metrics table ## [0.1.13] - 2019-10-28 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A..2-E from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `IndefiniteArticle` to represent the article `a (an)`. ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 2-E (118 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: added production rules for adverbial and prepositional phrases put in front position. - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `a`, `at`, `before`, `long`, `short`, `move` - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table ## [0.1.12] - 2019-10-26 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A..2-D from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ## [0.1.11] - 2019-10-24 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A..2-C from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `ModalVerbCan` to represent the modal verb `can`. - Class `RegularVerbWant` to represent the lexical verb `want`. ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 2-D (105 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: generalized one `negative_sentence` production rule. - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `bad`, `feel`, `for`, `good`. - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table ## [0.1.10] - 2019-10-23 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A..2-B from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `ConjunctivePronoun` to represent the conjunctive `what`. - Class `IrregularVerbDo` to represent the lexical verb `do`. ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 2-B (87 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: added support for complex sentence with one dependent clause like: "Something happens to Lisa because Tony does this.". - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `because`, `do`, `happen`,`with`. - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table ## [0.1.09] - 2019-10-22 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lesson 1 and 2-A from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `ConjunctivePronoun` to represent the conjunctive `what`. - Class `IrregularVerbHave` to represent the lexical verb `have`. - File `.appveyor.yml` ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 2-A (77 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: added support for sentence like: "This thing is like two of the other things.". - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `have`, `like`, `part`. - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table, added AppVeyor badge ## [0.1.07] - 2019-10-21 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lessons 1-A ... 1-H from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `ConjunctivePronoun` to represent the conjunctive `what`. - Class `IrregularVerbSay` to represent the verb `say`. ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 1-H (70 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: added support for quoted text. - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `about`, `false`, `hear`, `say`, `to`, `true`, `what`, `word`. - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table. ## [0.1.06] - 2019-10-20 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lessons 1-A ... 1-G from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 1-G (59 sentences in total). - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `above`, `in`, `on`, `place`, `side`. - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table. ## [0.1.05] - 2019-10-19 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lessons 1-A ... 1-F from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `Conjunction` to represent conjunctions. - Class `LinkingAdverb` to represent adverbs like `then`. - Class `PrepositionOf` to represent the preposition `of`. - Class `RegularVerb` to represent lexical verbs that have a regular conjugation like `touch`. - Class `SubordinatingConjunction` to represent subordinating conjunctions like `if`. ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 1-F (48 sentences in total). - `ZenlishGrammar`: rule refactoring and enhancements (i.e. conditional_statement, verb_grouping). - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `another`, `be` (as auxiliary verb), `far`, `from`, `if`, `kind`, `near to`, `of`, `then`, `touch`. - File `README.md` Updated the metrics table. Added badges for Travis CI and license. ### Fixed - File `LICENSE.txt` Missing name. ## [0.1.04] - 2019-10-15 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lessons 1-A ... 1-E from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `DegreeAdverb` to represent degree adverb like `very`. - Class `DemonstrativePronoun` to represent the adverb `there` (for `there is`, `there are`). ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 1-E (37 sentences). - `ZenlishGrammar`: new rules (i.e. negative_sentence, ...). - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `alive`, `big`, `living`, `small`, `this one` and `very`. - File `README.md` Added a table with a couple of metrics. ## [0.1.03] - 2019-10-13 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lessons 1-A ... 1-D from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `AdverbNot` to represent adverb `not` (for negative sentences). - Class `AdverbThere` to represent the adverb `there` (for `there is`, `there are`). - Class `AuxiliaryDo` to represent the auxiliary `do` verb. - Class `IrregularVerbBe` to represent the verb `be` when used as a lexical verb. - Class `PrepositionThan` to use with comparative clauses. ### Changed - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 1-D. - `ZenlishGrammar`: new rules (i.e. negative_sentence, ...). ## [0.1.02] - 2019-10-11 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lessons 1-A, 1-B, 1-C from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `Adverb` to represent adverb word class. - Class `Preposition` to represent the preposition word class. - Class `IndefiniteQuantifier` to represent the indefinite quantifier word class (e.g. `many`). - File `empty_lexion_factory.rb`: added the `Adverb`, `Preposition` and `IndefiniteQuantifier` as word classes in lexicon. - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `is` (from verb `be`), `inside`, `many`, `not`. - File `zenlish.gemspec`: now contains `.travis.yml` and `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md. ### Changed - File `README.md` minor editorial changes. - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 1-C. - `ZenlishGrammar`: new rules (i.e. adverb_phrase, preposition_phrase). ## [0.1.01] - 2019-10-10 __Zenlish__ can parse all sentences in lessons 1-A, 1-B from [Learn These Words First](http://learnthesewordsfirst.com/). ### Added - Class `Numeral` to represent the abstract word class for cardinal and ordinal numbers. - Class `Cardinal` to represent the word class of cardinal numbers. - Class `ComparativeArticle` to represent the word class of the `as` in `same as`. - File `empty_lexion_factory.rb`: added the `Cardinal` and `ComparativeArticle` as word classes in lexicon. - File `minimal_lexicon.rb`: new entries in lexicon `as` (from same ... as expression), `one`, `two`, `person` , `people.` ### Changed - File `README.md` added Rubygems badge. - File `zparser_spec.rb`: tests include all sentences from lesson 1-B. - `ZenlishGrammar`: grammar refactoring and extension. ### Fixed - File `zenlish.gemspec`: fixed typo in a Github hyperlink. ## [0.1.0] - 2019-10-06 Initial project commit in Github and first gem version released.