module Statsample # Multiset joins multiple dataset with the same fields and vectors # but with different number of cases. # This is the base class for stratified and cluster sampling estimation class Multiset attr_reader :fields, :datasets # To create a multiset # *{f1 f2 f3}) # define only fields def initialize(fields) @fields=fields @datasets={} end def self.new_empty_vectors(fields,ds_names) ds_names.each{|d| ms.add_dataset(d, } ms end def datasets_names @datasets.keys.sort end def n_datasets @datasets.size end def add_dataset(key,ds) if(ds.fields!=@fields) raise ArgumentError, "Dataset(#{ds.fields.to_s})must have the same fields of the Multiset(#{@fields})" else @datasets[key]=ds end end def sum_field(field) @datasets.inject(0) {|a,da| stratum_name=da[0] vector=da[1][field] val=yield stratum_name,vector a+val } end def collect_vector(field) @datasets.collect {|k,v| yield k, v[field] } end def[](i) @datasets[i] end end class StratifiedSample class << self # mean for an array of vectors def mean(*vectors) n_total=0 means=vectors.inject(0){|a,v| n_total+=v.size a+v.sum } means.to_f/n_total end def standard_error_ksd_wr(es) n_total=0 sum=es.inject(0){|a,h| n_total+=h['N'] a+((h['N']**2 * h['s']**2) / h['n'].to_f) } (1.to_f / n_total)*Math::sqrt(sum) end def variance_ksd_wr(es) standard_error_ksd_wr(es)**2 end # Source : Cochran (1972) def variance_ksd_wor(es) n_total=es.inject(0) {|a,h| a+h['N'] } es.inject(0){|a,h| val=((h['N'].to_f / n_total)**2) * (h['s']**2 / h['n'].to_f) * (1 - (h['n'].to_f / h['N'])) a+val } end def standard_error_ksd_wor(es) Math::sqrt(variance_ksd_wor(es)) end def variance_esd_wor(es) n_total=es.inject(0) {|a,h| a+h['N'] } sum=es.inject(0){|a,h| val=h['N']*(h['N']-h['n'])*(h['s']**2 / h['n'].to_f) a+val } (1.0/(n_total**2))*sum end def standard_error_esd_wor(es) Math::sqrt(variance_ksd_wor(es)) end # Based on def variance_esd_wr(es) n_total=es.inject(0) {|a,h| a+h['N'] } sum=es.inject(0){|a,h| val= ((h['s']**2 * h['N']**2) / h['n'].to_f) a+val } (1.0/(n_total**2))*sum end def standard_error_esd_wr(es) Math::sqrt(variance_esd_wr(es)) end def proportion_variance_ksd_wor(es) n_total=es.inject(0) {|a,h| a+h['N'] } es.inject(0){|a,h| val= (((h['N'].to_f / n_total)**2 * h['p']*(1-h['p'])) / (h['n'])) * (1- (h['n'].to_f / h['N'])) a+val } end def proportion_sd_ksd_wor(es) Math::sqrt(proportion_variance_ksd_wor(es)) end def proportion_sd_ksd_wr(es) n_total=es.inject(0) {|a,h| a+h['N'] } sum=es.inject(0){|a,h| val= (h['N']**2 * h['p']*(1-h['p'])) / h['n'].to_f a+val } Math::sqrt(sum) * (1.0/n_total) end def proportion_variance_ksd_wr(es) proportion_variance_ksd_wor(es)**2 end def proportion_variance_esd_wor(es) n_total=es.inject(0) {|a,h| a+h['N'] } sum=es.inject(0){|a,h| a=(h['N']**2 * (h['N']-h['n']) * h['p']*(1.0-h['p'])) / ((h['n']-1)*(h['N']-1)) a+val } Math::sqrt(sum) * (1.0/n_total**2) end def proportion_sd_esd_wor(es) Math::sqrt(proportion_variance_ksd_wor(es)) end end def initialize(ms,strata_sizes) raise TypeError,"ms should be a Multiset" unless ms.is_a? Statsample::Multiset @ms=ms raise ArgumentError,"You should put a strata size for each dataset" if strata_sizes.keys.sort!=ms.datasets_names @strata_sizes=strata_sizes @population_size=@strata_sizes.inject(0) {|a,x| a+x[1]} @strata_number=@ms.n_datasets @sample_size=@ms.datasets.inject(0) {|a,x| a+x[1].cases} end # Number of strata def strata_number @strata_number end # Population size. Equal to sum of strata sizes # Symbol: Nh def population_size @population_size end # Sample size. Equal to sum of sample of each stratum def sample_size @sample_size end # Size of stratum x def stratum_size(h) @strata_sizes[h] end def vectors_by_field(field) @ms.datasets.collect{|k,ds| ds[field] } end # Population proportion based on strata def proportion(field, v=1) @ms.sum_field(field) {|s_name,vector| stratum_ponderation(s_name)*vector.proportion(v) } end # Stratum ponderation. # Symbol: W\h\ def stratum_ponderation(h) @strata_sizes[h].to_f / @population_size end alias_method :wh, :stratum_ponderation # Population mean based on strata def mean(field) @ms.sum_field(field) {|s_name,vector| stratum_ponderation(s_name)*vector.mean } end # Standard error with estimated population variance and without replacement. # Source: Cochran (1972) def standard_error_wor(field) es=@ms.collect_vector(field) {|s_n, vector| {'N'=>@strata_sizes[s_n],'n'=>vector.size, 's'=>vector.sds} } StratifiedSample.standard_error_esd_wor(es) end # Standard error with estimated population variance and without replacement. # Source: def standard_error_wor_2(field) sum=@ms.sum_field(field) {|s_name,vector| s_size=@strata_sizes[s_name] (s_size**2 * (1-(vector.size.to_f / s_size)) * vector.variance_sample / vector.size.to_f) } (1/@population_size.to_f)*Math::sqrt(sum) end def standard_error_wr(field) es=@ms.collect_vector(field) {|s_n, vector| {'N'=>@strata_sizes[s_n],'n'=>vector.size, 's'=>vector.sds} } StratifiedSample.standard_error_esd_wr(es) end def proportion_sd_esd_wor(field,v=1) es=@ms.collect_vector(field) {|s_n, vector| {'N'=>@strata_sizes[s_n],'n'=>vector.size, 'p'=>vector.proportion(v)} } StratifiedSample.proportion_sd_esd_wor(es) end def proportion_standard_error(field,v=1) prop=proportion(field,v) sum=@ms.sum_field(field) {|s_name,vector| nh=vector.size s_size=@strata_sizes[s_name] (s_size**2 * (1-(nh/s_size)) * prop * (1-prop) / (nh -1 )) } (1/@population_size.to_f) * Math::sqrt(sum) end # Cochran(1971), p. 150 def variance_pst(field,v=1) sum=@ms.datasets.inject(0) {|a,da| stratum_name=da[0] ds=da[1] nh=ds.cases.to_f s_size=@strata_sizes[stratum_name] prop=ds[field].proportion(v) a + (((s_size**2 * (s_size-nh)) / (s_size-1))*(prop*(1-prop) / (nh-1))) } (1/@population_size.to_f ** 2)*sum end end end