require File.expand_path('../../watirspec_helper', __FILE__) describe OperaWatir::Actions do before :each do @actions = browser.actions end it 'is available on the browser object' do browser.should.respond_to? :actions actions = browser.actions [:key_down, :key_up, :send_keys, :click_and_hold, :release, :click, :double_click, :move_to_element, :move_by_offset, :context_click, :drag_and_drop, :perform].each do |method| actions.should.respond_to? method end end describe 'keyboard' do it 'types on element' do browser.url = fixture('input_fields_value.html') el = browser.text_field(:id => 'two') @actions.send_keys(el, 'abc def').perform() el.text.should == 'abc def' end it 'fires key events' do browser.url = fixture('keys.html') @actions.send_keys('a').perform() window.text.should include 'down, 65, A' window.text.should include 'press, 97, a' window.text.should include 'up, 65, A' end it 'fires key events for modifier keys' do browser.url = fixture('keys.html') @actions.key_down(:control).perform() window.text.should include 'down, 17, , ctrl' window.text.should_not include 'up, 17' browser.actions.key_up(:control).perform() window.text.should include 'up, 17' end it 'combines modifier keys' do browser.url = fixture('keys.html') @actions.key_down(:control).key_down(:shift).key_up(:control).key_up(:shift).perform() window.text.should include 'down, 16, , ctrl,shift' window.text.should include 'up, 17, , shift' end it 'types with shift pressed' do browser.url = fixture('input_fields_value.html') el = browser.text_field(:id => 'two') @actions.key_down(el, :shift).send_keys(el, 'ab').key_up(el, :shift).perform() el.text.should == 'AB' end it 'sends keys to active element' do browser.url = fixture('input_fields_value.html') el = browser.text_field(:id => 'two') @actions.send_keys('ab').perform() el.text.should == 'ab' end end describe 'mouse' do it 'can be used to drag and drop' do browser.url = fixture('draggableLists.html') dragReporter = browser.p(:id => 'dragging_reports') toDrag = => 'rightitem-3') dragInto = browser.ul(:id => 'sortable1') dragReporter.text.should == 'Nothing happened.' browser.actions.click_and_hold(toDrag).perform() browser.actions.move_to_element( => 'leftitem-4')).perform() browser.actions.move_to_element(dragInto).perform() dragReporter.text.should == 'Nothing happened. DragOut' browser.actions.release(dragInto).perform(); dragReporter.text.should == 'Nothing happened. DragOut DropIn RightItem 3' dragInto.lis.length.should == 6 end it 'drags and drops' do browser.url = fixture('draggableLists.html') dragReporter = browser.p(:id => 'dragging_reports') toDrag = => 'rightitem-3') dragInto = browser.ul(:id => 'sortable1') dragReporter.text.should == 'Nothing happened.' browser.actions.drag_and_drop(toDrag, dragInto).perform() dragReporter.text.should == 'Nothing happened. DragOut DropIn RightItem 3' dragInto.lis.length.should == 6 end it 'double clicks' do # Known to fail on Mac browser.url = fixture('mouse.html') el = browser.div(:id => 'test') @actions.double_click(el).perform() window.text.should include 'dblclick' end it 'move and double clicks' do # Known to fail on Mac browser.url = fixture('mouse.html') el = browser.div(:id => 'test') @actions.move_to_element(el).double_click().perform() window.text.should include 'dblclick' end it 'context clicks' do browser.url = fixture('mouse.html') el = browser.div(:id => 'test') @actions.context_click(el).perform() window.text.should include 'mouseup 2' browser.keys.send(:esc) end it 'move and clicks' do browser.url = fixture('mouse.html') el = browser.div(:id => 'test') @actions.move_to_element(el).click().perform() window.text.should include 'click 0' end # last known mouse position it 'can move to a nil element' do browser.url = fixture('mouse.html') lambda { }.should_not raise_error end it 'moves by an offset' do browser.url = fixture('mouse.html') @actions.move_to_element(browser.pre(:id => 'log')).move_by_offset(1, -30).click().perform() window.text.should include 'click 0' end end describe 'combined' do it 'uses form elements' do end it 'selects multiple items' do pending 'getLocation() for OPTION elements is a known bug in OperaDriver' browser.url = fixture('formSelectionPage.html') options = browser.options()[1]).key_down(:control).click(options[3]).click(options[4]).key_up(:control) @actions.perform() browser.button(:name => 'showselected').click() browser.div(:id => 'result').text.should == 'emmental parmigiano cheddar' end it 'clicks on links' do browser.url = fixture('grid.html') => 'A3')).perform() browser.url.should include '#A3' end it 'clicks on links with an offset' do browser.url = fixture('grid.html') @actions.move_to_element( => 'B2'), 1, 1).click().perform() browser.url.should include '#B2' end end end