# Tutter - Plugin based Github robot [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jhaals/tutter.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/JHaals/tutter) Tutter is a web app that trigger actions based on Github events(push, pull_reqeust, release, issue, ...) # Features * Pluggable with custom actions * Supports multiple projects # Installation gem install tutter put a configuration file in `/etc/tutter.yaml` an example can be found under `conf/tutter.yaml` Let's install the `thanks` action that thank anyone that creates an issue in your project. ### tutter.yaml settings * `name` - username/projectname * `access_token` - github access token (can be generated [here](https://github.com/settings/applications)) * `github_site` - github website * `github_api_enpoint` - github api endpint * `action` - action you wish to use for the project * `action_settings` - whatever settings your action require ### Create the Github webhook Hooks can be configured just to send the event that you're interested in. The important part is that `Payload URL` points to the webserver running tutter https://github.com/ORG/PROJECT/settings/hooks/new Example of how the `thanks` demo-action look like. Tutter listen for issue events and posts back with a greeting. ![img](http://f.cl.ly/items/1k111I3H1N0L3008301c/tutter.png) ## Build custom action See [thanks action](https://github.com/jhaals/tutter/blob/master/lib/tutter/action/thanks.rb) #####Required methods and their arguments `initialize` settings - contains a hash of action specific settings client - Used to access the github api, all authentication is already done by tutter project - Project name, eg jhaals/tutter event - Event type data - POST data that github send when a hook is triggered `run` - Run action Tutter uses [octokit.rb](https://github.com/octokit/octokit.rb) to communicate with the Github [API](http://developer.github.com/v3/) ### Features to implement * Support multiple actions per project * Authenticate as a Github application * Features your're missing (please contribute) * Tests!