require 'find' require 'fileutils' require 'bagit' # module LyberUtils class BagitBag attr_reader :bag_dir def initialize(bag_dir) @bag_dir = bag_dir create_bag end def create_bag() if (File.exist?(@bag_dir)) FileUtils.rm_r(@bag_dir) end @bag = @bag_dir end def add_content_files(source_dir, use_links) data_content_dir = File.join(@bag_dir, 'data', 'content') copy_dir(source_dir, data_content_dir, use_links) end def copy_dir(source_dir, target_dir, use_links) FileUtils.mkdir_p(target_dir) Dir.foreach(source_dir) do |file| unless (file == '.' or file == '..') source_file = File.join(source_dir, file) target_file = File.join(target_dir, file) if copy_dir(source_file, target_file, use_links) elsif (use_links) FileUtils.ln(source_file, target_file, :force => true) else FileUtils.cp(source_file, target_file) end end end end def add_metadata_file_from_string(metadata_string, file_name) if (not metadata_string.nil?) data_file_path = "metadata/#{file_name}" @bag.add_file(data_file_path) do |io| io.puts metadata_string end end end def write_metadata_info(md_hash) # make sure none of the md_hash values are nil md_hash.each do |key, value| raise "The bag-info.txt value for #{key} is not allowed to be nil" if value.nil? end payload = bag_payload() bag_info_hash = { 'Bag-Size' => bag_size_human(payload[0]), 'Payload-Oxum' => "#{payload[0]}.#{payload[1]}", 'Bagging-Date' =>[0..9] } @bag.write_bag_info(md_hash.merge(bag_info_hash)) end def bag_payload() bytes = 0 files = 0 Find.find(@bag.data_dir) do |filepath| if (not bytes += File.size(filepath) files += 1 end end return [bytes, files] end def bag_size_human(bytes) count = 0 size = bytes while (size >= 1000 and count < 4) size /= 1000.0 count += 1 end if (count == 0) return sprintf("%d B", size) else return sprintf("%.2f %s", size, %w[B KB MB GB TB][count]) end end def write_manifests() @bag.manifest! @bag.tagmanifest! end def validate() if not @bag.valid? raise "bag not valid: #{@bag_dir}" end end end end