module SimpleAssertions module AssertErrorsOn # Assert errors on given parameters. # It calls #valid? on +object+ unless called with a block. # # == Example # # assert_errors_on record, :email # assert_errors_on record, :email => 2 # assert_errors_on record, :email => "can't be blank" # assert_errors_on record, :email => :"errors.messages.blank" # assert_errors_on record, :email => :"" # assert_errors_on record, :email => /blank/ # assert_errors_on record, :email => ["can't be blank", "is invalid"] # assert_errors_on record, :email, :plz => 2 # assert_errors_on record, [:username, :email] => "can't be blank" # # assert_errors_on record, :email => 1 do # assert ! # end # # Based on def assert_errors_on(object, *attributes_or_hash) if block_given? yield else assert !object.valid?, "#{object.inspect} should be invalid." end hash = attributes_or_hash.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attributes_or_hash.pop : {} attributes_or_hash.each { |field| hash[field] ||= 1 } hash.each do |fields, pattern| Array(fields).each do |field| errors = Array(object.errors[field]) case pattern when Integer assert_equal pattern, errors.size, "#{pattern} error(s) expected for #{object.class}.#{field} but got #{errors.inspect}." when Regexp assert errors.any? && errors.all? { |message| pattern.match(message) }, "expected to match #{pattern} for #{object.class}.#{field} but got #{errors.inspect}." when String assert_equal [pattern], errors, "#{pattern.inspect} expected for #{object.class}.#{field} but got #{errors.inspect}." when Symbol translation = I18n.t(pattern) assert_equal [translation], errors, "#{pattern.inspect}(#{translation}) expected for #{object.class}.#{field} but got #{errors.inspect}." when Array assert_equal pattern.sort, errors.sort, "#{pattern.inspect} expected for #{object.class}.#{field} but got #{errors.inspect}." else flunk "unknown matcher type #{pattern.class}: #{pattern.inspect}" end end end end end end